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Author Topic: GP Appointment to discuss HRT/Ad's/Anxiety meds  (Read 3009 times)


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Re: GP Appointment to discuss HRT/Ad's/Anxiety meds
« Reply #15 on: April 17, 2023, 12:42:33 PM »

Hi Losingtheplot
I also had the very bad mornings, I'd wake with fear and dread with no apparent reason until my mind found something to attach it to. That sudden waking and dread / panic seemed to me linked to hot flushes / adrenaline surges and I must say, my hot flushes didn't go until I started the hrt. That said, despite the early side effects of citalopram., I did very soon (within days) get a feeling of calm wash over me from about lunchtime onwards. It's a bit of a conundrum as to what to start first, but if you think your anxiety in the morning has a hormonal origin, then you may be best to start with the hrt first and ask the GP for a beta blocker to take the edge off the mornings until it kicks in.
You have my sympathies though, I used to dread going to bed as I always felt better in the evening and knew that once I slept and woke up, I'd feel awful all over again. Will you update once you've been to the GP?


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Re: GP Appointment to discuss HRT/Ad's/Anxiety meds
« Reply #16 on: April 17, 2023, 01:21:46 PM »

Hi Losingtheplot
I also had the very bad mornings, I'd wake with fear and dread with no apparent reason until my mind found something to attach it to. That sudden waking and dread / panic seemed to me linked to hot flushes / adrenaline surges and I must say, my hot flushes didn't go until I started the hrt. That said, despite the early side effects of citalopram., I did very soon (within days) get a feeling of calm wash over me from about lunchtime onwards. It's a bit of a conundrum as to what to start first, but if you think your anxiety in the morning has a hormonal origin, then you may be best to start with the hrt first and ask the GP for a beta blocker to take the edge off the mornings until it kicks in.
You have my sympathies though, I used to dread going to bed as I always felt better in the evening and knew that once I slept and woke up, I'd feel awful all over again. Will you update once you've been to the GP?

Hi Penguin

Yes I am considering all sorts of options thank you and that must of been so awful for you and you are so right in that on an evening my mind starts to dread waking up to that horrendous feeling that takes over no matter how hard you try to fight it. I have been mulling over all the options and all the advice you lovely supportive ladies have given me and I think I will go into the GP appointment asking for HRT and beta blockers.  If after 3 months I feel no difference to my anxiety then I can explore other options - obv depends on GP input too.

Hopefully I will be closer to that meno specialist appointment too!

How are things with you now?  Of course I will update you hunni you are very kind to ask.

 I luckily don't suffer hot flashes as such but have had intermitant periods of heat coming up from my neck but few and far between and not for some time.
Was one or two occasions where I ended up totally soaked when I was out bowling with my son and then felt so uncomfortable.

I am really pleased you found something that eased the hot flushes for you.

I feel that the best option for


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Re: GP Appointment to discuss HRT/Ad's/Anxiety meds
« Reply #17 on: April 17, 2023, 02:03:01 PM »

In general my anxiety is a lot better but it still flares up if I have a health symptom that is unexplainable or which lasts longer than I think it should. Mornings are generally my better times now though. I will be posting soon about my latest health worry, which nobody is worried about apart from me, but I just need the time to sit down and word it properly and I can't do that until the kids to back to school tomorrow!
I think your idea or trying something for three months is a good one. I've seen lots of people on here say you need to give at least three months for hrt to stabilise. The GP I saw when we were in Australia last year also happened to be a menopause specialist and she said her approach is always to give hrt for three months, then add in an SSRI-type AD if that hadn't got the anxiety under control. The good thing about beta blockers though is that they work when you tale them, eg in bringing your heart rate down, and it sounds like you need something which is quick acting to get you through the short term. When is your appointment?


