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Author Topic: Just need to offload...  (Read 443 times)


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Just need to offload...
« on: March 17, 2023, 06:16:44 PM »


Thanks for taking the time to read my post. I'm not after specific advice, more a place to offload to like minded people.

So I started HRT last week after a few years of badgering my GP. I've been prescribed the gel once a day and then progesterone from days 15-26 of my cycle. I'm using the gel daily but obviously have to wait to start the progesterone.

My sleep is much improved but to a point where I now don't want to get up every day. My mood is very low, my motivation with anything has all but disappeared. I don't know who I am anymore, my toleration of things is not good. I'm unhappy with me in general, my weight, how I look, having constant dental issues now too which all adds up to me feeling pretty damn miserable.  I also have other ongoing issues with my health including Fibromyalgia and chronic migraine.

It feels like I've turned 50 and everything is going downhill. I don't feel like me anymore......the joys of peri menopause.


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Re: Just need to offload...
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2023, 06:28:14 PM »

I remember how unsupportive your Dr is and how you always have to fight to get any HRT or VA treatment. I would imagine this alone is enough to make anybody feel low.

It is still very early days for you but you having seen an improvement in your sleep already is wonderful. Lack of sleep is very difficult to deal with and once you get some decent sleep this will do you the world of good.

I can relate to feeling low and lacking motivation. All sorts of things are happening to your body right now and with only being on HRT a short time, your body needs to settle and get used to it. I have found mental health kind of issues can take a while to improve on HRT but do not worry because they will improve for you.

Dental issues are a horrid side of meno. Having a dry mouth can make them worse. Often dentists are not aware such dental issues are actually meno related but they can help if they realise. Things like special toothpaste or mouthwash for a dry mouth can be provided so do not be afraid to tell the dentist what is going on.

Fibro and migraine are such difficult conditions to have to deal with not to mention the exhaustion you will have from fibro. It sounds like you need to be kind and gentle with yourself. Please do not beat yourself up over weight gain. You have so much going on and your hormones are all over the place right now.

I know you said your husband does not seem able to understand and that must be so tough. We understand what you are feeling and we have all been there. You are not alone. Please post as much as you want to. You will always find somebody to listen and support you on here.