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Author Topic: biovea estriol cream- any experiences?  (Read 9808 times)


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Re: biovea estriol cream- any experiences?
« Reply #15 on: April 02, 2023, 10:18:34 AM »

Hi Furyan

good to hear from you though I'm sorry you're finding it all a struggle.
Yes, I hear you with the biovea having too much impact- it's crazy! palpitations at night for sure. I'm keeping it on ice though. I had previously tried estriol vaginally (ovestin I think) and this was too much. I didnt need it for VA- i dont think i have that- just thought it might work generally.
What is with us- it's bloody annoying!
Actually I'm doing the same as you now- having half a patch (estradot) for the same reasons: I can't have nothing, need some HRT. for me it's joints starting to hurt and lethargy.
I am very confused about things being bioidentical or otherwise- I *thought* the estradot patch- which is what I'm on- was bioidentical- but I may be wrong- certainly at the moment it's feeling a bit rubbish.
just re-reading yours and it sounds like the biovea estriol might be ok for you (in tiny doses!!)- great that it gave you a libido and sorted VA! that's quite exciting isn't it? do you intend to use it exclusively or is it always in conjunction with the patch?
anyway- it does bode well :)
Are you on testosterone too?
best of luck with the functional appointment and with blood tests. I hope you get some answers.
I've only been on patch (12.5mcg) for 4 days so gritting teeth and sticking with it. managed to exercise last week- before attempting patch- can't face exercise now but I'm sure it will settle.
I think I'm aiming to be able to take 25mcg and stick with that.
I'd also like testosterone at some point.
that was all rather waffly :)
Best of luck- we'll get there x


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Re: biovea estriol cream- any experiences?
« Reply #16 on: April 02, 2023, 11:37:45 AM »

Hi Furyan

good to hear from you though I'm sorry you're finding it all a struggle.
Yes, I hear you with the biovea having too much impact- it's crazy! palpitations at night for sure. I'm keeping it on ice though. I had previously tried estriol vaginally (ovestin I think) and this was too much. I didnt need it for VA- i dont think i have that- just thought it might work generally.
What is with us- it's bloody annoying!
Actually I'm doing the same as you now- having half a patch (estradot) for the same reasons: I can't have nothing, need some HRT. for me it's joints starting to hurt and lethargy.
I am very confused about things being bioidentical or otherwise- I *thought* the estradot patch- which is what I'm on- was bioidentical- but I may be wrong- certainly at the moment it's feeling a bit rubbish.
just re-reading yours and it sounds like the biovea estriol might be ok for you (in tiny doses!!)- great that it gave you a libido and sorted VA! that's quite exciting isn't it? do you intend to use it exclusively or is it always in conjunction with the patch?
anyway- it does bode well :)
Are you on testosterone too?
best of luck with the functional appointment and with blood tests. I hope you get some answers.
I've only been on patch (12.5mcg) for 4 days so gritting teeth and sticking with it. managed to exercise last week- before attempting patch- can't face exercise now but I'm sure it will settle.
I think I'm aiming to be able to take 25mcg and stick with that.
I'd also like testosterone at some point.
that was all rather waffly :)
Best of luck- we'll get there x

Vintage - yes I believe Estradot IS body identical oestrogen, just like Evorel only is. But Evorel Conti, which I’ve temporarily gone back to, is mixed with synthetic progesterone, which is an issue for me as ideally I’d want all body identical. Atm, just putting up with the Conti until that consultation - interestingly, it doesn’t give me as much water retention as the patch/utrogestan combined, which has always suggested to me the utrogestan dosage is the main problem for me. Can’t wait to hear the consultant’s view on it…

Re: Estriol, turns out the dizzy/palpitations must have been because I took a full pump (as recommended). Although I said I’d shelve it til after the consultation, I tried half pump last couple nights and it was better but still helped with the stuff I mentioned. Hoping there’s a way to add this to an oestrogen patch in the future along with a suitable progesterone but I’ll see what the consultation says. And yes, I take testosterone at half the recommended dose.

