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Author Topic: Reflux  (Read 36406 times)


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Re: Reflux
« Reply #15 on: February 06, 2023, 06:46:26 PM »

I have GERD, I have stopped all foods identified as causing too much acid, most dairy and gluten.  I am on max dose of lansoprazole in the mornings and famotidine in the evening.  Unfortunately with all this it’s still poorly controlled so next steps for me is ph and manometry testing where a tube is inserted in my nose to my stomach for 24 hours to see what’s going on.  Quite frankly I’m ready to explore surgery as I’m not prepared to be in such high meds for the next 20-30 years, I’m 46.  Be careful with apple cider vinegar it made me worse and is for low acid rather than high, but worth a try.  All started when I hit perimenopause, most importantly don’t eat for at least 2-3 hours before bed.


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Re: Reflux
« Reply #16 on: February 06, 2023, 07:33:20 PM »

I have GERD, I have stopped all foods identified as causing too much acid, most dairy and gluten.  I am on max dose of lansoprazole in the mornings and famotidine in the evening.  Unfortunately with all this it’s still poorly controlled so next steps for me is ph and manometry testing where a tube is inserted in my nose to my stomach for 24 hours to see what’s going on.  Quite frankly I’m ready to explore surgery as I’m not prepared to be in such high meds for the next 20-30 years, I’m 46.  Be careful with apple cider vinegar it made me worse and is for low acid rather than high, but worth a try.  All started when I hit perimenopause, most importantly don’t eat for at least 2-3 hours before bed.

That sounds awful for you. :( Like you, I do not eat for at least 3 hours before bed and have to cut out lots of food. I hope the test goes well.


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Re: Reflux
« Reply #17 on: February 07, 2023, 08:53:32 AM »

Another sufferer here.  Recently had an endoscopy which showed inflammation of the gullet caused by too much acid. Burning pain, bloating, wind and palpitations were my symptoms.  I too tried Omeprazole at first but it made me worse.  Lansoprazole worked for a while but the one I took became unavailable and the next brand I got made me feel really woozy.  I have had difficulty finding out what foods are the culprit as some days I'm not too bad then can feel a lot of pain without actually eating anything different.  I assume its the build up of acid getting to a certain point, then erupting up my gullet (that's how I describe it).  I take Gaviscon advance which helps a little but cant take Peptac (prescribed by doctor) as this upset my tummy.  Don't worry about the endoscopy it was nothing near as bad as I had thought it would be.  Sedation was not an option on the day I went (staff shortages!) so I just had the banana flavoured throat spray.  I felt the camera once it was inside me a little and my symptoms were certainly worse for a few weeks afterwards, so must have agitated the inflammation, but, what I found helped me was once I was lying on my side, was to concentrate on a certain thing in the room (mines was a big button on the bottom of the screen) and stare at it whilst counting really slowly. It was all over in a few minutes and I was altogether in and out of the hospital in 20 mins.  I am not taking any medication at the minute but I am drinking peppermint tea after every meal and I have started taking a Yakult yogurt drink every morning, and I am seeing a marked improvement. (Might be a fluke, I'm hoping not).  I realise everybodys 'gut health' is different so it will be trial and error.  Hope this helps a wee bit. 


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Re: Reflux
« Reply #18 on: March 15, 2023, 08:48:50 PM »

Hi ladies,

I am now about 6 weeks into taking omerprazole twice a day and I honestly don’t think it’s making a difference.  I still have this almost constant internal belching after eating, it’s even their first thing in the morning when I wake up. The last couple of days I’ve been experiencing full back ache across the middle of my back and shoulders.  I haven’t got a date for my endoscope yet and driving myself mad with worry.  I have health anxiety and now worrying I have some form of either bowel cancer or ovarian cancer.  Can anyone else relate to this?  Could it all really be hormone related?  Has anyone else tried omerprazole and found it didn’t work?  Thanks xx


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Re: Reflux
« Reply #19 on: March 15, 2023, 09:13:35 PM »

Hi ladies,

I am now about 6 weeks into taking omerprazole twice a day and I honestly don’t think it’s making a difference.  I still have this almost constant internal belching after eating, it’s even their first thing in the morning when I wake up. The last couple of days I’ve been experiencing full back ache across the middle of my back and shoulders.  I haven’t got a date for my endoscope yet and driving myself mad with worry.  I have health anxiety and now worrying I have some form of either bowel cancer or ovarian cancer.  Can anyone else relate to this?  Could it all really be hormone related?  Has anyone else tried omerprazole and found it didn’t work?  Thanks xx

Do you eat any foods that cause acid? I have to avoid things like tomato  and mint for example. If you have a hiatus hernia then I can quite understand the belching especially after acidic foods. Which dose of omaprazole are you on? Sometimes omaprazole is not effective and something like lanzaprazole works better for some people.


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Re: Reflux
« Reply #20 on: March 15, 2023, 09:38:33 PM »

Do you eat any foods that cause acid? I have to avoid things like tomato  and mint for example. If you have a hiatus hernia then I can quite understand the belching especially after acidic foods. Which dose of omaprazole are you on? Sometimes omaprazole is not effective and something like lanzaprazole works better for some people.

Sorry, can’t quite get the hang of a direct reply to a post.  I try and eat a pretty boring diet. No matter what I eat though it’s the same.  I try and either have a probiotic drink or yoghurt each day. 

So I’m on 20ml x 2.

