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Author Topic: Feeling awful  (Read 939 times)


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Feeling awful
« on: January 25, 2023, 07:51:10 PM »

Hi Ladies,
Anyone else who can advise on or has experienced my situation? I am 56 now, been on Evoril Conti for about 18 months and apart from sometimes getting a redness with the patch it has been okay but...
I injured my knee last February and since then have put on about 23lbs ( and I wasn't svelte to start with!) and now am 13.10 at 5.7. Pretty much into obese category and full of self-loathing but unable to get up and do anything about it without resorting to comfort eating which makes it worse.

I feel so bloated, and have issues with constipation and now piles (had bowel issues from being at primary school). Got a huge everything, having heart palpitations and everywhere on my body hurts! I know I am ranting a bit but just feel terrible all the time. Health anxiety is off the scale and GP just says do Pilates!!! I don't have time for that - I'm up at 5.45, having breakfast at my desk by 7.20 and after work come home to work some more. There is no help available if you work - the wellness hub rang to say I could join their lunchtime seated exercise group, I am not 90!
Everywhere I touch on my back, knees, shoulders etc aches and I am constantly worried that I have some terrible disease and will be dead within weeks.
Even the newsfeeds on my phone are always about sudden death!!! At work I am calm and professional and nobody would know I am feeling this way. What can I do? Where do I start and has anyone else been like this and got out of it and got better (and slimmer!)
Apologies for long post but really don't know where to turn.


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Re: Feeling awful
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2023, 08:19:40 PM »

WHOA. ......... stop hating yourself.  The body doesn't get where it is suddenly ;-).  When MinL wanted to lose weight, she weighed everything she was allowed the evening B4.  Butter etc. on a separate saucer, at the end of each evening if the saucer was empty she knew she had eaten her limit for the day.  It worked.  And she kept the weight off. 

Perhaps someone at the local Gym could give advice.  Getting advice from a physio about the knee will help, did U have the area X-rayed at the time?  I hate exercise other than walking, even cycling takes effort - avoiding potholes for starters  >:(  ::)

MinL was always active and cooked food from scratch.  Have a good look at your diet: make notes as to what you eat and drink and when; for 3 days/nights.  Putting it down on paper reminds us exactly what we do with food in the day.  It's surprising how many snacks might creep in.  ;)  Don't despair.  If you don't buy it you can't eat it. 

Some foods can encourage constipation.  Also changing eating habits can make the bowel slower or faster  :o.  If my bowel is slow I stop my medication for 24 hours which seems to help. 



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Re: Feeling awful
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2023, 09:01:27 PM »

Hi Ambergirl, I just wanted to say try not to feel so alone in this.  I really think if someone gets thru meno with few or no issues then they're incredibly lucky. 

I've had some issues myself over the past 7 months and at one point felt so down and despondent.  I seemed to have aches and pains everywhere!  I lacked the energy to walk very far because my legs would start to hurt.  I started taking glucosamine and chrindroitin,  also fish oils and I feel so much better on that score.  I'm able to walk the dog further and more easily.   I do have weight to lose too but I prioritised the way I was feeling.  I just need to stop eating so much chocolate now!

I'm also on Evorel conti patches, I occasionally get bleeding, it's been investigated and I'm supposed to go back to the gp when it recurs but it's little and every 2 or 3 months.  I feel I'd be there all the time!  I have bowel issues as well and am waiting for investigation into that too. 

Could you see a physio or osteopath to help with your knee,  to get you moving better?  Start there perhaps.  Then some gentle exercise which you can build upon.  I find intermittent fasting helps me lose more weight (when I stick to it) without having to diet.  Daily IF also really helps with bloating.  Disregard the newsfeeds, there's no good news out there!  Have you anyone you could confide in to share the burden you feel?


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Re: Feeling awful
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2023, 10:31:16 PM »

Your lifestyle is very unhealthy and unless you have a change in attitude you are not going to get any further in helping yourself out of the rut you are in.
The advice about Pilates is a good one, even if its a sit down routine, it can work wonders for you no matter your age!

I wish you well in getting your health back on track. 



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Re: Feeling awful
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2023, 11:01:31 PM »

Hi Ambercare,

Sorry to hear you are in a bad place at the moment. It may seem daunting at the moment but you can improve your fitness and weight if you really want to.

Firstly I'd try and get a medical opinion on your knee, physio would probably be the quickest and best. You then need to introduce some sort of exercise routine into your life. Not just for weight loss but to make you feel better and more positive. If the problem with your knee means you can't do weight-bearing exercise there are several other non-weightbearing-exercises you can do such as exercise bike, aqua aerobics, pilates, yoga etc. It doesn't have to take up too much time - just 20 mins a day would be beneficial and once you start to feel and see the benefits you will probably feel happier increasing this. There are lots of classes/sessions online that you can use when it is convenient for you and you can do it in the comfort of your own home. Have you got any friends in a similar situation that you could buddy up wuth? I used to work as a personal trainer. I know this is an expensive option but if you could find someone just to help get you started, show you the exercises and act as a buddy to get you motivated it does not need to be a long term financial commitment.

You sound like you are very conscientious with your job but your health is so important and you need to factor exercise into your day somehow.

If you want any help / ideas of how you can do this please let me know and I'd be happy to try and help. I'm no longer a PT but a great believer in the mental and physical benefits of exercise. Good luck.


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Re: Feeling awful
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2023, 07:34:04 AM »

My sister has put a lot of weight on since going on evorel conti, it’s a shame as she can tolerate it. It is the continuous progesterone that is the problem. She’s doing lots of exercise to counteract it but is still the biggest she’s ever been. I can see how difficult it is for you with a demanding job, but as I see it you have 2 options: change your job/lifestyle, or change your hrt. Have you thought about sequential, that way you get a break from the progesterone.

Wishing you well x


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Re: Feeling awful
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2023, 09:10:12 AM »

Hello Ambergirl,

I feel for you, you are trying to carry on with everything as normal, but you are not fine, you need some time for yourself. You suffered an injury that affected you and due to working all the time you don't have even time to eat healthily. Do you think it would be good to talk to someone about it all, it looks that you could do with a bit of support to be kind to yourself. Counselling helped me. And get rid of newsfeeds...xx


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Re: Feeling awful
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2023, 05:40:25 PM »

Thanks for the replies and advice. I know that it is hard when you work in such a vocational job as mine to take your foot off the pedal but I am aware that I need to do this.
I have had physio and my knee is getting stronger. I have rejoined my gym but finding time has been difficult but I am optimistic that this weekend I will get there.
What really gets me down is that everyday there is something else that has crept up on me and it is these health niggles that really do my mind in. This morning I woke up with a really tender and lumpy area at the base of one breast and round the side - why?!
I have made a GP appt and will chat with them tomorrow. I know that I need to face it but it is the health anxiety that gets me every time and as I say every day something aches, droops or goes funny! I agree with Bette Davis who said getting old is not for sissies!
I will report back tomorrow from GP and hope to post that I have made it to the gym.
Thanks for your support as I don't have any friends to discuss this with so the forum is invaluable.


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Re: Feeling awful
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2023, 06:10:49 PM »

Take a list with you to discuss ;-)


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Re: Feeling awful
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2023, 07:00:14 PM »

That's a much more positive post from you, Ambergirl. Onwards and upwards but you are so right, it's always one thing after another as we age and it's certainly not for the faint hearted.

Good luck for tomorrow at the docs.
