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Author Topic: Natural high B12 levels  (Read 5382 times)


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Natural high B12 levels
« on: March 19, 2019, 10:24:10 PM »

I haven't been feeling great lately. 
November I had a tooth abscess, Dec I had bronchitis, backwards and forewords to dr for antibiotics, anti sickness pills because I react so bad to meds, steroids and more check ups to see if the infection was clearing.  I feel like I never fully recovered and accepted the drs advice that it could take weeks.  Asthma has been bad since and embarrassingly I started to momentarily nod off at my pc at work.  I'm not sure how I've managed to keep up with daily activities to be honest.  I struggle now to play 18 holes golf whereas before I'd have easily managed 36.  I feel like there has been a big decline in my stamina.  So I went to see dr to see what he thought.  He was thinking rheumatoid Arthritis but selected a lot of tests

The results came back;
Ferritin - not great at 41 but within range
Folate - below range
B12 - >2000 - massively over range and this is without supplements

Dr called and said as it's high without supplementation I have to see a haematologist or at least get advice from one within the next couple of weeks.  Googling this worried me but there is a High chance I think that I'm  not absorbing the B12 I'm getting from my diet, that thought is keeping me going at the moment

Has this happened to anyone else? X


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Re: Natural high B12 levels
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2019, 12:12:58 AM »

Hi Annie,
I've had very high B12 which is even more unusual with me as I have ileostomy.  My consultant professor said it was nothing to worry about but my result was slightly lower than yours at 1200.
That's the trouble with tests, they find things that cause concern but have you ever had this test before?
It may always Have been at this level and therefore normal for you ? X


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Re: Natural high B12 levels
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2019, 06:24:05 AM »

No GH, when it was tested before it was 197, under range with ok'ish folate levels. 

My energy is diminishing by the week, I have pins and needles on one hand, a weird numb feeling in toes on right foot, breathing is getting worse.  It's all so strange.

When reading about it I am ignoring the nasty stuff but there is a chance it's what they call a true deficiency, where I am consuming foods that contain the vitamin but my stomach doesn't have the ability to utilise it, hence the levels building up and floating around the blood unused

>2000 just means they stopped counting at that level (range 211-911), it could've been 2001 or it could've been 20,001

I can't read anywhere that my levels, when NOT supplemented, mean nothing.  That's why I asked you ladies,  so it's reasssuring to hear yours were fine x


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Re: Natural high B12 levels
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2019, 10:43:49 AM »

Hi, I have the opposite, low b12 levels and get injections every 10 weeks but I do know that for the body to absorb the b12 it needs folate and ferritin levels to be normal. The fact that your folate is below normal, deficient, is more likely to be the reason your body is not utilising the b12. doctor should have put you on folate tablets . Once I got mine all normal the tiredness went and made a big difference.

All the best.


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Re: Natural high B12 levels
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2019, 10:44:15 AM »

Thanks Paupau
They've told me to buy my own folate tablets

They called me yesterday, they want to scan my liver x


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Re: Natural high B12 levels
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2023, 03:34:23 PM »

Hi Annie, I just wondered if you got any answers regarding high b12 low ferritin?
My bloods came back as >2000 for B12 with no supplementation and I think ferratin was 17.
So now they want repeat bloods to include full blood count etc and If. But also want to check if I have any Gi bleeding so a fecal sample to start.
I've been on omeprazole for 30 years so could have an issue with the b12 absorbtion,  but obviously the other stuff is scary and I wondered if you got any answers


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Re: Natural high B12 levels
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2023, 05:10:46 PM »

Thanks Paupau
They've told me to buy my own folate tablets

They called me yesterday, they want to scan my liver x

It's good you're getting a liver scan as high B12 can indicate a problem with your liver function. This would also account for your fatigue. Excess B12 levels are usually extracted through your urine so this should happen if you are not absorbing it via your digestion. I hope you soon get an answer and can start to feel better

Taz x  :hug: