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Author Topic: Hi  (Read 1499 times)


  • First Flush
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« on: January 26, 2023, 11:07:09 PM »

Hi Ladies,
Im here after what feels like quite a journey. Im looking to figure out what the hell is going on with me as I feel really quite lost and am finding  that ive got no-one I can speak to, who is going through  similar  to me right now. 

So its best if I start at the beginning.  Following a full year of tradegy, where I lost my father, a close friend lost her child after a battle with cancer and 7 other funerals in 9 months, an inquest into my dads death, which I wanst told about until 3 months after it was announced, crappy family politics, my 8 year old daughter, whos had alopecia areata since she was 3  almost lost all of her hair,  a house renovation a new, very detailed job and finally top that off with my husband working away a lot, so im doing the whole thing as a semi single mum. Safe to say, I felt very stressed, my anxiety was through the roof and  I was getting all sorts of odd sensations, which initially,  I put down to stress. After a few months I started to realise that actually the symptoms were getting worse in and around my period but also extending  into the rest of the month, my periods changed, a bit, not too much but I was getting itchy skin, heart palpitations, burning sensations around  my lady bits, burning mouth, thrush, acne  sore breasts, worsening anxiety, joint and muscle aches especiall my neck and back, dry skin, dizzy, vertigo, brain fog, headaches there was so much. I thought I was going mad and it scared me, so I went to the gp who prescribed me hrt,evorel sequi, im now on 2 ×50 patches Bloods  for hormones were ok it seems but GP said its not a reliable test in peri as it hormones can fluctuate. So here I am wondering  if this is peri or is ot something else...... oh did I mention health and death anxiety, I have that too.  Which reallyndoesn t help.with the strange sensations.

Oh yeah, im 39, I see one GP who seems spot on, then another who seems to struggle with the whole peri thing and reckons Im too young. I GET the feeling that the gp is annoyed with me but I dont know whats going on and  there is never enoigh time to explain it in full.

Lots of my symptoms have now fallen by the side  apart from my anxiety amd I would have to say thats improving slowly too.  However today I forgot to put a new patch on, by 8 Oclock this eve my anxiety was through the roof, no reasons for it, thats when I realised I hadnt put my patch on, I felt horrid, so.I popped it on and now im feeling a bit better. So what are your thoughts ladies please help me and offer me some hope that this shitty stage is going to pass and I will feel like a functioning adult again x  Thanks for reading this super long post


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Re: Hi
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2023, 08:22:41 AM »

Hello and welcome to the forum. I am so sorry you lost your dad and your friends child. My heart goes out to you.

You have been through so much and I really feel for you.

The Gp who suggested peri and gave you HRT sounds brilliant and your symptoms improving on taking it would indicate you are in peri. Do not worry about age. We are all different. I started HRT at 38.

I notice anxiety is one of the last thing to improve with HRT and with all you have been through it is no wonder you have anxiety. You may find anxiety medication along with the HRT helpful.

With the soreness around your lady bits you will need localised oestrogen which can be a cream or pessary, both is even better. This is known as vaginal atrophy and there are many threads on here about that.

I find it so positive that you have seen so much improvement since starting HRT. it is good you have found this forum and you will find lots of support here.😀


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Re: Hi
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2023, 10:03:06 AM »

Hi there and welcome,some good advice from Flossie there.
You poor thing,little wonder you are having such a rough time,stress seems to exacerbate meno symptoms,it really is a viscous circle but all that you describe does REALLY sound all peri related,your Dr is right,blood tests aren't that reliable. You may find you need to alter your HRT to find the right "mix" if you like.
My friend was your age when she hit meno,it really can happen at any age.
Anxiety is the worst,that's why I initially joined this forum and the wonderful women on here helped me so much,so do feel free to ask literally anything,nothing is taboo x


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Re: Hi
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2023, 10:22:06 AM »

You've been through the Mill, no wonder you feel sad, upset and stressed.   :bighug:

Some find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary of use.  If you don't get support from the GP, is there a Nurse Practitioner to talk to, who might have a better idea of peri-menopause.  NO lady is too young to go into The Change. 

Anxiety is the pits.  Some find that swimming helps, walking, cycling, singing - we have threads on most topics here.  Could you contact CRUSE, a bereavement organisation run by other bereaved people?  There are also groups for young people to join with others in similar situations.

Do read the 'bladder issues' thread and anything on here about vaginal atrophy which can be eased by appropriate treatment.  As oestrogen levels drop, the body may become dry: inside and out!  Keep posting, keep asking!


  • First Flush
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Re: Hi
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2023, 12:20:47 AM »

Hello clcd, jaypo and flossieteacake.
Thanks for your replies it really is very comforting. Im sure this whole forum is going to be a huge support for me and I am just hopeful that I can get into the swing of this and accept it for what it is. At the moment I feel like there is so much happening  to me it cant all possibly be related to peri, (currently suffering with thrushnin my mouth that just wont go, Im going to read up on that next).I know that other users would certainly  say othwrwise, so I need to try to turn my panicky brain off and just try to reassure myself that although this is utterly unpleasant, Im not dying of some horrible thing that the gps havent found or diagnosed and I can and will get through it  xx thanks  and thanks again xx


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Re: Hi
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2023, 09:49:23 AM »

Health anxiety can send you mad,it put me into a depressive state and it was difficult to get out of but I did,so don't think there isn't light at the end of the tunnel because there is. You will be surprised at just how many symptoms of peri there is,things you wouldn't even think of,heightened allergies,digestive problems,the list goes  on,so please do have a good look round all the posts,they should prove helpful xx