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Author Topic: Eyes and Oestrogel.....  (Read 1071 times)


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Eyes and Oestrogel.....
« on: April 11, 2023, 09:39:07 AM »

So..... I started suffering with really dry eyes back in November.  Went to Optician, told to use drops, gels etc

They got worse and worse to the point where I was sent to the eye hospital, I posted about this a while back. I am due a check up tomorrow but I am still suffering....

I was using my Oestrogel at the weekend (from the 'new shape' cylindrical bottle) and felt that the amount of gel I was getting from each pump felt like less than a pump from the old shape bottle I used to be given. I don't know why it has taken me so long to come to the conclusion. I think I have suspected it for a while....

I came back onto this forum this morning as I knew I had commented about the change in bottle shape and I did this in November last year which ties in with when my eyes took a turn for the worse.

I am now wondering if my severe dry eyes are down to possibly receiving a smaller dose of gel from the new shaped bottle? Or perhaps I am clutching at straws but I would like to investigate further.

I have read about people using micro scales to weigh out their dose of gel and think I would like to give this a go.  I have both shaped bottles in my current 'stash' of Oestrogel and would be interested in comparing the weight of three pumps from each.

Can anyone point me in the right direction to buy a cheap but accurate set of micro scales please?

Anyone else received different shaped bottles and feel any difference in their symptoms?  I feel as though I am blaming everything on Oestrogel as I also appeared to suffer when I would receive different batch numbers of gel...

Hope this all makes sense!

Ali x


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Re: Eyes and Oestrogel.....
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2023, 11:20:47 AM »

As oestrogen levels drop the body may become dry: inside and out. 

Medication is delivered in a dose which is 'workable'.  Sometimes the body needs more or less. I wouldn't bother with micro-scales, rather trying a small/larger amount on the end of a finger B4 application.

MayB discuss at your appt. then let us know ?


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Re: Eyes and Oestrogel.....
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2023, 11:40:24 AM »


Thanks for your reply.

My appointment tomorrow is a final check up to make sure my abrasions have healed and my punctal plugs are correctly fitted.  I'm hoping once these two issues are sorted I will then be referred on to the dry eye clinic for further advice.  I am hoping that the clinic will be more knowledgeable in how to treat me, in terms of taking into account HRT etc as the Dr's I am currently seeing only seem to be interested in fixing the immediate problems iyswim and other than recommending drops, gels etc they seemed to have little knowledge when I last mentioned HRT to them  ::)

Perhaps I am over thinking the whole Oestogel thing, I just thought it a coincidence that my eyes took a turn for the worse when I started to use the new shaped bottle....

Thanks again,

Ali x


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Re: Eyes and Oestrogel.....
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2023, 01:15:16 PM »

It may be worth while taking note of what you were using as well as this bottle to the appt..  It may be something as simple as altering the suspension that the active ingredient is held in.  Worth knowing.  Have U filled in a yellow card?


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Re: Eyes and Oestrogel.....
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2023, 02:12:00 PM »

Thanks again for your reply.

Contrary to your good advice I have gone head and ordered a set of precision scales.  I am interested to see if the three pumps from the different bottles weigh the same.  If they are wildly out I probably have my answer, if not I will investigate further.  Perhaps it is all a coincidence...

Not filled in a yellow card, will also look into that.

Many thanks.



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Re: Eyes and Oestrogel.....
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2023, 08:47:48 PM »

Hi alibeau, just a quickie to say have you looked into the possible androgen deficiency dry eye association?  Like you I've been investigated & treated for dry eye syndrome, both aqueous deficiency & Meibomian gland dysfunction.  There are lots of articles exploring the role the various sex hormones have in the development of dry eye & there's some thought that the decline in androgens is implicated, but it's hugely complicated & frustratingly bottom line seems to be more research is needed.  Have you tried adding testosterone to your HRT regimen to see if that might help your DES if you are not already on an androgenic progestogen?

I've reread a few study reports considering posting them here this evening, but they are very long & complex & this late in the day my brain is addled so I couldn't decide which might be most helpful!  However, if you're interested & haven't looked into it already, there's a shorter article entitled "Dry eyes and menopause: How hormones can affect your eyes" on a website called but I can't post a link to it here as it's a commercial site & I believe that's not permitted on the forum.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2023, 08:51:24 PM by Wrensong »


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Re: Eyes and Oestrogel.....
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2023, 10:19:31 PM »

Thanks so much Wrensong.

I’ve read a little bit about this today….

I’ve been on HRT (Oestrogel and  Utrogestan 14 nights) for probably about two years now. Was on Oral HRT prior to that for around two years also. I’m 50.

So something has changed for my eyes on the last six months or so….

I’m concerned that I will just be fobbed off tomorrow as my ‘emergency’ situation is now over (fingers crossed)…

I have lost the very central vision in my right eye (due to v high myopia) and was just getting to grips with that as it is/was quite disorienting. I am now stuck wearing my glasses and just want to get back to my contact lenses as most importantly they give me better vision but are also much more practical for me when out walking, cycling, gardening etc

Anyways I’ve rambled on now! I appreciate your input, I’ll see how tomorrow goes and then get doing some more research myself if needs be.

Where are you up to with your DES? Did you find anything that worked for you?

I have had punctal plugs fitted, use warm eye masks twice a day, taking omega supplement, limiting screen time although difficult as I am still working and use every drop, gel and ointment under the sun, all to no avail!

Thanks again.

Nighty night x
« Last Edit: April 11, 2023, 10:23:12 PM by alibeau »


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Re: Eyes and Oestrogel.....
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2023, 10:42:01 AM »

Alibeau, I would definitely look into adding testosterone to your HRT as you don't have an androgenic component to your regimen at the mo.  Can't write more this morning but will try to PM you with more detail later.  Hope that's OK.


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Re: Eyes and Oestrogel.....
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2023, 04:36:11 PM »

Thanks again Wrensong.

Today went better than I had hoped for, saw a lovely Dr who has given me two new types of eye drops to try, not available over the counter, so I am happy to give them ago.

Back to the hospital in six weeks for a review.

I will of course bear in mind your advice re testosterone should I continue to struggle..

Thanks for all your help.

Ali x


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Re: Eyes and Oestrogel.....
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2023, 06:29:19 PM »

No problem Ali, glad the appointment went well  :)  Have sent you a PM.


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Re: Eyes and Oestrogel.....
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2023, 09:16:14 PM »

No problem Ali, glad the appointment went well  :)  Have sent you a PM.

Thank you so much for taking the time, it is appreciated.

I will read and digest it tomorrow  :)

Ali x