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Author Topic: Cry January Anyone?  (Read 4107 times)


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Re: Cry January Anyone?
« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2023, 01:18:21 PM »

Hello again ladies.

Angelasurrey and Flossieteacake  - I can relate to both posts. I suspect many of us were made uncomfortable with crying when we were younger, my family certainly weren't comfortable showing strong emotions.

Yet again I am on the edge of tears today and I can't figure out if this is a product of  low mood or the cause of it, I also have no real reason to cry.

I have an appointment soon with NH but I'm worried that I won't hear anything new. I have been with them since the beginning of 2020 and I have been on high, medium and now a low dose of Oestrogen, plus two types of progesterone and Androfeme. Hopefully Dr Sarah Ball will have some other suggestions up her sleeve. Fingers crossed.

My friend who has trained as a therapist tells me that it is okay to cry but these moods feel so alien and imposed, they take over for a while and then disappear, until the next time of course. Trying to stay sane is exhausting.

I will update the forum after my appointment as promised.

Wishing you both well and take care.


I am so sorry to hear today is another difficult day for you Kathleen. I really hope your appointment goes well.


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Re: Cry January Anyone?
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2023, 01:35:47 PM »

Hello again ladies.

Flossieteacake - thank you for your kind words. As Sarah Ball is also a GP I will ask her if she thinks that my meno experience has caused me to become mentally ill.  My remaining symptoms, including the mood swings are listed as hormonal and they certainly feel that way but after all this time ( last period in 2010, HRT since 2013 and now age 66) shouldn't things have settled by now?

I hope to get something positive out of the appointment as I need the hope lol. Plus it costs a fortune!

Thanks again and take care.



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Re: Cry January Anyone?
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2023, 01:49:54 PM »

Hello again ladies.

Flossieteacake - thank you for your kind words. As Sarah Ball is also a GP I will ask her if she thinks that my meno experience has caused me to become mentally ill.  My remaining symptoms, including the mood swings are listed as hormonal and they certainly feel that way but after all this time ( last period in 2010, HRT since 2013 and now age 66) shouldn't things have settled by now?

I hope to get something positive out of the appointment as I need the hope lol. Plus it costs a fortune!

Thanks again and take care.


That is a good idea. I wish you luck. Take care too.  :)


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Re: Cry January Anyone?
« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2023, 04:35:08 PM »

Hello again ladies and an update for anyone interested.

I have just had an appointment with Dr Sarah Ball of Newson Health. The results are a bit mixed actually and she tells me that she is leaving NH soon so any future appointments will be directed to a colleague.

We established that my current HRT regime (half a 1 mcg sachet of Sandrena gel daily plus a 50mcg pessary of Cyclogest alternate nights) is controlling my physical symptoms but is not addressing the emotional ones. I didn't want to increase the gel and risk a return of breast pain and bleeding so instead she recommended a psychological approach. She is writing to my GPs  and I will contact them shortly to see what they suggest. Off the top of my head I'm guessing it will be CBT but I could be wrong. In the meantime I will continue with my HRT and I will schedule a follow up appointment with NH  in six months.

Dr Ball also mentioned a company called LifecodeGX who  can analyse your DNA and suggest lifestyle changes that can improve your health. Apparently some people struggle to metabolise oestrogen effectively so medications need to be tweaked.  I said that I will look at their website and I mention it here for anyone interested.

So ladies no magic bullet or special potion just keep taking the drugs, do the best you can and see you in six months (with your current credit card of course). Ho hum and on we go!

Wishing you all well ladies and take care.




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Re: Cry January Anyone?
« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2023, 05:46:49 PM »

Hello again ladies and an update for anyone interested.

I have just had an appointment with Dr Sarah Ball of Newson Health. The results are a bit mixed actually and she tells me that she is leaving NH soon so any future appointments will be directed to a colleague.

We established that my current HRT regime (half a 1 mcg sachet of Sandrena gel daily plus a 50mcg pessary of Cyclogest alternate nights) is controlling my physical symptoms but is not addressing the emotional ones. I didn't want to increase the gel and risk a return of breast pain and bleeding so instead she recommended a psychological approach. She is writing to my GPs  and I will contact them shortly to see what they suggest. Off the top of my head I'm guessing it will be CBT but I could be wrong. In the meantime I will continue with my HRT and I will schedule a follow up appointment with NH  in six months.

