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Author Topic: NEWBIES  (Read 87281 times)


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« Reply #255 on: September 29, 2014, 03:32:16 PM »

Welcome Kimmyfish


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« Reply #256 on: September 30, 2014, 01:24:38 PM »

Hi everyone, I'm a newbie. This is my background...
I am now 38 but when I was 36 (after a lifetime of regular cycles) totally out of the blue I went 6 mths without a period. After the first two missed cycles, I went to see my GP who ran bloods. He said FSH was a bit high so we should redo in 6 mths and take from there. As we were hoping to have another baby (and had an inkling my fertility wasn't right) I insisted on being referred to a specialist instead of waiting. There, I had the AMH test and was told, still at 36, that my fertility was so low it hadn't even registered - less than 1% and that IVF wasn't even really an option. We tried 3 or 4 goes of Clomid but as my periods were then intermittent I didn't really know when/if I was ovulating, so nothing came from it. I should say at this point my mum was in her late 30s when her periods started to end.
So last year, about 3 mths after being told I was infertile due to prem meno, I was made redundant. It all took a massive toll on my nerves and I have battled with anxiety now for around 18 mths. But this past week my anxiety has felt different...whereas in the past I have been somewhat able to deep breathe or distract myself through tense moments, now it comes on so instant and so quickly like the flick of a switch but most notably is that as soon as I feel anxious I get incredibly hot. I then feel dizzy and get headaches (which I've never suffered from). So now I don't know whether this is even related to prem meno or it's just the latest development in my anxiety. I have also been crying loads these past few days. Interestingly, I began using an app on my tablet when I was having periods to try to work out ovulation, and it still tells me when things are due to happen so I looked at it today out of curiosity and if I were still having periods, today would be three days into a period so that then got me thinking maybe I'm feeling so bad because hormones have gone haywire due to absent period??
I've booked a GP appt later today as I have sadly had to admit to myself that if this cr@p is happening without a job, how the hell would I manage to go to work with it? So I feel if I can have maybe 6 mths of financial support and have one less huge worry, I maybe able to focus on managing the anxiety and getting better with treatment/support. I tried Prozac after the redundancy and lasted about 10 days on it as I hated the feeling it gave me as if I were numb and almost out of body experience! But now I don't know whether to approach it from an HRT point of view or general anxiety.
Other than the anxiety, I've noticed other on and off symptoms...the condition of my hair has rapidly deteriorated, low sex drive, bizarrely one side of my face seems to have lost its shape!, I had a phase where I could feel my pulse all over my back when it was against anything!, noticed an extra tyre developing above my tummy area!, loads of aches in knees arms etc, bit of IBS, massive lethargy, when I did have periods they were incredibly heavy, obv not being able to have another baby is a massive blow, but apart from that...!!! I just wonder now if this heat when anxious is the start of flushes? But that doesn't really seem to make sense...from what I've read, the flushes begin at night time?
My last period was in April this year and I have a hunch (maybe wrong) that I won't be having any more. It just feels like it's all ended. I understand once it's been a full 12 mths, is it that I'm officially in the menopause...or is it that I'll have had it then? I also don't know what to do about HRT as I read the longer a woman goes with low oestrogen (obv longer for me being in 30s) the greater risk of bone issues. But my mum worked with loads of women when they were all around meno age and said only one woman went on HRT and sadly she got breast cancer, so that does kind of play on my mind. I've joined a gym recently to hopefully lose a few stone but more so to give me more energy.
Anyway, sorry it's turned into an essay and amazed if anyone has lasted til the end here but thanks for reading if so. xx


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« Reply #257 on: September 30, 2014, 02:19:05 PM »

 :welcomemm:  your symptoms sound like those experienced by other ladies.  Peri-menopause.  Weird and strange skin sensations are 'common', anxiety can be difficult to deal with and is mentioned many times on the Forum; what you are explaining: "but most notably is that as soon as I feel anxious I get incredibly hot. I then feel dizzy and get headaches " : may well be a kind of 'hot flush' .

Reading the menus left of screen may help.  Keeping a food/mood diary for 3 months is often recommended which is something you can then discuss with your Practice Nurse/GP.

Weight bearing exercise is good for staving off osteoporosis.  HRT comes in many forms and the risk of developing breast disease is fairly low - quality of Life being important.


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« Reply #258 on: October 03, 2014, 10:26:51 PM »

Thanks hurridity!

I'm post menopausal - I think as last period was over a year ago .   I think that's why Gp put me on continuous hrt?  Day five now and still no change in night sweats or flushes during the day.  Am I expecting too much too soon?


