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Author Topic: New member JillM- help  (Read 23293 times)


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Re: New member JillM- help
« Reply #90 on: March 01, 2019, 05:10:54 PM »

Thanks Jaypo, the dizzy has subsided for the time being. May be it was a virus after all. Just proves I shouldn't always jump to meno as the answer.
I managed with 1 to 2 of the tablets per day, still have some in case it comes back 😱.
Have an appointment next Thursday with GP to discuss this and to get more info on HRT.
It's all very confusing, pills, gel, patches- no idea which way to turn😡🤪😤



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Re: New member JillM- help
« Reply #91 on: March 08, 2019, 10:05:09 AM »

Hi me again,
I need some advice from anyone using vagifem.
I started it in Oct last year and seemed to be ok, very happy with vaginal improvement.
But I gave been suffering with really bad stomach ache, gas, bloating and toilet issues.
Some of this is normal for me as I lost my gall bladder 3 1/2 years ago and have had toilet issues since then.
The stomach pain is awful, lower cramps, upper right side pain similar to gallbladder attac but not as severe.
Checked side effect of vagifem and it does say some of the above.
Has anyone else had these side effects.
As usual I am now panicking thinking it’s something serious as it’s continuing with no let up.
Any advice, reassurance would be great.
Please help.
I do have a GP appointment this afternoon and I am trying not to google
« Last Edit: March 08, 2019, 12:26:36 PM by Jillm »


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Re: New member JillM- help
« Reply #92 on: March 08, 2019, 11:08:19 AM »

The patient information leaflet for local oestrogen always gives the side effects for full (systemic) HRT, which is silly and the system needs updating. Local HRT should have its own leaflet but it doesn't yet. I don't believe local treatment is causing your symptoms. Good luck with your GP appointment, hope you feel better soon.

JP x


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Re: New member JillM- help
« Reply #93 on: March 19, 2019, 04:07:28 PM »

Hi ladies,
Not posted for a wee while, was feeling a bit better, so just revelling I'm not feeling crap.
Shouldn't have been so cocky, having some more strange feelings and back to the edge of panic.
For the last week or so my legs muscles have been aching and tender to the touch in area just above my knees, outer thighs and lower calves. Also the buzzing/fizzing is back.
Yesterday I suddenly felt strange, buzzing nose, tight scalp and face, thought I might have a migraine but no pain, just a bit shaky and needed to lie down, this was in the afternoon and I needed to sleep.
This is so not me. Today at work I've had the buzzing nose again and horrible clogged throat which I haven't noticed for some weeks.
I am on the edge again, any thoughts and advice will be greatly appreciated, I don't have the follow up appointment with GP for 2 weeks, this is to check up on digestion GP says IBS.
Still on the verge of asking for HRT, has anyone had relief from sore legs with HRT?😡


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Re: New member JillM- help
« Reply #94 on: March 19, 2019, 04:27:25 PM »

Oh I get those symptoms which are intermittent: right now both cheeks are well, like pins and needles - but I'm tired and I also have neck problems ....... in that it gets a bit stiff and sore - ageing? 

My thighs feel weak but I know that I need to do more exercise.  Sometimes I put my feet down but they don't finish where my brain intended them to  ::) so I look drunk ........ it's so quickly that I have nowt to show a GP  ::)


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Re: New member JillM- help
« Reply #95 on: March 29, 2019, 05:24:46 PM »

Hi everyone,
Need some advice/reassurance on the buzzing legs which have been worse over the last week, skin on legs feels like it's ****ling and tight a bit like sunburn, also buzzing/burning tongue is back.
I am trying to convince myself this is all down to estrogen, but the MS panic is never far away
Anybody else have similar symptoms, the legs especially left calve is driving me nuts🥜 😡🤬


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Re: New member JillM- help
« Reply #96 on: March 30, 2019, 06:04:39 PM »

