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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Been told by GP pharmacy I cannot have more than 3 dosages of vagifem per week.  (Read 1184 times)


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I’m after some advice as I had really bad VA, not realising it was this.

Until you all helped and advised. I’ve had bladder scans, antibiotics, thrush cream you name it, I’ve tried it. It was agreed by the nurse that I was to try vagifem after you all advised.

It’s been brilliant. However, I cannot go back to a three a week dosage as I have symptoms back.

I put in a request via my GP to up it, as I was paying for it privately.

The receptionist has phoned me to say the in house pharmacist has said a daily dosage is not safe and I can’t have it, and I have to go to my gynaecologist for this.

I said,  I’m not under a gynaecologist as you never sent me to one, in fact in my notes you will see I’ve suffered for years and no one has helped.

I told them it’s not acceptable and I will not be suffering.

A doctor is suppose to be phoning me back this afternoon too, to shall I say fight my case.

I need some hard evidence and some good arguments to put to them.

Any advice greatly appreciated.

Best wishes



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How frustrating! You could point out the original Vagifem was taken twice a week as it was five times as strong. You could also mention the forum. It may also be worth asking to speak to the practice manager. It is so unfair you have to fight for this. It should not be this hard.


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Please mention that you know women that are being prescribed Vagifem for every day use with Ovestin also included in their prescription.
If you are on systemic HRT it might muddy the waters with them in their argument but it shouldn't!

Fight your corner and let us know how you get on.



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Sounds like another ridiculous case of postcode lottery.

As with so many things medical it often seems to depend on where you live and the prescribing guidelines in that particular area.

You could always top up with the new over the counter brand perhaps??


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The over the counter brand is called Gina for women over 50. You will be asked questions by the pharmacist but if you have no other issues you should be able to buy it without problems.  Also available online to buy! 


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"Remind" them that the Estring delivers 50 mcg estradiol per week (= 5 Vagifem). "Remind" them that there used to be a 25 mcg version of Vagifem and the licensed dose for Vagifem is actually based on this product used twice a week (= 50 mcg estradiol). Ask them what they perceive the problem to be with 50 mcg vaginal estradiol. Morons 🙄.
JP x


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If you don't get anyway with your gp you could try an email to Dr Currie who runs this site. It costs £30 but her word should carry more clout than either the pharmacist or the gp.


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Perhaps email them something like  this   :

Dear Dr ........

Following on from ......................

I feel that I have a good knowledge of vaginal atrophy as I have read factual, evidence based, non-biased information from respected sources including, the NICE guidance on the diagnosis and management of the menopause and the British Menopause Society Consensus Statement on Vaginal Atrophy via


I understand that the decision for you to prescribe local oestrogen needs to consider patient choice, informed consent and the options available to me. As I am aware of the potential and minimal risks of using local oestrogen alongside systemic oestrogen or in isolation, and I am prepared to accept them, I feel that I should not be denied this treatment which could improve my symptoms and quality of life and reduce my future risk of further deterioration.

I would really appreciate it if the practice would reconsider me being prescribed  the further local oestrogen I requested.

Please can you contact me when you have had time to consider my request so that we can discuss this again?



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Your prescribing practitioner is way behind the times!  I would be reporting to the British Menopause Society!

Ask them for recent peer reviewed evidence that suggests that Vagifem cannot be used 'as necessary'.  Let us know how you get on.


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Hi.  This makes me so mad when GPS do this

I didn’t realise how bad my VA was.  Without daily vagifem I am plagued with UTIs and kidney infections.  Last week I was once again (4th time) referred to our nhs gynae dept to fight for an increase in patch and to keep testosterone.  I had no idea my constant ‘thrush’ and splitting during intercourse was VA too - so now I am on daily vagifem plus Ovestin daily outside , 100 Evorel and have been kept on testosterone.  I have my bloods taken annually and all is well

Go back and explain one vagifem every day in a year equates to one dose of systemic oestrogen x


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I’m not sure how to reply individually to you all, and never had an email alert to say I had some responses.

But, As suspected the conversation didn’t go well as they were sticking with the pharmacist decision.

“It’s not safe”

I explained in detail,  and how they could see from my records this issues had been going on too long with bladder infections.  I also mentioned to the GP that she was the one that told me to buy thrush cream and how I spent a miserable year and money and things that were not going g to help.

I told her vagifem is working and does with a daily dosage.

I also mentioned the dosage is minimal and I was prepared to take a risks, for my own mental and physical well being.

I also said, I hope that you never have to suffer this.

Everything people mentioned on here, I actually did say and so I wouldn’t get tongue tied did bullet points.

I Mentioned I’m a member of Menopause matters and so on.  It didn’t help.

Even my husband is livid, and said I’m sure getting street drugs is easier than this.

 I tried, but it’s absolutely disgusting.

I use to have a fantastic GP there, straight talking but wanted what was best for the patient. They left.

@poppytoast asked why I am paying for a prescription when I am under the NHS.

I am under a private menopause clinic too, as if the GP didn’t agree to HRT, I had a back up plan.

Back when my VA was absolutely awful, and people on here mentioned VA and after researching it myself,

I contacted my private menopause clinic and did a consultation with a nurse. They agreed I needed Vagifem, but, as highlighted I should have this on the NHS.

As I was struggling to get an appointment with anyone from the surgery,  (they have stopped you booking online appointments) and as they never mentioned VA, despite weekly urine samples being dropped off with the all clear.  I ordered some next day delivery with the private clinic.

I finally went back to my GP surgery and told them that my private clinic suggested vagifem. They gave me 2 weeks supply daily then dropped down to 3 a week. Via the NHS they will only give me 3 a week.

My menopause clinic are happy to allow me daily use, and this is why I paid for the prescription.

I absolutely agree it’s not right I am having to pay.

Next step is a letter to my surgery with the contents someone on here has kindly suggested, and a letter from my menopause clinic to say it is safe to use.

Thank you all once again.

Best wishes



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I would pay for a response from Dr Currie to hand to your Practice manager.  It's amazing that GPs are so blind!!! 


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If Vagifem wasn't safe you would not be able to buy it over the counter. Perhaps that's what your surgery want, now that its available over the counter go buy it yourself!!

Its post code lottery crap going on here, I am in London and I can have whatever I need from my surgery, they are so incredibly understanding and only want the best for their patients.

So sorry that you have to fight for what is rightfully yours from the NHS.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2023, 06:39:13 PM by Ayesha »


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I'm only allowed the standard dosage too. My surgery follows the NICE prescribing guidelines apparently. It's awful when the old dosage worked for women and this has been taken away from them. I'm lucky in that the new dosage is enough for me as long as I'm also allowed to stay on full HRT.

If you are on full HRT how are you supposed to know if you are post menopausal when buying the over the counter vaginal oestrogen and also why do they assume that only women who are over 50 need it?
Taz x  :-\



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Taz - mayB write to Dr Currie?
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