Sounds like, with us both, we have to take much less than the recommended doses to make these hormones even quarter bearable! It’s just a nightmare (or daymare) trying to work out what works ‘good enough’. Like I said, if all else fails, I may consider tibolone, Mirena or stay on Conti - least I’ll go down one of the two dress sizes I’ve put on! 😏


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Re: biovea estriol cream- any experiences?
« Reply #17 on: April 02, 2023, 12:27:01 PM »

Yes - we will get there! X 🙏🏽


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Re: biovea estriol cream- any experiences?
« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2023, 02:29:05 PM »

Thanks for explaining the bio-identical stuff, Furyan :) I hadn't allowed for the synthetic prog.
hope all goes well for you- wonder if you can take less utro ie less often- or would it be too up and down- anyway, hopefully funstional doc will have some ideas
and yes, there is always tibolone- someone on mumsnet was doing really well on that (she'd had her ovaries out at 38, gone straight on to tibolone and several years later doing fine :))


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Re: biovea estriol cream- any experiences?
« Reply #19 on: May 16, 2023, 08:44:05 AM »

Hi I know you don’t have ovaries and don’t need progesterone but when you’re very sensitive to estrogen (like me - I also get palpitations) it can be calming and balance the estrogen. So using utrogestan or over the counter progesterone or compounded progesterone could be helpful.


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Re: biovea estriol cream- any experiences?
« Reply #20 on: May 16, 2023, 11:49:13 AM »

Hi Scampidoodle,

thank you for replying
well, some things have altered since I posted!
basically I stuck with the tiny patch for 6 weeks, then gave up as felt horrible
I felt so awful the next morning that i found some estrogel (as you do)- and thought, what the hell- and actually put 2 pumps on- so a lot more than the patch- kill or cure I thought!!
didn't feel great for the next 2 days and so added a pump of the otc progesterone cream on the 2nd day.
the 3rd day I woke up and felt awesome! normal- first time in years. i hadnt even slept well but that didnt matter.
day after that not so great- ah! so i'm bumbling along trying to figure out what it was that worked and recreate that amazing feeling of normality.
i might actually need more of the prog but i'm scared to try- but going higher on the oestrogen seemed to work (i never thought that would happen)

i honestly thought i'd had it with estrogens including the gel, but somehow it/or the prog/or the two together worked

so, yes, you may well be right re the prog
i only applied half pump yesterday (of prog) and feel quite bad today so adds weight to the needing more not less!
i'm just very tentative because i'm definitely prog sensitive- it was why i had womb out in first place

BUT i'm learning that there's something of a goldilocks zone with these hormones- it's just finding it that's so hard

the fact that i had a good day- honestly, beside myself- never thought it would happen again
gives me hope :)
i hope you're doing well too x


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Re: biovea estriol cream- any experiences?
« Reply #21 on: May 16, 2023, 01:30:55 PM »

That’s definitely hopeful! And you’re right there is a sweet spot for sure! It may be that one pump of the progesterone cream with a bit of estrogen works well for you. Worth trying. There are a few on this site who have had luck with otc progesterone cream. I’m trying some compounded cream at the mo. I’m not on any estrogen as I can’t hack it I get all jittery and palpitations and hot flushes. I’m 44 and early peri I think. But progesterone does something beneficial for me I just haven’t worked out yet how much and when or whether a tiny bit of estrogen would help.


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Re: biovea estriol cream- any experiences?
« Reply #22 on: May 17, 2023, 10:55:57 AM »

best of luck, Scampidoodle

You will find the sweet spot too!
must admit I took estradiol gel throughout peri and i was a bloody loon! i expect my levels were ridiculously high- i don't think it was what i needed at that time but hindsight's a wonderful thing
i just convinced myself it *had* to work
as you plateau of course it's easier to manage taking oestrogen gels/patches whatever
or maybe the prog alone is your magic bullet

i'm back to feeling a bit out of sorts but having that one good day has really helped morale- i thought i wasn't capable of ever feeling ok again- now I know it's possible


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Re: biovea estriol cream- any experiences?
« Reply #23 on: May 17, 2023, 03:30:33 PM »

I get that. It works well for so many and hailed as a wonderful vital thing for us so it’s hard to really entertain that it’s not working as it should!

Even now i know it would make me feel worse as in my natural cycles I feel worse when estrogen is climbing or high but still I think, maybe a little estrogen would work?? Who am I kidding lol!

Will give the progesterone a go and see! Good luck to you, there is hope as you had that day and that wasn’t a fluke.
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