Today I’ve had ready brek for breakfast, a wrap with ham and cucumber and mayonnaise for dinner with a packet of quavers and a yogurt. For tea, I’ve had cottage pie. 
« Last Edit: March 15, 2023, 09:42:34 PM by Katie999 »


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Re: Reflux
« Reply #21 on: March 16, 2023, 07:53:44 AM »

Do you eat any foods that cause acid? I have to avoid things like tomato  and mint for example. If you have a hiatus hernia then I can quite understand the belching especially after acidic foods. Which dose of omaprazole are you on? Sometimes omaprazole is not effective and something like lanzaprazole works better for some people.

Sorry, can’t quite get the hang of a direct reply to a post.  I try and eat a pretty boring diet. No matter what I eat though it’s the same.  I try and either have a probiotic drink or yoghurt each day. 

So I’m on 20ml x 2.

Today I’ve had ready brek for breakfast, a wrap with ham and cucumber and mayonnaise for dinner with a packet of quavers and a yogurt. For tea, I’ve had cottage pie.

If the cottage pie contained any tomato then that could guve you acid. Crisps can also irritate a hernia due to being cooked in oil.

I know how miserable thess symptoms are and I am sorry you are having them. Often caffeine can trigger hernias so tea or coffee or fizzy drinks will too.


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Re: Reflux
« Reply #22 on: March 16, 2023, 10:18:22 AM »

I've discovered my acid reflux has nothing to do with what I eat, it's anxiety. Been going to Reflexology as I mentioed in another thread and this had totally cured it and I'd not needed antacids anymore. However, been on holiday the last couple of weeks and spent the first week on my own, nothing unusual, but I started feeling a bit anxious and within a couple of days the reflux was back with a vengance and the Rennies were going down like sweets.  My family arrived the 2nd week and within a hour my reflux was gone and I've been fine since.
The burping is also part of this anxiety ritual as well.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2023, 10:20:21 AM by Dierdre »


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Re: Reflux
« Reply #23 on: March 16, 2023, 01:41:39 PM »

I’ve take Tumeric capsules over the last few years and l definitely think they help with reflux:


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Re: Reflux
« Reply #24 on: March 16, 2023, 04:15:04 PM »

Today I’ve had ready brek for breakfast, a wrap with ham and cucumber and mayonnaise for dinner with a packet of quavers and a yogurt. For tea, I’ve had cottage pie.

As we get older we can become intolerant of some of the foods we loved to eat.
Cucumber, well known for causing bad indigestion, Quavers so greasy stomach acid will work overtime digesting it and causing reflux.
Cottage pie, was it made with lamb, if so again greasy and if the potatoes were mashed with butter, again more grease.

Depressing I know but these are foods I can no longer eat, perhaps a closer look at your diet might help you to control your stomach acid.
Probiotics in a capsule form every day has been brilliant for me and helped enormously at controlling my stomach acid.


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Re: Reflux
« Reply #25 on: March 16, 2023, 05:14:18 PM »

Today I’ve had ready brek for breakfast, a wrap with ham and cucumber and mayonnaise for dinner with a packet of quavers and a yogurt. For tea, I’ve had cottage pie.

As we get older we can become intolerant of some of the foods we loved to eat.
Cucumber, well known for causing bad indigestion, Quavers so greasy stomach acid will work overtime digesting it and causing reflux.
Cottage pie, was it made with lamb, if so again greasy and if the potatoes were mashed with butter, again more grease.

Depressing I know but these are foods I can no longer eat, perhaps a closer look at your diet might help you to control your stomach acid.
Probiotics in a capsule form every day has been brilliant for me and helped enormously at controlling my stomach acid.

Looking at it like that you have some valid points.  I always think Quavers are slightly better than “normal” crisps.


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Re: Reflux
« Reply #26 on: March 16, 2023, 05:16:31 PM »

I've discovered my acid reflux has nothing to do with what I eat, it's anxiety. Been going to Reflexology as I mentioed in another thread and this had totally cured it and I'd not needed antacids anymore. However, been on holiday the last couple of weeks and spent the first week on my own, nothing unusual, but I started feeling a bit anxious and within a couple of days the reflux was back with a vengance and the Rennies were going down like sweets.  My family arrived the 2nd week and within a hour my reflux was gone and I've been fine since.
The burping is also part of this anxiety ritual as well.

I do struggle with anxiety and have a fairly stressful and busy lifestyle.  I suspect it contributes to it.  It becomes a vicious circle as the worse it gets, the more I worry…  :'(


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Re: Reflux
« Reply #27 on: April 04, 2024, 07:16:01 PM »

An update on things as I look at threads for advice and some always seem like they just end without things being resolved.

The acid reflux continued so has been going on over 2 years now and nothing seems to work to help.  Eventually went back to the doctors at half term and it turns out the endoscopy had been requested but not sent off.  Anyway, I finally had it today (and was very brave and did it just with the spray) and everything was good!  Nothing showing.  Doesn’t explain my reflux problems which I suspect are down to perimenopause, stress and poor diet at times.  Need to monitor my diet for triggers and maybe get a bit more active!  At least the endoscope has put my mind at rest.


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Re: Reflux
« Reply #28 on: April 04, 2024, 07:32:54 PM »

HRT caused my reflux, I think oestrogen  is meant to relax the lower oesophigal splincter. It is early days, but one week of taking  testosterone and it has completely gone. Hoping it is just not a coincidence.


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Re: Reflux
« Reply #29 on: April 04, 2024, 09:38:15 PM »

A lot of people don't bother with sedation and have the throat spray instead.
The sedation feeling is only temporary and after a sleep when you get home, you will be fine the following day to carry on with your life.
. I found it very bearable with just a throat spray. Much easier than a hysteroscopy.
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