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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Newby HRT bad side effects  (Read 2168 times)


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Newby HRT bad side effects
« on: April 11, 2023, 07:46:09 PM »

Hey all you lovely ladies

I'm 47 and peri had 1.5 months on Evorel sequi and Evorel conti.

Bad reactions to Evorel conti and feel was reaction to the progesterone. So GP told me to remove patch asap as side effects had me crippled with
extreme bloating, fatigue,  headaches,  and extreme dizziness! I am now on no HRT and getting terrible anxiety again which is starting to take over my life :'( :'( :'(. I am waiting to see a meno specialist but facing a 6 month wait. I am also on contraceptive implant.

I called the office today saying I was struggling and asked to be put on a cancellation list for a sooner appointment. The struggle is getting more and more each day.

I used to be a confident driver now I get panic attacks at the thought of driving at times. I am becoming emotional again outbreaks of crying and then 10 mins later I am ok. The anger and mood swings are creeping back too!!!

I am getting to the stage where I feel I am best not around people at times as I don't know what my anxiety is going to do to me.

My sister has similar symtoms and is 5 years older than me and she is on HRT tablets with are thankfully helping some of her symptoms. One bit of advice she has given me is to try Sleep tea infusion tea before bedtime as this has helped her sleep much better and relax her too as has Chamomile tea. So I will be trying these too.

Thank u for reading my post. I have had a very difficult day today  :'( :'( :'( :'(


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Re: Newby HRT bad side effects
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2023, 07:53:50 PM »

You poor thing,
You are having an awful time of things. Does your gp understand how bad your symptoms are now you have had to stop hrt ? Six months until you get a meno appt without any support surely can't be right.
a lot of us have anxiety problems, quite often I just can't see anyone, husband my exception, and avoid people. My confidence also plummets and get moods up and down and very teary too. I can empathise with you.

I hope someone can offer some good solid  advice to help, I just wanted to say sorry you are having it so bad, I do feel for you.

Sending a hug x


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Re: Newby HRT bad side effects
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2023, 07:59:32 PM »

Hello Losingtheplot. I really am sorry to hear how anxious you are feeling. It is such a horrid way to feel and very distressing. I remember we spoke about you making an appointment with your GP as you may be on too much progesterone. Have you been able to get an appointment?

How would you feel about taking some anxiety medication? It may help to take the edge of your anxiety.


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Re: Newby HRT bad side effects
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2023, 06:47:39 AM »

Hi SarahT

Thank you for replying.  Means so much.  I was having an issue with connection to my laptop yesterday and can see my message has posted several times!!

Big hugs to you as you sound so similar to myself and I am so sorry you also suffer this terrible anxiety.  Just out of interest have you found anything that helps take the edge off it for you? I have an afternoon out planned this weekend for my sisters birthday and all I want to do is hide away in the house but I can't disappoint her so will have to try and keep the churning etc under control  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(.


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Re: Newby HRT bad side effects
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2023, 06:57:45 AM »

Hi Flossieteacake,

Thank you for reply sweetheart.  I have an appointment with my GP next week as this was to be for my 3 month HRT review - but after being told to stop HRT and asking for a referral to Meno specialist my GP was to cancel this appointment.  I asked her to keep it for me - as I had a feeling my symptoms would return like they have.  My GP is wanting to put me on AD which I was previously taking for over 20 years and  I  managed to wean myself off them a year ago.  I suffered side effects when I was taking them and I felt that I was able to manage without them now.  I do not feel depressed as my symptoms with anxiety come and go throughout the day.  But it is made worse by the fact that I am waiting for them to come on if you see what I mean??  Especially 1st thing on a morning - this morning however it didn't seem as bad the churning in my stomach was still there.

When I suffered Depression it was like a black cloud over me all the time and having no energy or motivation to want to do anything - this anxiety is different as it isn't there all the time.

I will discuss maybe what other options the GP may be able to offer me for anxiety and possibly see if she can send a letter to the Meno clinic to explain how I am feeling and to speed my appointment up.  I do not expect special treatment but I can feel these symptoms starting to take over my life and I have a hubby and 12 year old son and a full time job so I can't be letting this control me. I am trying Ashgawandha to see if that can calm me and help. And trying to meditate aleast once a day.



