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Author Topic: Feel so irritable/angry/ ragey  (Read 2182 times)


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Re: Feel so irritable/angry/ ragey
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2023, 07:54:40 PM »

Thanks Sarah ☺️
It is a total minefield and one I cannot fathom out at all.

Maybe the coil is still settling, who knows. Maybe I need to up the oestrogen? Maybe I’m not absorbing? Maybe I’m terminally ill and haven’t realised.

Yesterday you cried and I thought I was dying ( felt so poorly). I really hope you feel better soon, honestly I do.

Chin up Sarah x


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Re: Feel so irritable/angry/ ragey
« Reply #16 on: March 12, 2023, 08:50:42 PM »

You too Nas!

I just keep trying to say to myself I have had so many ups and downs on this whole madness of peri. But I have somehow come back up each time and I must do so again.  Spent today just trying to accept that thought. As so many of us know from experience some days are just simply too much. Yesterday was my day like that, floods of confused angry tears whilst you were overwhelmed yourself.

I am upping the estradot tomorrow, from 50, to 75, but am going to snip a bit of the patch off so I can increase gradually...last thing I need is freaking my body out even more ::)

Total minefield indeed.
Not sure about placement of patch on back.  I try to alternate spots below my waist, but around the (shaven) pubic area or towards my hips. Somehow I want to keep it kind of near my womb area to.absorb where I need it most?! .. Psychological maybe? Whatever, you and I just want to try anything don't we?!

Hope you can smile a bit tomorrow
S x


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Re: Feel so irritable/angry/ ragey
« Reply #17 on: March 13, 2023, 09:51:43 PM »

Hi Nas

Not sure if this is helpful but it occurred to me only recently that usually  seem to get irritable or angry when I’m sleep deprived or stressed above my limit. It sounds obvious but it’s taken me years to notice this pattern. Even when I thought it was pmt, it’s because during pmt I need loads more sleep and it’s not usually possible to get that much sleep. This makes me think it’s partly down to low serotonin, because we make serotonin when we sleep. And there is a link between oestrogen and serotonin/ serotonin receptors I think. Sorry if this sounds really obvious but I wanted to help. Does anyone else have any thoughts on the serotonin link? I hope you feel better soon Nas. The things that help me the most are sleep and nature walks. X


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Re: Feel so irritable/angry/ ragey
« Reply #18 on: March 14, 2023, 05:09:17 PM »

Hi Nas,
How you doing today? Any improvement in how you feel?
Hope maybe things have settled a.but and this has been one of those dips that can affect us so much, physically and emotionally.

Hugs as always


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Re: Feel so irritable/angry/ ragey
« Reply #19 on: March 14, 2023, 05:36:02 PM »

Thanks Sarah ☺️
It is a total minefield and one I cannot fathom out at all.

Maybe the coil is still settling, who knows. Maybe I need to up the oestrogen? Maybe I’m not absorbing? Maybe I’m terminally ill and haven’t realised.

Yesterday you cried and I thought I was dying ( felt so poorly). I really hope you feel better soon, honestly I do.

Chin up Sarah x

hi nas

i really wish i could make all this go away for you but all i can do is offer my support.

my sleep is still hitty missy, a work in progress i call it.

i hope you manage to figure out whats causing it all for you.

all my best wishes xxx


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Re: Feel so irritable/angry/ ragey
« Reply #20 on: March 14, 2023, 07:30:33 PM »

Hi all,
Thankyou so much for your replies, they have helped immensely.

Monday was a better day thankfully. I am wondering whether it was the lenzetto which I applied on Friday night. I removed my patch due to it leaving black marks on my skin and gave myself 3 lenzetto sprays instead. My mood went downhill by Saturday morning and by Sunday, I was so angry and irritable!

Don’t think it’s the coil, given that’s been in since May last year.

Kathrine, you are so right about the sleep. Come Friday night, I’m shattered and often feel ‘off’ at the weekends. My sleep pattern is sketchy anyway, but I do think we underestimate how damaging lack of sleep is to that body and brain. Now to find a  way of getting more restorative sleep!

Again, thankyou ladies, this forum is a life saver! 🥰🥰🥰😊


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Re: Feel so irritable/angry/ ragey
« Reply #21 on: March 14, 2023, 07:48:26 PM »

your so right nas.

now if you find thst magical rainbow to restorative sleep, be sure to let me know!!


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Re: Feel so irritable/angry/ ragey
« Reply #22 on: March 14, 2023, 07:54:29 PM »

Disco, you will be the first to know, trust me!!

How are you doing anway? X


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Re: Feel so irritable/angry/ ragey
« Reply #23 on: March 14, 2023, 08:07:01 PM »

Disco, you will be the first to know, trust me!!

How are you doing anway? X

ooo you know i think ive nailed it then the next night... nope.

some nights i get to sleep no bother but wake up at 3am or 4am takes me a while to get back off but i manage it. so i could get 6 or even 7 hrs some nights.

but then like last night it took me ages to get off to sleep. if i go to sleep then wake up unless ive dream i dont always know if ive been asleep or not!!

i mean no pattern at all

you couldnt make it up could you.



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Re: Feel so irritable/angry/ ragey
« Reply #24 on: March 14, 2023, 08:29:28 PM »

Oh discogirl,

You've just given me  the biggest smile of my day.

Everyone I speak to seems to be having a crap time. Just awful. So you coming out and saying :

You couldn't make it up could you...  well,  kind of just sums up life at the moment.

Gotta keep going and wait for  the better days.



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Re: Feel so irritable/angry/ ragey
« Reply #25 on: March 15, 2023, 07:32:12 PM »

Oh discogirl,

You've just given me  the biggest smile of my day.

Everyone I speak to seems to be having a crap time. Just awful. So you coming out and saying :

You couldn't make it up could you...  well,  kind of just sums up life at the moment.

Gotta keep going and wait for  the better days.


aw SarahT

im so glad i made you smile. laughter is the best medicine.

my lovely supportive hubby said to me, in everything theres a beginning a middle and an end and i know for some of us this is a bloody long dark tunnel. we all just got to keep looking for the chink of light xxx
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