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Author Topic: Sleep!!  (Read 1975 times)


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Re: Sleep!!
« Reply #15 on: December 31, 2022, 03:28:26 PM »

Sleep can become its own disaster.  When I had a busy job = panic attacks, I would wake: to see if I had been asleep.  I would worry that lack of sleep would mean that I was bad at my job: nope.  1 night in 1981 I decided that I hadn't yet died due to lack of sleep, have been OK since.  Apart from the odd night: can't get off to sleep or wake after an hour, so I read.  Had a TV in the bedroom but the flashing screen in the dark made DH restless.

If he were to be edgy in his sleep we would have a bed each in the same room ;-).  Also, making sure that the mattress is comfortable as well as not too hot/cold: I can't sleep well without a quilt on top as I like a weight. 

Eating well.  Being hungry can cause the body to wake.

Keeping hydrated.  Napping in the day if you need to, this will not alter the chance of your dropping off in bed. Despite what the so called 'experts' suggest.  It might mean that you drop off later, so go to bed later. 

Do U have a bed time routine?  Switch off all social media etc..  Don't read anything that will stimulate the brain.  I have found relaxation from toes upwards useful.  Stretch the toes, hold, then relax.  In each muscle group working upwards but not as hard which may cause cramp!  I did this the other night  >:(.

A lot of sleep problems is in the brain - which gets into the whizz of can't sleep/won't sleep.  Some find that if, after 30 mins they haven't dropped off, they get up to sew, knit etc. helps refocus the mind.  Apparently as we age we don't need as much sleep .........

Give the Melatonin a try but don't expect too much too soon.

So true x


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Re: Sleep!!
« Reply #16 on: December 31, 2022, 03:50:26 PM »

I also have busy, involved, long dreams which mean that I often wake feeling knackered  >:(

We are Creatures of Habit so anything: bad sleeping habits, eating, too much alcohol, drugs ....... all become part of that habit.  All can make us feel weary and fed up!


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Re: Sleep!!
« Reply #17 on: December 31, 2022, 05:50:31 PM »

Yes it’s a right old battle this sleep. Gilla, although my levels are 300, I wouldn’t know how to get to anywhere near 700 or whether I would even feel well at that level. Each time I’ve upped my patch to 100, my womb protests and my mood is nothing short of irritable. Adding a blob of gel to the patch might help though ( I did that today!).

I’ve also got some essential oils and lemon balm sleep capsules to try. I’d rather steer clear of prescription drugs but if I’m in the same dilemma come next week when back at work, I will have to go back on the amitriptyline ( unless adding the extra gel helps ).   

My brain is very busy, another problem! Always thinking, always worrying, kids, partner, our health, futures, the house, my parents, job etc etc . I try to live in the moment but find that hard!!

A few weeks ago, I developed a droopy eye lid. I went to the optician and he said “ oh think
brain tumour/ lung tumour/ imminent stroke! So, was whisked off to the GP who sent me to the eye hospital, who looked at me and sent me off for an MRI on brain, neck and chest. All clear.

“You have a Horners syndrome, rare and cause is usually nerve damage from brain to eye. See you in 6 months”.

So, my sleep has been even worse since that episode as now I have a droopy lid with no apparent cause!

Ah well, life.. what a headache at times! 🤦‍♀️
« Last Edit: December 31, 2022, 05:52:45 PM by Nas »


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Re: Sleep!!
« Reply #18 on: December 31, 2022, 07:25:14 PM »

Horner's Syndrome - rare indeed, however - if it becomes worse or troublesome then seek further advice.  You had the MRI which is a good start.

As for sleep - article in one of Sats. papers mentions a good routine - if 1 can't sleep get up and do a hobby until 1 feels tired.  I would add that if you drop off in the chair with a blanket, sleep!  Sleep!  Because from experience, when I go up to bed I need a wee = wide awake  >:(.  Do U have a downstairs loo to wander to if necessary therefore less likely to interrupt that essential sleep.

It also mentions that as we age we need less sleep.  Well that doesn't apply to DH nor myself  ::)

Do U make lists?  Putting everything onto paper can help especially in order of priority. 


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Re: Sleep!!
« Reply #19 on: December 31, 2022, 10:46:24 PM »

Thanks CLKD,
I’ve got a book with all my jobs / finances etc written down . Then I have a daily ‘ to do’ list.