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Re: Newby HRT bad side effects
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2023, 07:45:43 AM »

Hi Flossieteacake,

Thank you for reply sweetheart.  I have an appointment with my GP next week as this was to be for my 3 month HRT review - but after being told to stop HRT and asking for a referral to Meno specialist my GP was to cancel this appointment.  I asked her to keep it for me - as I had a feeling my symptoms would return like they have.  My GP is wanting to put me on AD which I was previously taking for over 20 years and  I  managed to wean myself off them a year ago.  I suffered side effects when I was taking them and I felt that I was able to manage without them now.  I do not feel depressed as my symptoms with anxiety come and go throughout the day.  But it is made worse by the fact that I am waiting for them to come on if you see what I mean??  Especially 1st thing on a morning - this morning however it didn't seem as bad the churning in my stomach was still there.

When I suffered Depression it was like a black cloud over me all the time and having no energy or motivation to want to do anything - this anxiety is different as it isn't there all the time.

I will discuss maybe what other options the GP may be able to offer me for anxiety and possibly see if she can send a letter to the Meno clinic to explain how I am feeling and to speed my appointment up.  I do not expect special treatment but I can feel these symptoms starting to take over my life and I have a hubby and 12 year old son and a full time job so I can't be letting this control me. I am trying Ashgawandha to see if that can calm me and help. And trying to meditate aleast once a day.

You know your body best. Also, I cannot understand why your GP is suggesting anti depressants for anxiety. Antidepressants do not help anxiety anyway. I hope you can get the appointment as I know you want to discuss the progesterone. I can relate to the waiting for the anxiety to appear. If you are so used to it then you will be wondering when it will strike.

Hey, wanting to feel better is not asking for special treatment! It is natural to want to feel well. I hope the meditation and ashgawandha helps you.


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Re: Newby HRT bad side effects
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2023, 09:31:58 AM »

Hello losingtheplot,

Yes, our own hormonal ups and downs seem very similar. I too am so reassured when others seem to feel the same way. It gives me a level of having someone understand and I feel less alone.

Strangely I also relate very well to you knowing the difference between depression and anxiety. I weaned myself off ADs last year and I KNOW that what I have now is definitely not depression like you realise too, both debilitating, but as Flossie says, you know your body best.

I am still working my way through how to deal with this. Am at a stage of almost not fighting things,but trying to accept this is how it is.don't get me wrong, I hate being like this I am a completely different person to how I was in many aspects. But fighting against it worsens my anxiety, so I am learning to slow down, cut myself some slack, yet not dipping into wallowing in self pity!

Am so glad you are ensuring you keep your gp. Appt. Maybe make a few short notes, kind of bullet points, in case you feel a bit flustered on the day of the appt? So easy to come away and think I should have asked that!

Also as to how to cope when you really cannot face going out and being around people, in small cases, like someone knocking on the door, I wimp out  and get my husband to go...but actually getting out that door to a planned 'event', I have found it is actually far better than I anticipated.....for me,
I try to set a 'leaving time' if possible, as My anxiety can mean that  I worry about not having enough time to do chores once I get home. God I sound a wreck don't I? 

Basically, I make little methods to help keep me in track. Notes of what I would like to archive each day, and (mostly) no longer freak out when stuff gets left.

You meditate, I walk. Both essential times just for ourselves. Keep on being kind to yourself. No one wants this, it is a struggle, but remember you are so strong to be able to speak out.

Do feel free to let loose you feelings and worries, I don't have that elusive magic wand, but I do understand.

Hugs to you x


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Re: Newby HRT bad side effects
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2023, 09:40:03 AM »

Yes I do want to discuss the progesterone issue however my GP lovely as she is did not offer me to try any other HRT and to stop it completely for a while to see how I go as maybe my body does not need HRT?

