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Author Topic: Advise please  (Read 772 times)


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Advise please
« on: March 31, 2023, 05:21:53 PM »

I’ve been taking oestrogel  x 2 pumps a day with 100mg utrogestan continuously internally, 9 weeks
I just would like some advice please I am not feeling any better with my post menopausal symptoms.
I have swollen tender breasts, feel mentally flat, anxious, tired.
I’ve tried upping my oestrogel to 3 pumps and feel worse.
I was originally on evoril conti 50mg and for a couple of months felt better, but my symptoms returned so gynaecologist said to change to gel regime.
Any advice as to how to move forward would be greatly appreciated.
Also could I just go back on the patch and stop the oestrogel and utrogestan?
Thank you ❤️


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Re: Advise please
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2023, 05:46:35 PM »

Hi Babs,

Im really sorry your struggling at the minute, it's so difficult sometimes.

How long were you on 2 pumps of gel a day and how long have you been on 3 pumps for?

When I increased my gel either too quickly or if the dose I was on was too high, I get swollen tender breasts. Swollen and tender breasts are a sign that your dose may be too high. But I think this can be just a side effect of the estrogen as well, which is why you have to give things time.

Chopping and changing isn't good for the body, as the body needs time to adjust. They do say to give things about 3 months.

I know this is hard when you feel so awful.

Other ladies will hopefully be along with some better advice.

I'm struggling at the moment too, so I do know how you feel xxx


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Re: Advise please
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2023, 09:20:02 AM »

Bless you thank you for your reply I was originally on 2 pounds mos them put up to 3 after a week felt so awfully went back to 2. I’ve woken up today in a hot sweat shaking headache.. really feel like a nervous wreck!
I’m in two minds to go back to the patch as I really can’t carry on feeling this unwell. It’s been far too long with no improvements. 10 weeks
I’m just not sure if I can just switch back to the patch?
Sorry to hear your struggling it’s no joke this meno lark..
Are you post menopause like me ? What’s your regime ? ❤️


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Re: Advise please
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2023, 01:17:30 PM »

hi babs

yes im 4yrs post meno.

i orginally started htt last august on estraderm. changed to gel in nov went up to 4 pumps for just over a mth but dropped back to 3 pumps since beginning of jan. i do like the gel but im really wanting my sleep sorted so im trying estradot patches however im moving from the gel to the patches slowly. just to give my body time to adjust xxx


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Re: Advise please
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2023, 01:39:56 PM »

Thank you for sharing that with me..
I’m seriously thinking of going back to evoril conti patch but problem with that is that it only comes in one strength 50mg..and when my symptoms started to return they switched me to gel..
Are you taking utrogestan 100mg aswelll? I’m taking that as form of progesterone but I feel it’s having a negative affect .


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Re: Advise please
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2023, 02:13:35 PM »

hi babs

thats why i like the gel to be honest.

i used to tske the utro vaginally i now take it orally.

have you considered taking it vaginally it reduces a lot of the side effects xxx


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Re: Advise please
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2023, 07:47:19 PM »

Yes have been taking utro internally.. bit the bullet tonight had a massive meltdown and put on evoril conti patch, just can’t handle whatever us happening with the gel and utro, can’t cope with the terrible anxiety, not even sure what’s causing it? as told by gynaecologist to not up the gel as had such sore felt kinda trapped in the regime .:
I wanted the gel to work but I think the utro is causing problems., I already struggle with mental health anxiety and depression and felt this was just tipping me over the edge..
I really appreciate you talking to me
Thank you 😊 ❤️


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Re: Advise please
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2023, 10:55:26 PM »

You could try a couple of cycles of sequi so you take 200mg for 12 days. You'll be able to tell then if it's the utro that's causing the problem (it usually is). If it is you could try something different such as provera or cyclogest or you could use a long (6 week) cycle. I use it this way as it gives me fatigue and it gives me more 'good' time. IMO the main advantage of gel is that it's easy to adjust until you find your sweet spot. Usually sore breasts resolve with time but it might be that your body needs time to adjust so a slower increase. Although 2 pumps should be equivalent to the conti patch it's possible you absorb differently.


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Re: Advise please
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2023, 05:22:10 AM »

Thank you for sharing that with me..
I’m seriously thinking of going back to evoril conti patch but problem with that is that it only comes in one strength 50mg..and when my symptoms started to return they switched me to gel..
Are you taking utrogestan 100mg aswelll? I’m taking that as form of progesterone but I feel it’s having a negative affect .

hi babs

yes i take 100g utrogestan. i took it vaginally successfully for a while but i started taking it orally to try and help with my sleep.

you can take the utrogestan vaginally. if you take it this way it has less side effects xxx


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Re: Advise please
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2023, 07:01:29 AM »

I’ve been taking oestrogel  x 2 pumps a day with 100mg utrogestan continuously internally, 9 weeks
I just would like some advice please I am not feeling any better with my post menopausal symptoms.
I have swollen tender breasts, feel mentally flat, anxious, tired.
I’ve tried upping my oestrogel to 3 pumps and feel worse.
I was originally on evoril conti 50mg and for a couple of months felt better, but my symptoms returned so gynaecologist said to change to gel regime.
Any advice as to how to move forward would be greatly appreciated.
Also could I just go back on the patch and stop the oestrogel and utrogestan?
Thank you ❤️

Hiya Babs
I too am post menopausal was on Everol Conti 50. Worked fab for about 8 months then all then just stopped.. Was changed to Kliovance tabs. which did SOD all... Went back to my GP, who fortunately has been great in all this.. and we decided to try Everol conti 50 patch along with a everol 25 patch.. For me anyways.. this seems to be helping.. been on the new regime/dose for not quite 3 months.. Feeling better more like I did when the Everol Conti 50 was working.. 
I also like the ease of the patches and the fact its twice weekly.. Hope you manage to find a regime that works for you soon. x