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Re: GP Appointment to discuss HRT/Ad's/Anxiety meds
« Reply #18 on: April 17, 2023, 02:11:50 PM »

In general my anxiety is a lot better but it still flares up if I have a health symptom that is unexplainable or which lasts longer than I think it should. Mornings are generally my better times now though. I will be posting soon about my latest health worry, which nobody is worried about apart from me, but I just need the time to sit down and word it properly and I can't do that until the kids to back to school tomorrow!
I think your idea or trying something for three months is a good one. I've seen lots of people on here say you need to give at least three months for hrt to stabilise. The GP I saw when we were in Australia last year also happened to be a menopause specialist and she said her approach is always to give hrt for three months, then add in an SSRI-type AD if that hadn't got the anxiety under control. The good thing about beta blockers though is that they work when you tale them, eg in bringing your heart rate down, and it sounds like you need something which is quick acting to get you through the short term. When is your appointment?

Ahh big hugs and please do share your worries with us all when you feel you are ready too as that must be a huge weight on your shoulders and to off load is a help to me so hopefully will be to you too.

My appointment is in 30 mins and i am feeling hopeful as to what I want to ask for once I explain my situation to the Gp.

Thanks again for all the advice to each and everyone one of you. You have really helped a fuzzy headed emotional woman and I am so so grateful


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Re: GP Appointment to discuss HRT/Ad's/Anxiety meds
« Reply #19 on: April 17, 2023, 03:39:39 PM »

In general my anxiety is a lot better but it still flares up if I have a health symptom that is unexplainable or which lasts longer than I think it should. Mornings are generally my better times now though. I will be posting soon about my latest health worry, which nobody is worried about apart from me, but I just need the time to sit down and word it properly and I can't do that until the kids to back to school tomorrow!
I think your idea or trying something for three months is a good one. I've seen lots of people on here say you need to give at least three months for hrt to stabilise. The GP I saw when we were in Australia last year also happened to be a menopause specialist and she said her approach is always to give hrt for three months, then add in an SSRI-type AD if that hadn't got the anxiety under control. The good thing about beta blockers though is that they work when you tale them, eg in bringing your heart rate down, and it sounds like you need something which is quick acting to get you through the short term. When is your appointment?

Update on GP appointment
Been prescribed oestrogen gel and Utrogestan for 3 months and an anxiety med too. Gp has referred me for a pelvic scan and to have bloods taken.

So fingers crossed this HRT suits me better and anxiety meds help.


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Re: GP Appointment to discuss HRT/Ad's/Anxiety meds
« Reply #20 on: April 17, 2023, 03:52:57 PM »

Thanks for letting us know. Hope it all helps with your symptoms. Do you feel better know the appointment is over? X


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Re: GP Appointment to discuss HRT/Ad's/Anxiety meds
« Reply #21 on: April 17, 2023, 03:53:55 PM »

I absolutely empathise as am struggling with the most awful anxiety/panic like attacks/ fast heart rate etc it used to be just at night and early morning but it has been all day today.  Am sticking rigidly to my dose of Estradot patches now but its getting worse not better so I really understand where you are at.  Just when you think you have levelled off it all goes to pot again :(   It really scares me at night and has just made me feel so ill today with a cracking headache on top but I know I have to stick this out to hopefully get to the other side.  I don't have any advice really I just wanted to say I am so sorry you are suffering too and I do hope your GP appointment will give some help.  I would be very interested in knowing what anxiety med was available to take on a when you need it basis as I don't want to be on permanent anti depressant therapy as they really don't suit me unfortunately. Sending hugs x


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Re: GP Appointment to discuss HRT/Ad's/Anxiety meds
« Reply #22 on: April 17, 2023, 04:00:36 PM »

Hello Losingtheplot

Thank you so much for updating the forum. It is so frustrating to follow someone's story but not know how things progressed.

I am glad that you found your GP appointment helpful and I hope the regime works well for you. Can I ask what anti anxiety meds you were prescribed? I am sure other ladies will be interested as well, especially as anxiety is such a common symptom of the meno.

Wishing you well and take care.