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« Reply #259 on: December 08, 2014, 09:02:40 PM »

<wave> to all those browsing - step inside, we don't bite! we have conversations about most topics as well as menopause  ;)

Have a look-round at the menus, left of screen.  Have a giggle in our 'funny' room ……..  :welcomemm:


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« Reply #260 on: December 16, 2014, 08:24:18 PM »

<wave>  - come on in …….. don't be shy  ;)


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« Reply #261 on: January 07, 2015, 06:47:59 PM »

Join in!  You are welcome here, stop browsing and come on board!  Lots of good information in the menus, left of screen - ask away!


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« Reply #262 on: January 17, 2015, 02:39:23 PM »

>wave<  ask away, browse round ……… someone is usually 'here' !


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« Reply #263 on: February 02, 2015, 01:26:29 PM »

<wave> ……… drop by , we don't bite  ;)


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« Reply #264 on: February 12, 2015, 03:21:09 PM »

My first post!

I am 50 years old and have had erratic periods over the last 2 years. In 2014 I had only 3 periods and then nothing since October 2014. I've not had any hot flushes during the day but have regular night sweats and suffered a serious period of anxiety in December 2014 resulting in me handing in my notice at work - and feeling much better, less stressed and more positive!  I am looking for part-time work now and will take up volunteering work too after a meeting with the local volunteer centre next week. :)

I am taking St. John's Wort and a multi B vitamin for hormone control, daily, all of which I think help my mood. I also meditate regularly (a new and very powerful addition to my new and very hormonal life), walk daily and have started doing hatha/breathing yoga after many years of avoiding it. The combined benefits of all of these are working.  I also gave up alcohol and caffeine 2 month ago, again, it helps (but life is a bit dull without my Friday night glass or two or three of red wine... so that might start again!).

Not sure where I am in the menopause cycle - am I perimenopausal?  am I in the menopause completely now? will it get worse, better, stay the same? I wish I knew!  My mum has dementia and is in a care home, I have no older siblings and no older female friends, so I am at a loss of someone to ask what is "normal" and what their own experiences are. 

Happy to have found this forum and have subscribed to the magazine also.


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« Reply #265 on: February 12, 2015, 03:54:57 PM »


Have a browse in the other 'rooms'.  No question is taboo, there is a private members only area, we have a 'funny' room too  ;) …….. many ladies use Yoga, walking, cycling as methods of controlling anxiety, weight issues, to improve general well being. Usually 1 has to wait for 12 months period free as Nature can play tricks, I had several months free then a bleed would show itself  >:(  ::) ….

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« Reply #266 on: February 13, 2015, 02:15:52 PM »

Hi Sunderland99

 :welcomemm: from me too!

As CLKD says, you need to wait until 12 months have elapsed without a period before you know whether you are post-menopausal - and then date the start of your menopause from the date of your last period!

Your periods tailing off sounded just like mine - erratic for 2 years and then hardly any - I think I went 9 months without one and then had another one at 53 1/2. However I went onto HRT 6 months later so no idea whether that would have been the last or not!

So good to hear you are controlling your anxiety with exercise and breathing and limiting alcohol and caffeine (as well as giving up a stressful job!) - now is the time to make all these lifestyle changes! I gave up alcohol in January as I always tend to have too much over the prolonged festive season, but have resumed and just have it at mainly at weekends now - and really this won't do you any harm - well not sure about 3 glasses but a couple at the weekend Fri/Sat would be fine. Three would give me a terrible hangover these days and probably a 3 day migraine!

You can't say whether it will get worse or better - I hope you continue to be flush free - at your stage I was plagued by them, and night sweats are debilitating, if they interfere with a decent night's sleep over a prolonged period of time. Don't rule out taking a low dose HRT if you find the night sweats and other symptoms are interfering with your ability to enjoy/make the most out of life.  :)

Oestrogen levels drop for a couple of years following the last period, so some women find that symptoms appear or become worse at this time.

Hurdity x


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« Reply #267 on: February 16, 2015, 02:49:03 PM »

Sunderland etc.: Join in on the main forum, have a browse, add your comments  ;)

 :welcomemm:  come on in, we don't bite  ;D


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« Reply #268 on: February 16, 2015, 06:53:21 PM »

Hello ladies.

A big welcome to all newbies whoever you are and wherever you may be.

There is knowledge, comfort and support here and it really does help.

Best wishes everyone.



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« Reply #269 on: May 06, 2015, 07:28:06 PM »

Anyone lurking, come on in, we don't bite  ;)

Lots of advice, experiences and suggestions to share.  We have a humorous room as well as a holiday thread  ;)
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