I explained the benefits that HRT had given in the symptoms it did help - extremely itchy skin, hot flushes although luckily these weren't too bad and frequent. And most importantly my terrible mood swings and anxiety and anger.

It is like this all fell on deaf ears though!  As when I raised my concerns about these symptoms returning if I just stopped HRT altogether I was offered ADs!  Then GP was surprised when I refused these!

Out of desperation I then asked to be referred to a Meno specialist and I could honestly hear the relief in my GPs voice when I asked her for this as I could tell from her voice that she was thinking HELP! What do I offer her now???
I did say to my GP that I felt I did need HRT but this particular one wasn't right for me.

I am doubtful that I will come away from the GP appointment with any further treatment and feel it will be a waste of time


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Re: Newby HRT bad side effects
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2023, 09:44:10 AM »

Yes I do want to discuss the progesterone issue however my GP lovely as she is did not offer me to try any other HRT and to stop it completely for a while to see how I go as maybe my body does not need HRT?

I explained the benefits that HRT had given in the symptoms it did help - extremely itchy skin, hot flushes although luckily these weren't too bad and frequent. And most importantly my terrible mood swings and anxiety and anger.

It is like this all fell on deaf ears though!  As when I raised my concerns about these symptoms returning if I just stopped HRT altogether I was offered ADs!  Then GP was surprised when I refused these!

Out of desperation I then asked to be referred to a Meno specialist and I could honestly hear the relief in my GPs voice when I asked her for this as I could tell from her voice that she was thinking HELP! What do I offer her now???
I did say to my GP that I felt I did need HRT but this particular one wasn't right for me.

I am doubtful that I will come away from the GP appointment with any further treatment and feel it will be a waste of time

Sadly a lot of GPs do not seem to understand HRT at all. You are allowed to try another type. There is a list of HRT preparations on the home page of the forum and it may help to show your GP or choose a type and request it.


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Re: Newby HRT bad side effects
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2023, 09:52:05 AM »

Hi Flossieteacake,

Yes I do understand the situation GPs find themselves in and this must be very frustrating for them too as I am sure they want to be more knowledgeable and to be more helpful.  I will print off the information and take to the appointment as I can't be left to " see how I go" until I eventually get to see someone at the clinic.

I am not opposed to trying anxiety medication but something tells me it is hormonal and after years and years of taking AD's I would prefer not to resort to another form of this kind of medication. 

That is not to say that this medication doesn't help some people but I will keep an open mind - I just feel in limbo at the minute and think the best way forward to get the most out of my GP appointment is to go armed with information like you mentioned :)


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Re: Newby HRT bad side effects
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2023, 09:56:21 AM »

Hi Flossieteacake,

Yes I do understand the situation GPs find themselves in and this must be very frustrating for them too as I am sure they want to be more knowledgeable and to be more helpful.  I will print off the information and take to the appointment as I can't be left to " see how I go" until I eventually get to see someone at the clinic.

I am not opposed to trying anxiety medication but something tells me it is hormonal and after years and years of taking AD's I would prefer not to resort to another form of this kind of medication. 

That is not to say that this medication doesn't help some people but I will keep an open mind - I just feel in limbo at the minute and think the best way forward to get the most out of my GP appointment is to go armed with information like you mentioned :)

Good idea. It sounds to me like this is hormonal and HRT can really help with it. I hope the appointment goes well. :)


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Re: Newby HRT bad side effects
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2023, 10:03:32 AM »

Hello losingtheplot,

Yes, our own hormonal ups and downs seem very similar. I too am so reassured when others seem to feel the same way. It gives me a level of having someone understand and I feel less alone.

Strangely I also relate very well to you knowing the difference between depression and anxiety. I weaned myself off ADs last year and I KNOW that what I have now is definitely not depression like you realise too, both debilitating, but as Flossie says, you know your body best.

I am still working my way through how to deal with this. Am at a stage of almost not fighting things,but trying to accept this is how it is.don't get me wrong, I hate being like this I am a completely different person to how I was in many aspects. But fighting against it worsens my anxiety, so I am learning to slow down, cut myself some slack, yet not dipping into wallowing in self pity!