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Re: GP Appointment to discuss HRT/Ad's/Anxiety meds
« Reply #23 on: April 17, 2023, 04:03:40 PM »

Glad you had a positive result from your doctors appt. You must be relieved to be taken seriously.

And by you writing the original post is helping others too, as you can see from the responses.

So many of us are struggling. Seeing a 'result' to a members post really helps, some of us can maybe see a different way forward to help symptoms.

Wishing you well


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Re: GP Appointment to discuss HRT/Ad's/Anxiety meds
« Reply #24 on: April 17, 2023, 04:54:30 PM »

Oh I'm so glad your GP was helpful, it makes such a difference.  I have a helpful GP too.. Did he advise you to start on a low dose of the estrogel? I started on just one pump as he said it would make any side effects less,  although I know a lot of people start on two and are fine. I hope the combination works well for you amd you feel better soon x


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Re: GP Appointment to discuss HRT/Ad's/Anxiety meds
« Reply #25 on: April 17, 2023, 05:56:07 PM »

Thanks for letting us know. Hope it all helps with your symptoms. Do you feel better know the appointment is over? X

Hi DottyD68

Thank u hunni

I do, totally feel like a weight has been lifted as I was so anxious about the appointment and actually feel calmer knowing I have something else to try and my anxiety meds on stand by should I suffer a bad attack again.


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Re: GP Appointment to discuss HRT/Ad's/Anxiety meds
« Reply #26 on: April 17, 2023, 06:06:01 PM »

Glad you are feeling calmer and happier. Look after yourself X


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Re: GP Appointment to discuss HRT/Ad's/Anxiety meds
« Reply #27 on: April 17, 2023, 06:22:32 PM »

I absolutely empathise as am struggling with the most awful anxiety/panic like attacks/ fast heart rate etc it used to be just at night and early morning but it has been all day today.  Am sticking rigidly to my dose of Estradot patches now but its getting worse not better so I really understand where you are at.  Just when you think you have levelled off it all goes to pot again :(   It really scares me at night and has just made me feel so ill today with a cracking headache on top but I know I have to stick this out to hopefully get to the other side.  I don't have any advice really I just wanted to say I am so sorry you are suffering too and I do hope your GP appointment will give some help.  I would be very interested in knowing what anxiety med was available to take on a when you need it basis as I don't want to be on permanent anti depressant therapy as they really don't suit me unfortunately. Sending hugs x

Hi Pippa52

Firstly a massive big hug to you and thank you for sharing. My GP was lovely and the anxiety med she prescribed is Propananol. She has me on a low dose and has told me to take a tablet when i feel i need it. (can take up to 3 tabs a day)
My GP also said these meds are not addictive which I was pleased to hear. I was same on Ads they did help me massively but the side effects were bad at times.  Maybe make an appointment with your GP to discuss other options.


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Re: GP Appointment to discuss HRT/Ad's/Anxiety meds
« Reply #28 on: April 17, 2023, 06:28:54 PM »

Hello Losingtheplot

Thank you so much for updating the forum. It is so frustrating to follow someone's story but not know how things progressed.

I am glad that you found your GP appointment helpful and I hope the regime works well for you. Can I ask what anti anxiety meds you were prescribed? I am sure other ladies will be interested as well, especially as anxiety is such a common symptom of the meno.

Wishing you well and take care.


Hi Kathleen

Your welcome I like to share with you all like you all do too.  This is forum is such a lovely welcoming and supportive group of amazing ladies all wanting to help each other.
I haven't tried the anxiety meds yet so too early to say if they have helped.

The meds prescribed are called Propananol so I really hope they do help me. I will have a glass of water beside my bed with a pill should I need it as the anxiety/panic attacks/churning of stomach  at 3am this morning were the worst so far.

I hope you manage to find something that helps you xxx


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Re: GP Appointment to discuss HRT/Ad's/Anxiety meds
« Reply #29 on: April 17, 2023, 06:30:37 PM »

My GP has recently prescribed the same on the same basis. As and when required. She said just having them to hand often helps even if you don't use them.
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