This eye business has thrown into the abyss! I am left wondering if it’s going to worsen, affect my sight etc etc

They are bloody useless at the hospital. See you in 6 months! Well what if I can’t see in 6 months ? Grrhhh.. since turning 50, it’s been one thing after another! 🤦‍♀️


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Re: Sleep!!
« Reply #20 on: January 01, 2023, 12:37:27 AM »

Or lack of it!
My sleep is getting worse and worse. I’ve tried night nurse, amitriptyline, phenergan. everything and they’ve all stopped working.

My next purchase will be melatonin but seriously, why can’t I sleep? I am permanently tired, dark rings round my eyes, I look a mess 😢

It doesn’t matter what dose HRT  I take, it doesn’t help my sleep.

Melatonin is my only saviour now.

I’m certain I’m awake with my eyes closed most nights.

Will try more exercise I think as that is lacking and stay off the screen 2 hours before bed. Might try a banana before bed too.
Awake with your eyes closed sounds horrible.

I was going to buy melatonin until I read this doesn't have anything to do with menopause as my hormone levels are good.

I was taking promethazine tecolate which I think, is phenergan, I am not sure it's making my depression worse.
I am so sorry to hear you have this struggle.
I started swimming a couple of months ago, but only been about half a dozen times, now I went yesterday and the day before.
I have booked several swimming sessions close together from Tuesday to Friday.
Ideally, swimming will help me, as a last resort, for stress and depression, which, I fear is cruelly forming a vicious circle, causing menopause symptoms to return.

I hope for you and me, exercise makes a big difference.

« Last Edit: January 01, 2023, 12:55:11 AM by Dandelion »


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Re: Sleep!!
« Reply #21 on: January 01, 2023, 12:43:18 AM »

Has, it’s torture it really is, I don’t sleep and it’s all down to low Estrogen.  If we can get enough in then sleep will return. Good luck with the melatonin.
Are you on HRT?
I am, I went upto 150mcg oestrogen, then 100mcg, and got brown discharge, my womb thinks it was getting too much, and my body and mind, not enough.
My sleep is getting worse, and I have not dreamed properly this last week or so, that I know of.


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Re: Sleep!!
« Reply #22 on: January 01, 2023, 08:37:09 AM »

How does the eye feel this morning, enough to make anyone edgy!

You could go to an optician if you are concerned after a couple of weeks. 

Caterstriphing (sp) is common when trying to juggle all the balls and not drop any.  Let your partner take more responsibility?  Is he generally healthy?  Same with the kids .......



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Re: Sleep!!
« Reply #23 on: January 01, 2023, 12:04:28 PM »

The eye is terrible. I am at a loss with it. Next week, an ringing the private eye hospital for a second opinion.

Partner in reasonable health for now.

The eye is making the sleep issues worse for sure.

Dandelion I hope the swimming helps you. Are you getting any sleep? I fear I am not and starting to feel ill.

Tonight I will take the amitriptyline !!

Mary G

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Re: Sleep!!
« Reply #24 on: January 01, 2023, 12:40:31 PM »

Nas, you may find that the combination of amitriptyline and melatonin works for you.


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Re: Sleep!!
« Reply #25 on: January 01, 2023, 01:08:29 PM »

Mary, i hope so.
I cannot feel any worse than I do already!

Do you take your amitriptyline and melatonin each night?


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Re: Sleep!!
« Reply #26 on: January 01, 2023, 01:58:02 PM »

Eyes etc. can take time to readjust/heal.  It's a new sensation yet.  Get the 2nd opinion, never a bad idea!


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Re: Sleep!!
« Reply #27 on: January 01, 2023, 02:05:25 PM »

Thanks CLKD. It’s making me depressed. I mean they have conducted tests and have concluded Horners with no cause ( maybe !)

I’m going to have to pay privately but I don’t care. I want  this fixed.


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Re: Sleep!!
« Reply #28 on: January 01, 2023, 02:46:27 PM »

Of course you need a 2nd opinion.  To ease your worries!

Mary G

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Re: Sleep!!
« Reply #29 on: January 01, 2023, 07:51:39 PM »

Mary, i hope so.
I cannot feel any worse than I do already!

Do you take your amitriptyline and melatonin each night?

Yes Nas, I take both every night and it works well.   Perhaps you should start on 3mg of melatonin because your insomnia of so bad.

My mother had dreadful insomnia that kicked off age 51 when her periods stopped altogether.   She struggled with it for years but refused to seek help and it badly affected her health.  I don't think she ever slept more than 5 hours a night (if she was lucky) for 35 years.
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