Am so glad you are ensuring you keep your gp. Appt. Maybe make a few short notes, kind of bullet points, in case you feel a bit flustered on the day of the appt? So easy to come away and think I should have asked that!

Also as to how to cope when you really cannot face going out and being around people, in small cases, like someone knocking on the door, I wimp out  and get my husband to go...but actually getting out that door to a planned 'event', I have found it is actually far better than I anticipated.....for me,
I try to set a 'leaving time' if possible, as My anxiety can mean that  I worry about not having enough time to do chores once I get home. God I sound a wreck don't I? 

Basically, I make little methods to help keep me in track. Notes of what I would like to archive each day, and (mostly) no longer freak out when stuff gets left.

You meditate, I walk. Both essential times just for ourselves. Keep on being kind to yourself. No one wants this, it is a struggle, but remember you are so strong to be able to speak out.

Do feel free to let loose you feelings and worries, I don't have that elusive magic wand, but I do understand.

Hugs to you x

Hi SarahT,

Ahh your reply is very reassuring to me and you sound like you do amazing at trying to control your anxiety etc :)  You are not a wreck at all my hunni you sound like you do your very best to keep your head afloat like myself.  We do need to be kinder to ourselves and I need to take my own advice on board too!
You too are very brave for sharing your experiences with me and I am very grateful for this !  I also like to walk especially in the woods as I find it relaxing.   And the beach (although its too cold for that at the minute)
Thank you for sharing the tips about the methods you use I will give these a go too  :)


I also worry about similiar things like you and find myself worrying about my son alot even though he is in the house quite safe with my hubby. I worry about going to the supermarket and forgetting words when I am trying to talk to someone  :( which then knocks my confidence further and makes me want to not leave the house.

I also feel immense guilt if I find my anger causes me to shout at my son and I chastise myself after for being a bad mam!  Little things that are never usually a problem to me become huge issues and I lash out and then feel so awful for how I have reacted  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

I will try to keep a positive outlook and start exercising again as I do find that helps me unwind regardless of the aches and pains



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Re: Newby HRT bad side effects
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2023, 10:05:40 AM »

Hi Flossieteacake,

Yes I do understand the situation GPs find themselves in and this must be very frustrating for them too as I am sure they want to be more knowledgeable and to be more helpful.  I will print off the information and take to the appointment as I can't be left to " see how I go" until I eventually get to see someone at the clinic.

I am not opposed to trying anxiety medication but something tells me it is hormonal and after years and years of taking AD's I would prefer not to resort to another form of this kind of medication. 

That is not to say that this medication doesn't help some people but I will keep an open mind - I just feel in limbo at the minute and think the best way forward to get the most out of my GP appointment is to go armed with information like you mentioned :)

Good idea. It sounds to me like this is hormonal and HRT can really help with it. I hope the appointment goes well. :)

Thankyou Flossie I will keep you posted.  The appointment is next Monday


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Re: Newby HRT bad side effects
« Reply #13 on: April 12, 2023, 10:12:19 AM »

I wish you well on your appt, you sound totally geared up for it.  To me, there is a really difference between depression and anxiety, and I too am very reluctant to go back onto medication when I know the cause. I agree, medication is so right for many people, I am not anti drugs, as I say, like you I have been on drugs to support my mental health.

Oh yes! Forgetting words! That's a big one for me. If anyone comments I am quite blunt with them, tell them it is brain fog and refuse to get upset. None of this is our 'fault' we are going the best we can.

I have just referred myself to Talking Therapy via the NHS. May be a wait, but might help me accept things better and work out some techniques.

Let us know how it goes and I sincerely hope you can enjoy Saturday.

Chin up girl😍  it may not seem it, but we're doing ok.


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Re: Newby HRT bad side effects
« Reply #14 on: April 12, 2023, 10:25:59 AM »

Hi SarahT

Thank you I will be doing my research and prep for the GP appointment and good for you signing up to Talking Therapies  :) :) :) :)

I really hope you get an appointment soon and find some helpful advice.

You are right we are doing amazing :)
