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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Worried tummy bugs!  (Read 982 times)


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Worried tummy bugs!
« on: March 26, 2023, 02:03:33 PM »


So I haven't been on for a while as I've been doing ok but the good old Health Anxiety has reared it's heard again and I wanted to get some thoughts.

Back in early November,  I got up on Saturday did all my usual jobs,  went to the gym and then in the afternoon I suddenly felt really nauseous.  It was so bad I went to lay down started sweating and then promptly started vomitting at the same time as experiencing diarrhoea.  It was all over and done with in a couple of hours,  I slept for the next 16 hours on and off and by the next day  apart from a god awful headache, was eating lightly and back to normal within a few days.

Fastforward to last weekend and mothers day.  I'd not been feeling great and had really bad acid reflux so took a tablet for it which didn't help.  During the night I woke with the awful watery mouth and thought I was going to vomit but must have fell back to sleep.  When I woke on the Monday,  I didn't feel good so called in sick,  managed a cup of tea and a biscuit but within an hour I was in the toilet,  vomitting into a bucket whilst having diarrohea.  I then went to bed,  managed to eat lightly the next day and slowly building my appetite back.  I also had a banging headache,  cold sweats the following day whilst feeeling a bit hot,  achey legs no energy etc.

Anyway this has absolutely spiked my HA as I'm convinced I've got some form of cancer or terminal illness as I don't ever recall having two bugs so close together.

Having said that I had Covid last August and since then I just feel my immune system has been quite weak and I've had a couple of colds as well.

In addition to the above my diet hasn't been great,  probably lacking vits and work has been quite stressful,  I also work in education so in and out of schools a lot where the bugs have been rife!

My hubby felt rotten on Monday, felt very sick and acidic but he didn't eat all day and had a sandwich at teatime,  he was also away with work so avoided me from Mon- Thurs but said he kept feeling like he was going to be sick but it didn't materialise.  My son was fine until Wed and then had a very sudden bout of explosive diarrhoea but apart from that was fine.  Neither of them got the bug in Nov either.  Having said that I am meticulous when I've been sick and ensure that I bleach everything and just confine myself to the bedroom and make them use another toilet.

So I'm now thinking I have something awful going on,  have tried to book a call with the GP but there's nothing and they will call me as soon as an appointment becomes available but in the meantime,  I'm paranoid.  It's my 50th Birthday tomorrow and hubby is doing amazing curries for dinner and making a real fuss of me but all I want to do is retreat to my bed and cry as I've convinced myself something sinister is going on.

Doesn't help with the big 50 as that has really triggered my anxiety,  knowing all the wonderful deadly illnesses that become more likely as we age.

Friends are saying it sounds like a catalogue tummy bug on both occasions and after the first one I did ring the GP as I noticed a small amount of blood in the vomit which he said will be from the extreme vomitting again common with a bug.  I also had the same this time by the fifth time of vomitting I was straining my throat so much I could taste blood in my throat and I had a further couple of streaks and my throat felt very swollen and sore a few days after but it's ok now.

I just wish I could stop being such a worrier about everything and try and enjoy my life instead of thinking everything is an indicator of imminent death.

Just wondered if anyone else has heard of stomach bugs ocurring so closely together and guess I'm just looking for a bit of reassurance.  :(

 :'( :'(



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Re: Worried tummy bugs!
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2023, 02:36:32 PM »

Its easy to say try not to worry but there are a lot of tummy bugs going around.
My son and his dog both have this nasty bug at the moment. Drink plenty of water and hopefully it will all get better with time and rest.

Sounds like the Norovirus you have! 


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Re: Worried tummy bugs!
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2023, 03:13:26 PM »

AWFUL!  kids are passing on this nasty Germ  >:( and yes, 1 can pick up bugs from pets. 

 :foryou:  if everyone is 'getting it' it's unlikely to be anything serious .  Keeping hydrated: ice cubes or lollies - and eating dry foods, i.e. toast.  Hydration fluids from the Pharmacy?



