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Author Topic: Sleep again !  (Read 1162 times)


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Sleep again !
« on: April 02, 2023, 11:19:25 AM »

So, i can confirm I am totally dependent on amitriptyline for sleep. No amount or type of oestrogen helps at all.

How do I feel about this? Mmm not great.

Anyone else dependent on a drug for sleep?

It’s crackers how I’ve ended up at the age of 51. Totally unable to sleep.

Claire MM

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Re: Sleep again !
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2023, 11:26:35 AM »

Does progesterone help? I have been on medication for sleep for many years, you are not alone xx


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Re: Sleep again !
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2023, 11:31:14 AM »

I have the mirena Claire.
No intention of having it removed as it’s been nothing short of a miracle for bleeding issues.

What meds do you take? X


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Re: Sleep again !
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2023, 05:37:18 PM »

hi nas

just wanted to offer my support.

i know how you feel.

you're not alone i know its not much help though xxx


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Re: Sleep again !
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2023, 06:53:37 PM »

Hiya Nas,

Whilst I think my sleeping has I improved lately, for me that still means waking up what seems like a hundred times a night. I am able to get back to sleep ok though.  I think I am trying not to stress to much about broken sleep - easier said than done. I think I was getting too reliant on sleeping tablets, so weaned myself off. And my sleep atm anyway, doesn't seem any worse now I am off them.

But I know I am pretty fortunate in that I no longer have a full time job, so up to a point if I am totally shattered I can arrange my day a bit to compensate. A luxury I am grateful for.

This whole peri thing seems an endless task of accepting 'losses' in most parts in both my physical and mental health. But some days when the hormones are fighting, I want to give in.
Sleep.deprivation is a massive hit when you are already struggling.

Like discogirl, no real help, but the biggest hug to you. X

Claire MM

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Re: Sleep again !
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2023, 09:04:00 AM »

I used to take amitryptaline and currently take mirtazipine, I sometimes take zopiclone. I'm glad the Mirena is a sucess. 6 days in here and not sure if I'm going to tolerate it x


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Re: Sleep again !
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2023, 09:20:05 AM »

Oh dear Claire, are you having a  rough time with the mirena? It does take a while to settle unfortunately. Mine settled after about 3/4 months.

Mirtazapine is one drug I cannot tolerate sadly. It makes me drowsy and constipated!

Onwards and upwards i guess!

Sarah, how are you getting in with the “ Cadbury” regime ? 😀



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Re: Sleep again !
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2023, 09:48:36 AM »

Hello to all those struggling to sleep. Just wanted to say that is my main issue currently too and I share your frustration,  anger, exhaustion, worry and any other emotion you'd care to throw in.
What is concerning reading all the posts on the forum about sleep issues is there doesn't seem to be a definitive way to fix it. Mine is the same as yours SarahT, waking countless times I does drive you mad, doesn't it?
Anyway, just wanted mention all my GP could recommend after complaining about this being my biggest concern was providing a link to Sleep Station, which when I took a look, charges for their services. I filled in their online form with my issues and they said CBT would be best. Utter bunkham!!! I just don't know why no one, when you explain your problem, can do anything in this day and age for goodness sake. How can CBT help? I notice those of you who've tried it still aren't sleeping!
Massive empathy ladies.


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Re: Sleep again !
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2023, 10:13:38 AM »

Hi MrsMitch,
 Yeah I'm sure we can't really wake a hundred times in a night and still function every day but it certainly feels like it.
Upping  my match does seems to have lessened the amount of night sweats which is an added bonus, so not as much duvet on duvet off going on. I did have CBT, but that was for anxiety, peri stuff and ended up about my weight issues and last eating disorders!... Funny the way convos lead to the most unexpected.

I try to keep a night routine, phone and iPad off an hour before bed, no tv, bit of stretching and yoga to help my aching bones. Don't know if it helps, but I do drift off quickly.

Ah, Nas, my Cadbury dose.... ( 1 and 1\2 patches as can't get 75 patch she explains. Don't want anyone thinking we're mad Nas!😜)

I used my very last complete 75 this morning, so begin the Cadbury on Thurs. I have to say I am so much better now I have hoped from 50. Calmer, less erratic, still irritable but a lot of that is my normal... No adverse effects.BUT.   I do have the background fear that is all going to come crashing down again, something I know you can identify it.
I think I am wrong to hope that it's going to last on an even keel, have been disappointed so many time and it's always my mental\emotional symptoms that are my worse.

But... Let's enjoy the good days.

Hugs to all


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Re: Sleep again !
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2023, 10:27:38 AM »

The sun is shining where I am today so that really helps. But, no, I doubt we do wake 100 times but it does feel like it. Frosty night last night so with the window open, it helped the night sweats although hubby was cocooned in his million tog duvet to star off frost bite!!
Sarah, is this Cadbury regime chocolate? Please tell me that the cure all for all our dreadful symptoms is good ole chocolate.  Please please let it be that simple  ;D ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Sleep again !
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2023, 11:32:12 AM »

Have any of the ladies suffering with sleeep issues tried guided meditation? For example, one of Linda Hall's on YouTube? Just asking, as I 'do' a Linda Hall most evenings and run the risk of dropping off. Sometimes I do just that, although don't do these for sleep as I have no problems there currently, I just do them to chill 😊. (I sometimes wake once in the night  but that is only for a wee so doesn't count and I fall asleep again easily.)
JP x


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Re: Sleep again !
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2023, 12:24:18 PM »

Oh Mrs Mitch... I am about to make your happy chocolate only diet dream a nightmare....

No, The Cadbury dose is sadly just that I cannot get 75 estradot  patches so asked if anyone gets on with one complete 50 patch alongside a half 50 patch to equal a 75 patch. This reminds Nas of  the glass and a half in each Cadbury!  Hence the name. Sad people but we'll take any thing to give a smile😁
Whilst it does work apparently, it isn't half as exciting as a chocolate fest. Still. Nice thought while it lasted eh?



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Re: Sleep again !
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2023, 12:34:04 PM »

Sorry Mrs Mitch.. if only it were that easy to fix the beast with chocolate! I’m afraid my crazy brain associates Sarah’s regime with the glass and a half in each bar ( don’t ask!!😆)

I haven’t tried meditation Joaniepat, my brain is too busy to focus properly! I might try relaxing pod casts though.

Sarah, glad you are feeling a bit calmer.. enjoy the good hours / days/ weeks etc.. live in the moment, not what might happen ( because it probably will!!).

The sun is shining.. ☀️
Something weird is happening.. but I think I ought post that on another board.. just in case ! 😉


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Re: Sleep again !
« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2023, 12:41:58 PM »

When full of anxiety and depression, I couldn't find time to listen to the relaxation tapes [remember those?] and when I did, cat and I would drop off to sleep.  My best place is in the bath - when the water goes cold I wake  >:(  ::).  Usually unless my brain is racing [connected to Mother's care situation] I sleep well.  If my brain needs to sleep in the day, then I can't fight that.

I think worrying about if I will sleep keeps my brain 'at it', I sometimes wake: to C whether I've been asleep!

I ditched the duvet.  We use sheets and covers plus the electric blanket.  If I'm cold or hungry, I can't drop off.