Dr Ball also mentioned a company called LifecodeGX who  can analyse your DNA and suggest lifestyle changes that can improve your health. Apparently some people struggle to metabolise oestrogen effectively so medications need to be tweaked.  I said that I will look at their website and I mention it here for anyone interested.

So ladies no magic bullet or special potion just keep taking the drugs, do the best you can and see you in six months (with your current credit card of course). Ho hum and on we go!

Wishing you all well ladies and take care.


What a shame Dr Sarah is leaving as you seem to get on well with her. I hope the new person will be supportive.

I can understand the suggestion of CBT if it will help with coping methods. Perhaps once you see how you find that (if it is CBT) you may want more in depth therapy to see if that is helpful.


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Re: Cry January Anyone?
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2023, 07:57:23 PM »

Hello again ladies.

Flossieteacake - thank you for your supportive comments. I will stay with NH for the time being and see what the GP suggests. I am trying to keep an open mind about it all.

Thanks again and take care.



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Re: Cry January Anyone?
« Reply #21 on: January 24, 2023, 06:42:47 PM »

Hello again ladies and an update for anyone interested.

I have just had an appointment with Dr Sarah Ball of Newson Health. The results are a bit mixed actually and she tells me that she is leaving NH soon so any future appointments will be directed to a colleague.

We established that my current HRT regime (half a 1 mcg sachet of Sandrena gel daily plus a 50mcg pessary of Cyclogest alternate nights) is controlling my physical symptoms but is not addressing the emotional ones. I didn't want to increase the gel and risk a return of breast pain and bleeding so instead she recommended a psychological approach. She is writing to my GPs  and I will contact them shortly to see what they suggest. Off the top of my head I'm guessing it will be CBT but I could be wrong. In the meantime I will continue with my HRT and I will schedule a follow up appointment with NH  in six months.

Dr Ball also mentioned a company called LifecodeGX who  can analyse your DNA and suggest lifestyle changes that can improve your health. Apparently some people struggle to metabolise oestrogen effectively so medications need to be tweaked.  I said that I will look at their website and I mention it here for anyone interested.

So ladies no magic bullet or special potion just keep taking the drugs, do the best you can and see you in six months (with your current credit card of course). Ho hum and on we go!

Wishing you all well ladies and take care.


Sorry things have been mixed with the appointment and things being difficult Kathleen.  I am wondering if it might be a good thing to have a change of doctor.  Not because that doctor was not good, she clearly was and you liked her, but different perspectives sometimes stumble on things. 

I'm also wondering whether you might benefit for a herbal oestrogen, like red clover?  You'd have to check with your doctor that it's ok, but it might be gentle enough not to bring about the physical issues, but effective enough to lift mood?  I'm not taking it, I was just thinking about it as I remember it from years ago, before I was menopausal, I used to read about herbs etc.

I'm having a really bad day today.  I think my period is due, my cycle hasn't stopped yet, I started hrt while still having periods, so it's possible I'm still naturally having them, they are just more regular.  But I've got ringing in the ears, heart flutters, a horrible empty feeling (emotionally flat).  I'm also exhausted.  I'm still dealing with a close friend who's having problems, so I'm drained, but it's more than that, this is hormones.  Usually it lifts the next day, I don't get two in a row of this complete flatness.  But meanwhile it's just horrible.

I'm thinking of making an appointment with NH when I can justify the payment, at the moment I have to get another car, etc.  But I do want to have a more thorough check over as my surgery can't cope with anything right now.


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Re: Cry January Anyone?
« Reply #22 on: January 24, 2023, 06:46:07 PM »

Hi Kathleen,

I can totally relate to your experience with crying. I’ve been crying :'( since I woke up in the middle of the night.
 I think in my case, I feel a level of guilt as I feel like I have no reason to cry.  :'(This is mainly to do with how I was raised and we were not allowed to show emotions in our family. It was very black-and-white thinking and so I  feel guilty for crying. I try to remind myself as hard as it is, my body is trying to release something and it’s definitely the hormones. CBT helps..
I remember you helped me with Sandrena gel questions when I was at absolute rock bottom .. thank you so much. i’m still not where I need to be Im with NH too, I just want you to remember that even on your lowest days and all of our bad days that we are not alone.