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Re: Worried tummy bugs!
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2023, 03:14:00 PM »

Keep responding to this one .......


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Re: Worried tummy bugs!
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2023, 06:21:42 PM »

Thank you both,  yes there are lots of bugs around and to be honest whilst I got off fairly lightly with Covid,  compared to a lot of people,  it certainly feels like my immune system has been hampered by it.

I think it's just the fact they have occurred so closely together but then again,  if it was colds I wouldn't be giving it a second thought.

Probably time for me to improve my diet and try and decrease my stress levels! 


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Re: Worried tummy bugs!
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2023, 06:39:04 PM »

R U able to tolerate LIVE yoghurt?  It can re-set the digestive system from top to bottom.  A bug can strip the gut of all bacteria, good and bad, which may B why you have fallen foul of the 2nd one doing the rounds.

MayB wear a mask when out and about for a while until the gut recovers?  As someone who suffers with emit-phobia, I avoid most people as much as possible  :-\


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Re: Worried tummy bugs!
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2023, 08:09:47 PM »


I do like live yoghurt but funnily enough I'd been taking a live prebiotic for a few months now.  It's one of the ones that all the celebs use and is proven to remain live in the gut.

Having said that based on the fact that I started using it around about the time I went down with the first bug and I have now just had another,  I'm stopping that as it was blooming expensive too.

Only thing with live yoghurt is I'm not great with dairy so try and avoid it where possible,  I've just purchased an old school prebiotic from A Vogel,  going to give that one a go! 

I find as I get older I avoid people as much as possible!  ;)


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Re: Worried tummy bugs!
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2023, 08:11:21 PM »

I much prefer animals ............  :o  ;D

Goat milk products are better for the gut of those with lactose intolerance: however, they smell like, well - goats  :-\  :-X


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Re: Worried tummy bugs!
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2023, 08:48:52 AM »

Same for me. Even prior to covid, I  rarely god sick. Since having for first time in September, I've had 6 colds( and nausea with 2 of them which was also my main covid symptom).
Another theory is that it takes immune system a while to recover after a bug so if you come across a different bug a few weeks later,more inclined to catch it as immune system is run down. So its a bit of a vicious circle. My brother in law has had cold after cold since before Christmas


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Re: Worried tummy bugs!
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2023, 04:48:27 PM »

Thanks Bungo

Yes I definitely think Covid does something to the immune system.  I've certainly been far more susceptible to things since I had it.

Prior to that I was getting maybe one cold a year and a couple of occasions of sniffles.

Still hopefully,  lighter evenings and the warmer weather might start to get rid of some of these bugs!



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Re: Worried tummy bugs!
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2023, 05:00:40 PM »

Also we weren't mixing so the immune system 'forgot' how to react.  Apparently  ::)


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Re: Worried tummy bugs!
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2023, 07:36:07 AM »

Yes very true CKLD.

I definitely think our immune systems aren’t as robust because we weren’t mixing and coming into contact with all the daily bugs and viruses.


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Re: Worried tummy bugs!
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2023, 09:06:35 AM »

Which will have mutated along the way .........


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Re: Worried tummy bugs!
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2023, 11:18:19 PM »


I'm relieved to find this thread of your's because I've had 2 episodes of diarrhoea, tonight and the day before yesterday.  My mum called yesterday to tell me she had it.

Before this I had cellulitis (skin infection), was in bed for 2 weeks, then been ill for another week since then, so when this started I was worried it was that coming back.  It's only because my mum reported similar and because my skin infection seems all fine, that I'm thinking its a bug.

I have never been one to have bowel problems, but I remember during most of 2020, with every case of covid and I think I had at least 3 between then and mid 2021, I would have diarrhoea with it.  Tonight I have a cough but covid test is negative. 

I think because your family had similar, your's does sound like a bug.  Plus there are a lot of people reporting this at the moment.  I think norovirus is more virulent this year. 

Anyway, just replying to say you are not alone and your post has helped me tonight as well.  I hope you're feeling better now.