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Author Topic: Back on HRT...and constipation!  (Read 7282 times)


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Back on HRT...and constipation!
« on: March 13, 2023, 08:17:39 AM »

I'm back on Evorel patches (50mg) and constant Utrogestan (vaginally).

I'm about 3-3.5 weeks in and my bowel movements have changed. i used to go daily, early and very easily. Now it takes an effort and I can feel 'full' without anything happening.

Ugh. I hate it! Will it settle? Anything I can do to speed things along? Apart from the usual eat prunes etc, which I already do.


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Re: Back on HRT...and constipation!
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2023, 02:21:40 PM »

Oh, I feel for you - it's a really horrible condition.  I'm afraid both oestrogen & progesterone can cause or contribute to constipation in susceptible women.  Progesterone has long been considered a culprit, as it's a smooth muscle relaxant that's said to inhibit peristalsis, reducing the strength of the contractions that move food through the gut.  More recently it's been recognised that oestrogen can also have an adverse effect, though confusingly some articles say the drop in serotonin that can occur as oestrogen levels decline can also slow the gut.  I think it must depend on individual tendencies.

I'm a daily prune/fig girl too, along with all manner of other measures  ::) & sounds like you know what those are, but maybe have a look at the longstanding "Poo!" thread if you have time & need new ideas.  Quick suggestions in case you haven't already tried these - a Squatty Potty (horrible name, great product!) can make a big difference, some women find ground linseeds a great help, but just be aware that the lignans in them may interfere with oestrogen uptake & I do find they make flushes & night sweats worse.  Some like chia seed though I don't find it very effective.   Some take magnesium.  Some find kiwi fruit especially helpful.  Probiotics might be worth a try, if you don't have an autoimmune condition they might stir up.  I've used Proven, Biocare (same manufacturer) & Optibac over the years.  One I found particularly helpful is Quest's L Plantarum, from Bodykind online.  I also eat natural yoghurt every day, but you'll know that dairy can be problematic for some people & yoghurt's high in histamine.  Oh - whole rye bread can be more effective than wheat, if you're not GF.

If upping fibre, fluid, exercise & relaxation (if poss) don't help & this is a change to your gut function on a regimen you formerly had no probs with, then please flag it up with your GP.  Not sure from your post whether it's the HRT combination that's new or you're simply having a new trial of a regimen you tried in the past, but if new to you & the problem persists, it could be that you'll need to change the oestrogen dose or the method/type of progestogen.

Another thought is perhaps pelvic floor dysfunction, as that can badly affect the mechanics of emptying.  Something to look into if you feel this might be behind it.

Also, though it's important to the body in many ways, Vit D supplements can unfortunately be constipating for some people, especially at higher doses.  Ditto calcium supplements.

I hope you manage to get it sorted, as it can feel terrible.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2023, 03:13:48 PM by Wrensong »


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Re: Back on HRT...and constipation!
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2023, 05:34:51 PM »

I really feel for you - I suffer from HRT related constipation too, and have done since I started taking it. For me it is definitely increased or excess Estrogen that causes it, and the only relief I get is for about two days when my period arrives and then as soon as my Estrogen starts to rise again, nothing. The studies I read showed that Estrogen "turns off" the muscles in your bowl, though as Wrensong says some people seem to be more susceptible to it than others.

I've tried every supplement and foodstuff that the lovely Wrensong has mentioned above and nothing has really "fixed it" but I've found it helps slightly to overload myself with fruit - raspberries, blackberries, passionfruit (v high in fibre), apples, bananas - you name it! And of course fresh figs. I've had all the investigations and basically ended up being told by my specialist that stimulating laxatives (ie. bisocodyl) were the only answer for me, and I should take them long term. This never sat right with me, so I don't take them and now just rely on enemas when I feel really blocked up.

Sending love xx


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Re: Back on HRT...and constipation!
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2023, 06:05:44 PM »

Same reaction to oestrogen has limited how much I can take Gilla & every prog phase just adds insult to injury.  Your fruit list sounds like a small corner of my weekly fruit & veg shopping list & we have a fresh fruit salad every day.  We had 22 different fruit & veg in a "premium" sized veg box delivery recently & still bought another dozen types at the supermarket same day  ;D.  There are just 2 of us at home & OH being a lucky, lucky bloke, doesn't need the fibre.  At least we should be brimming with antioxidants! 

And the investigations - uggh - horrible.  :hug:


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Re: Back on HRT...and constipation!
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2023, 07:41:54 AM »

It's really interesting how it seems to affect some women and not others isn't it, but I'm absolutely certain from various experiments I've done that it is the Estrogen that's the problem for me - I had the same issue when I tried going on the contraceptive pill in my 20s.

22 different times of fruit and veg!!! How great is that though?! I need to up my game  ;D


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Re: Back on HRT...and constipation!
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2023, 09:43:17 AM »

Have you tried a good curry or regular spicy food? I'm serious. My gut is different though and does the opposite of yours and I'd like to slow mine down....

Hurdity x


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Re: Back on HRT...and constipation!
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2023, 03:30:08 PM »

Yeah, a good, varied veg box Gilla & don't forget the dozen extra fruit & veg I bought at the supermarket same day :D.  Luckily I love it all.  So I'd say you deffo need to up your game  ;D


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Re: Back on HRT...and constipation!
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2023, 04:12:27 PM »

Consider that a challenge Wrensong  ;D  ;D  I thought of you this afternoon while eating my 6 pieces of fruit  :)

Molly, this has worked for me at times too - a very strong coffee in the morning (without the exercise though - I'll need to add that in!). Another good recommendation xx


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Re: Back on HRT...and constipation!
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2023, 04:23:00 PM »

Consider that a challenge Wrensong  ;D  ;D  I thought of you this afternoon while eating my 6 pieces of fruit
  :ange:   ;D


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Re: Back on HRT...and constipation!
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2023, 08:50:52 AM »

For anyone as a cheaper alternative I use grandchildren's step stool that they used to use to reach the sink as a makeshift 'squatty potty' as mentioned above.  Works for me even if it is possibly not as high.
Colorectal surgeon years ago advised daily figs never anything like all bran that can act like concrete in the bowel.

Chai tea can be good as it has ginger and cinnamon in.  We get a good loose chai tea from a somerset retailer.

« Last Edit: March 15, 2023, 09:07:28 AM by Minusminnie »