Sending love to you and anyone struggling today xx

Hi Angela

I'm wiped out and very flat today so this will be brief but I do care how you've been feeling.  I agree with Flossieteacake that crying is normal, which I know you know, it's just the association you have with it.  It's actually a biological process helping us establish equilibrium again, so I tend to look at it like that these days.

I'm feeling guilty about the mess in my house but the fatigue has taken over, lol.


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Re: Cry January Anyone?
« Reply #23 on: January 25, 2023, 01:34:29 PM »

Hello KaraShannon.

Thank you for your post. I agree that a new doctor at Newson Health might be a good idea. I also appreciate the suggestion about Red Clover and I will look into it. Coincidentally a GP mentioned it to me ages ago but I didn't pursue it at the time.

You are right in that crying is important and likely beneficial but I still struggle to accept it. For some reason the thought of crying in front of people mortifies me. There is also the low mood that accompanies the crying of course and that's no fun either lol.

I hope you feel better soon and many ladies do well with private clinics including Newson Health so I wish you luck.  You will certainly get a much more personalised service from them.

Wishing you well and take care.




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Re: Cry January Anyone?
« Reply #24 on: January 30, 2023, 12:22:55 AM »

How are you doing Kathleen?

I was glad the cold snap has eased off a bit and today actually was able to have the windows open for a decent time and air my house, which is one thing I like doing in the mornings.  I also like seeing my washing on the line, haha.  The little things are important.  I'm finding having the weather a bit milder is helping. 

Meanwhile how are you.  January is nearly over  :-)


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Re: Cry January Anyone?
« Reply #25 on: January 30, 2023, 09:44:59 AM »

Hello again KaraShannon

Cry January is almost at an end bring on Fed Up February lol.

I spoke to my GP regarding my moods and fatigue etc and he arranged some blood tests. I collected the results on Friday and am disappointed to see that they didn't include things like Vitamin D or B12 levels which may be relevant.

 I have a thread on LifecodeGx which is a company that looks at gene expression and supplementation and other ladies have used them so I might pursue that.

I am pleased that you are feeling brighter today.

Take care.




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Re: Cry January Anyone?
« Reply #26 on: January 30, 2023, 03:51:51 PM »

Hello again KaraShannon

Cry January is almost at an end bring on Fed Up February lol.

I spoke to my GP regarding my moods and fatigue etc and he arranged some blood tests. I collected the results on Friday and am disappointed to see that they didn't include things like Vitamin D or B12 levels which may be relevant.

Fed Up February, yes, lol

I woke up like that this morning but feeling a bit better now the sun is shining here.

Sorry your GP didn't look at other things like Vitamin D or B12.  Maybe go back and ask for that?  I know folate is another one that's good to check.  I'm sure you know this. 

You're doing good to keep investigating, it's not easy when feeling low.  It helps me to just keep chipping away, gradually.  It's good you are on the case x


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Re: Cry January Anyone?
« Reply #27 on: January 31, 2023, 09:37:57 AM »

Hello again KaraShannon

I'm disappointed that the blood test wasn't as comprehensive as expected.  I think I will try otc supplements for a while and see how that goes.

I keep chipping away because I want some sanity back lol. It is only in post meno that I have experienced mood swings, feeling low and random crying spells and I have had enough now. The times when I feel okay are fabulous but I wish they would last longer than they do. My trusty meno book talks about an emotional roller-coaster ride and that is exactly what it feels like. I find it exhausting.

I will keep searching for answers and I promise to keep the forum up to date with any discoveries. Fingers crossed!

Wishing you well and take care.



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Re: Cry January Anyone?
« Reply #28 on: February 11, 2023, 05:57:37 PM »

I should really have a blood test again but anxiety not letting me.

On another note, February is turning out to be just as tough, it's still so cold and I'm not feeling great at all.  The light is returning though  :)


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Re: Cry January Anyone?
« Reply #29 on: February 13, 2023, 02:03:57 PM »

Hello again ladies.

KaraShannon - I am sorry to hear that things are still tough for you.

I know what you mean about anxiety stopping you from doing the things you need to do. In my case I am afraid that I will burst into tears at random moments so that worries me a lot.

I have some dental and eye test appointments to make but I don't want to have 'an episode ' while I'm being examined. When I went for my recent blood test I was happy to wear a mask so if my chin wobbled, no one would notice!

I never used to worry about such things but now these concerns rule my life.

Again, if I find a magic potion I will be sure to let you know!

Wishing you well and take care.


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