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Author Topic: hi new and confused  (Read 1722 times)


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hi new and confused
« on: March 15, 2023, 05:13:08 PM »

i'm 47 years old and peri-menopausal
I had my coil replaced in July last year at a clinic they didn't inform the dr surgery so when I contacted her about my symptoms she didn't know and placed me on the oestrogel and progestogen capsules
by week 6 I was crazy crazy  :o and took myself off.

my peri-menopause symptoms got worse and a different dr has put me on the oestrogel 1 pump on each thigh once a day which I have been using for 8 weeks now I am anxious beyond belief its as if I'm permanently just about to start my period
I'm crying constantly, I'm clumsy ,I cannot motivate myself to do anything I've isolated my self from friends and family I'm dizzy with headaches and still have hot flushes itchy ears hair loss that is upsetting so much, memory loss I can't follow instructions I'm unsteady on my feet and very sleepy as well other symptoms

Is this meant to happen and will settle down? or am I having to much oestrogel and need less? or do I need more progestogen?
I want to see a specialist but don't know where to start

I welcome any advice thank you reading my moan


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Re: hi new and confused
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2023, 05:25:41 PM »

Hello Applestar and welcome to the forum. I am so sorry you ended up on so much progesterone. That must have made you feel truly awful. I assume you are okay with the coil as you mention you have had it replaced so I am guessing you have been using it a while? I ask as sometimes the coil can cause some to feel anxious.

Would you say your anxiety started when you began the gel? I really am sorry you are feeling so low and anxious. Sadly these can be very common in meno. Often HRT can help with this but it can take time to settle.

If you are on the coil you will not need more progesterone. With oestrogen it can be helpful to increase it gradually just so you have time to get used to the changes.

You are not alone and you will find so much support on here.


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Re: hi new and confused
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2023, 04:12:19 PM »

Hi Applestar75,

I am too 47 Years old and peri-menopausal, i started my journey last January 2022 with mild symptoms so was put on estrodial (2 Pumps) and Utrogestan (1 tablet for 25 days then 5 day Break) i was ok for 7 months then suddenly my symptoms came back with a vengeance. I was advised to up the tablet to 2 a day for 14 days then 14 day break, my symptoms settled but my mood swings was horrific massive effect on my mental health, constantly crying, massive highs and extremes lows  so contacted the GP regarding this when she then took me off HRT for 6 weeks, since then symptoms came back worse again but this time i had extreme thinning of my hair never suffered this before probably lost a good 50 percent volume 😔 just something else to add to my depression...loosing that much of hair ill be honest is sole destroying. I spoke to my GP who has now put me on the Evorel Sequi patches but because I still felt really poorly and constantly losing more hair so i decided to see a private specialist/gynaecologist yesterday and she was amazing really knows her stuff and after a long talk shes put a plan together, she seems to think i and need to increase my estrodial (which she said is the happy hormone) but cant do this as it looks like i am sensitive to progesterone so i am having the coil fitted soon. I hope this works 🤞but i guess its all down to balancing the medication, still on this very long journey but looking for that light at the end of the tunnel..

Hope you get sorted x


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Re: hi new and confused
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2023, 04:35:51 PM »

Hi donnafloyd

Bless you ,you sound as if you're in the same boat as me.
I have been using the estrogen pessaries for 4 years but think my levels have just dropped to low.
I'm lucky I have a lot of hair its just very fine but I can see my scalp I was a hairdresser in my 20's so my hair is still very important to me and I can't do a thing with it maybe I would feel better if I could make it look nice and not have it stuck to my head  :'(
I spoke to the nurse this morning as she seems to think I need more oestrogen so advised 3 pumps a day rather than just the two and she is swapping me onto patches when they become available again everyone is out of stock locally to me. I have applied a 3rd pump and do feel calmer or if this is a placebo effect that someone is helping me not sure it would work that quickly.
I also have an under active thyroid and feel over medicated with my tablets even though blood test in January  say I'm fine that will make me feel emotional. she has booked me in with a actual dr tomorrow as she thinks I'm depressed so will ask for more bloods to check thyroid levels but all I find is about oestrogen dominance can make you feel under medicated my mind is blown ???

good luck
 I hope you feel better soon and would love to hear how you get on xx


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Re: hi new and confused
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2023, 04:50:42 PM »

Hi Flossieteacake

thank you for your reply

Yes my anxiety did start with the Gel I've been ok with the coil I suffer with heavy periods and have had one for 51/2 years now which makes me wonder I've been peri menopausal for a lot longer than I thought

After 4-5 days I did feel so calm then the anxiety started and I've been up and down. Spoke to the nurse today and she seems to think I need more oestrogen told me to add 3rd pump of gel and she has put me onto patches when they are next in stock local to me.

I'm sceptical as I feel emotionally as if I'm about to start my period I suffer with dreadful pms another reason why I had the coil fitted I didn't want periods anymore , I've also got an under active thyroid which is a hormone


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Re: hi new and confused
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2023, 04:55:23 PM »

Hi Flossieteacake

thank you for your reply

Yes my anxiety did start with the Gel I've been ok with the coil I suffer with heavy periods and have had one for 51/2 years now which makes me wonder I've been peri menopausal for a lot longer than I thought

After 4-5 days I did feel so calm then the anxiety started and I've been up and down. Spoke to the nurse today and she seems to think I need more oestrogen told me to add 3rd pump of gel and she has put me onto patches when they are next in stock local to me.

I'm sceptical as I feel emotionally as if I'm about to start my period I suffer with dreadful pms another reason why I had the coil fitted I didn't want periods anymore , I've also got an under active thyroid which is a hormone

You may find it helpful to have a search in the search bar for under active thyroid as there are quite a few threads about this with members who can offer advice.

I can quite believe you were peri meno for longer then you thought because it can be difficult to know when it is happening and especially as Drs are often uneducated in this and will assume other things are causing the symptoms.

I can understand you are concerned. Just know that you can stop the patches at any time and you do not have to stay on them if they cause you to feel unwell.


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Re: hi new and confused
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2023, 05:21:21 PM »

Hi Applestar75,

I think we are definitely in the same boat as i also suffer with an underactive thyroid currently on 25mg, i am trying to get this increased as i think this might be contributing to my hair thinning and change in texture - My bloods test came back normal in February however my surgery only test TSH and T4 so now trying to get them to run fall test on this but if not will have to pay private... i was diagnosed with perimenopause and underactive thyroid at the same time. 

I know how you feel i can see my scalp too i would say this is contributing more to my mental health and i know what you mean i cannot do anything with mine either, i was sat in bed this morning at 2am unable to sleep and googling wigs 😔 its awful having to battle 2 hormone issues  🙄

I really hope you get sorted and feel better soon, let me know how you get on and i will keep you posted with my journey xx