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Author Topic: Too scared to go for next DEXA  (Read 4639 times)


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Too scared to go for next DEXA
« on: February 24, 2023, 05:16:27 PM »

I had a DEXA scan almost by chance in 2019 and then again in 2020. Although I was on the young side it was because I'm coeliac that the clever doc joined the dots and suggested it. Much to my utter dismay I found I had osteopenia in my hip and spine, and osteoporosis (just) in the other hip. I was gutted. Then Covid...etc.

I'm due to have a further check up soon and I'm too scared to go. Although I have walked most days since lockdown, done stair climbing and gone gluten free I am terrified it will be a bad result. I have improved my diet, don't smoke or drink either.

I am very small and light, and probably didn't ever have high baseline density, but doctors treat us all the same (ridiculous) and the drugs are hideous. Terrible side effects and questionable mechanisms.

I really can't get my head around this.



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Re: Too scared to go for next DEXA
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2023, 06:07:39 PM »

Go.  Worrying about the what ifs won't help.  Getting a scan will give you a base-line: you may be absolutely OK.  Pity that you didn't get a follow up!  You can look at the UK-based osteoporosis society web-site.

Who will go with you?


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Re: Too scared to go for next DEXA
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2023, 06:09:00 PM »

I can totally understand you are worried. The thing is, you have tried to hard and cutting out gluten will have helped you so much. Imagine if you get a scan and it is good news? It will really reassure you and you will feel so much better.

It could be you will not need any drugs at all. I can understand it is a lot to get your head around. I feel Dr's tell us such things but then do not give any advice or information and we are just left to deal with things.


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Re: Too scared to go for next DEXA
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2023, 06:47:19 PM »

I too had a dexa scan and was told I'd osteopenia,totally gutted as I really didn't think there'd be anything wrong.I've been put on Accrete,which is a vit d and calcium tablet,dreading my next one too tbh


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Re: Too scared to go for next DEXA
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2023, 06:10:05 PM »

Hello ladies.

HellsBells, - I completely understand your reluctance. I am small boned and although I have always walked a lot I was diagnosed with IBS when in my late teens and was found to have Ulcerative Colitis when I became post meno. I have been in remission ever since but I realise that my digestive system has likely led to weak bones over my lifetime. I have never asked for a DEXA scan and I would be afraid to have one in case it is bad news.  Silly I know.  Apparently larger people tend to have thicker bones because of all the extra weight they carry but I like to think that thin boned people can help themselves by weight bearing exercises which include walking. I also assume that the marathon runners we see on television have good bone density and these people are stick thin lol.

Jaypo - It is interesting that you were prescribed a Vitamin D and calcium tablet, have you been on this treatment for a long time? I ask because we are now advised to take K2 with Vitamin D to ensure that calcium gets to our bones. I know you don't use HRT so if you are relying on this regime you want to get the most benefit.

Wishing you well ladies and take care.



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Re: Too scared to go for next DEXA
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2023, 07:14:29 PM »

Thank you Kathleen,I've been on it since November but I didn't know or wasn't told I needed K2,tbh I've not even heard of it,I shall ask the Dr,thanks again xx


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Re: Too scared to go for next DEXA
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2023, 07:18:32 PM »

My GP is very pro HRT for any woman at risk of developing osteoporosis. Not everyone is able to take it of course.


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Re: Too scared to go for next DEXA
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2023, 03:45:46 PM »

Hello again ladies.

Jaypo -  You can buy K2 from health food shops, I get mine from H&B. You may want to do some Googling to see what you think.

I know that you have been  benefiting from CBD gummies and I wonder if you started taking Vit D at the same time?  If so some of your improvement may be due to Vit D as well as the gummies!

Wishing you well and take care.



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Re: Too scared to go for next DEXA
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2023, 04:22:47 PM »

Ah yes, whilst googling, I read vit d good for anxiety, well helping with it I should say  ;D so yes,maybe that PLUS the CBD,you never know, I maybe singing from the hilltops soon lol thanks again Kathleen x


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Re: Too scared to go for next DEXA
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2023, 10:33:22 AM »

Hello everyone
To all of us on this journey. It’s all hideous and so nerve wracking.
I’ve just bought this book from Amazon. It makes for very interesting reading.
It certainly puts a totally different slant on things anyway.

Osteoporosis Reversal Secrets
By Igor Klibanov

I know the medics say the condition can’t be reversed but it’s very interesting to read about other options to consider rather than being pressured into taking the ‘big pharma’ meds. Sending hugs to you all.


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Re: Too scared to go for next DEXA
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2023, 11:02:56 AM »

All I would advise anyone who's been diagnosed or is at risk is - please don't just do nothing! 

Having watched my mum who experienced spontaneous crush fractures in her spine in her mid 60s and then became increasingly disabled by this horrible condition over the next 20 years, osteoporosis is not something to be trifled with.

Good luck all.


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Re: Too scared to go for next DEXA
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2023, 02:52:04 PM »

Hello again ladies.

A friend of mine saw no improvements after five years on the medication and was told that her bones had actually deteriorated further. She wasn't on HRT at the time but now uses a 50mcg patch. Perhaps try to have scans whilst on the treatment to see if it is working, if not then other methods like HRT, vitamin D supplementation etc can be explored.

Take care ladies.




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Re: Too scared to go for next DEXA
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2023, 03:16:13 PM »

The main thing is not to do nothing. Weight bearing exercise, calcium and Vit supplements (D and K2) . Also getting short (10 to 15 minute) spells sitting out in the sun when it finally comes back.

I am currently on Denosumab which has improved my bone density to osteopenia BUT the injections make me feel extremely unwell. I wish I'd not started it, initially I was told it would be for 5 years - now I'm told I have to do another 4 years.


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Re: Too scared to go for next DEXA
« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2023, 11:09:23 AM »

So...I put my big girl pants on and had a follow up DEXA two days ago. For once I tried to be the compliant patient they prefer - quiet, asked no questions and didn't press for an insight as the paperwork said no results would be given on the day.

My last scan was 5 years ago - 7 months after my periods stopped and 5 months after being diagnosed as coeliac and going on a gluten free diet. I had -1.3 in my spine, -2.2 in my right hip and -2.5 in my left hip (JUST into osteoporosis). I was 50.

However, the clinician made a couple of cryptic comments which now have me losing my mind! This may be an irritating post as I don't yet have results - but I need something to distract me!! The clinician said, literally just before I left "so we'll see you again in 5 years" which means my result is abnormal still. But also said "and then hopefully we'll see you in 20years!" She was lovely, competent and efficient but I REALLY wish she hadn't said that. It could be bad news (the interval for drug treatment is 5 year checks) or that I have improved...I'm going nuts here.

After the last scan I upped my exercise, have stuck to a gluten free diet and taken supplements and stopped all ready meals, take aways etc etc.  I was too scared to go back as this thread begins, for the longest time!

I think the results can take up to 2 weeks...


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Re: Too scared to go for next DEXA
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2023, 11:25:21 AM »

Well done for going Hellsbells! That is so brave of you. I am sorry about the comments the Dr made but as you are anxious you may be analysing them when they may not have meant anything at all. I can understand this as I do this too. It is unfortunate you have to wait two weeks for the results but in the meantime please congratulate yourself on actually going. I think that is a real achievement.
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