Hi Birdy,

Thanks for your reply, yes jumpy eye and upper lip intermittently. I have recently  had buzzing nose and also I am sometimes aware of an all over buzzing feeling.
I know deep down that if it was MS it would most likely be only one side, but anxiety just takes over.
GP didn't have any answer other than a nerve problem and gave me AD's to help with nerve pain. Didn't take them after reading side effects & gave them back to chemist.
I need someone to tell me what's causing it, not cover up the symptoms.
Not knowing just fuels the anxiety.
Did your buzzing feeling ever go away, this has been ongoing since last November and I am sick of it.
Still not convinced it's not connected to vagifem, seems strange it all started just after I started it back late last October. Scared to stop I case I end up with more urinary tract infections, three last year. Just remembered also buzzy feeling on bottom of right foot, again not all the time and flushes have also returned in last couple of weeks.
Someone needs to have a word with Mother Nature, this stinks😡
Sorry for rambling on and thanks for listening💕


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Re: New member JillM- help
« Reply #97 on: March 30, 2019, 09:37:18 PM »

Yes Birdy I hope you are right.
As I take ranitidine twice a day I think I may not be absorbing minerals correctly from food.
I do take a general magnesium, b6 vit d and calcium supplement.
After some googling (I know I shouldn't) I also think antacids can stop the absorption of Iron. I have started Feroglobin liquid to see if that helps, will bring this up with GP on Friday.
Go through Epsom salts like there's no tomorrow, found the cheapest to be in Morrisons £3.75 for a big bag.
I hope it all stops one day👍
Thanks for all your good advice, hope you are well😃


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Re: New member JillM- help
« Reply #98 on: March 30, 2019, 09:55:22 PM »

Like you lots of weird feelings symptoms. I have silent reflux and saliva build up, muscle tension, anxiety etc. I've started PPI. Its difficult time but tell myself thisday will pass x.


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Re: New member JillM- help
« Reply #99 on: March 30, 2019, 10:27:46 PM »

Yes, yes it will. Only hope it's sooner rather than later🥳🎉
Stay well, keep smiling and positive🤗


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Re: New member JillM- help
« Reply #100 on: March 30, 2019, 10:55:08 PM »

Thanks Birdy,
I will bring it up with GP on Friday.
I really want to discuss long term use of ranitidine, I know PPI long term can cause calcium deficiency, not good for us ladies in memo. Not too sure if ranitidine has the same effect, won't be surprised if GP doesn't know either.
Find out on Friday


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Re: New member JillM- help
« Reply #101 on: March 30, 2019, 11:14:55 PM »

Yeh need it for acid reflux, can't take omeperozole, makes me feel ill. 🤮🤑
I believe reduced acid can mean vitamins and minerals are not extracted from food as well. Did have bloods done few months back, apparently all within normal levels. I suspect won't be offered new tests just now.
Find out on Friday👍


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Re: New member JillM- help
« Reply #102 on: January 30, 2023, 11:08:05 AM »

Hi ladies, I know this is an old thread, but I'm fairly new to the forum and I searched "buzzing feeling and weak muscles" and your posts came up. If you should happen to see this, I'd be really interested to know how you're getting on a few years down the line, as it would be so reassuring to know! It's so frustrating not knowing what's going on, and I'm sure that for most of us the anxiety makes everything so much worse. If we can at least think that it's a storm we just have to ride out, that's something. Is there light at the end of the tunnel?


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Re: New member JillM- help
« Reply #103 on: January 30, 2023, 02:23:13 PM »

Hi there,yes,there's light at the end of the tunnel,think I'm through the worst of it now(hopefully) it was a rough ride at times and the anxiety and depression were the worst,not on HRT so can't really advise about that.The buzzing feeling can be the cortisol,which oestrogen normally controls,so when it dwindles,the cortisol has a mind of it's own,it's also why we get hot flushes.
Start a new thread if you'd like to ask a question  :)
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