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Author Topic: Why are there so many comments on here about Uterogestan?  (Read 1476 times)


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Why are there so many comments on here about Uterogestan?
« on: December 19, 2022, 02:18:15 PM »

Hello peeps! I'm 48, been having horrible peri symptoms since age 41, periods extremely painful and last 3 cycles have been 24, 12, 32 days. I have to have a hysteroscopy (was supposed to be this morning but came down with nasty virus). Was hoping the hysteroscopy for a polyp would help with bleeding but if it doesn't make a difference, I need to look at other options. I'm on evorel sequi, and although it has been great for my mood, I still feel exhausted, lots of joint pains, etc. I don't want the Mirena and my GP has suggested Uterogestan. She said it's much better than Evorel but there are sooo many comments about it on here, does that mean lots of people have problems with it? I've also heard that the mini pill might be good but not really sure if that would be instead of hrt? Will I get other horrible symptoms instead of I go that route? It's so confusing, and whilst it's nice that my GP is being led by me, I have no idea what to try next. Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks


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Re: Why are there so many comments on here about Uterogestan?
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2022, 02:33:06 PM »

HRT is so individual and everybody will have different experiences. Yes, some do not get on with Ultrogestan but on the other hand some love it. It is one of those things were you will have to try it to see how you find it.

You can use two cerezzete as the progesterone part of HRT.

I am sorry you are unwell. I hope you get lots of rest and the virus goes soon.


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Re: Why are there so many comments on here about Uterogestan?
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2022, 09:14:08 PM »

I’m on 200mg Utrogestan x 12 days of the month, apart from a hormonal crash on the following day of the start; (no worse than my pre menopause period stroppiness)  it’s been fine for me, much better than the Evorel Sequi and the synthetic progesterone I found!!


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Re: Why are there so many comments on here about Uterogestan?
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2022, 10:49:53 PM »

Like with all forums, the people who post are those that need help. Those who take utrogestan without issue don’t need any help and get on fine. It would therefore be impossible for us to say what percentage of women have difficulties, and also what percentage of those go on to have a positive relationship with utrogestan due to the advice they were given or to a change in their own regimen. I would therefore advise to give it a go, you could be one of those who is fine.


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Re: Why are there so many comments on here about Uterogestan?
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2022, 11:02:13 PM »

The bcp can be used in early peri but you may need more oestrogen than it provides now. You may benefit from an increase in oestrogen now which will mean a separate progestin anyway. Utro is body identical unlike the norethisterone in evorel so in theory it should be better (though I got on better with norethisterone). Don't expect it sort out your cycle length until your closer to meno, my own cycle was always stronger than the hrt one.


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Re: Why are there so many comments on here about Uterogestan?
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2022, 08:23:29 AM »

As the others have said we see the problems on here not the success stories as these are the ladies seeking help.

My specialist told me 10% are intolerant, this includes utrogestan as well as other progesterones x


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Re: Why are there so many comments on here about Uterogestan?
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2022, 10:56:58 AM »

Wow, I didn't expect it to anywhere near 10%.

Mary G

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Re: Why are there so many comments on here about Uterogestan?
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2022, 11:31:23 AM »

I've been an MM member since 2015 and I think problems with Utrogestan come up on here more than any other issue.

You don't have to be progesterone intolerant to have problems with Utrogestan.  I thought I had suddenly developed progesterone intolerance post menopause but it turns out I'm not progesterone intolerant at all, I just can't go anywhere near Utrogestan.

My theory is the dose (100 mg) is too high in one hit whether taken vaginally or orally.  The same pattern seems to emerge every time in that it all starts off OK and then you feel yourself deteriorating after a few days.   

I've been taking 50 mg progesterone every day for the past four years with zero side effects and my experience with progesterone now is absolutely nothing like my dreadful experience with Utrogestan.

I get the point that only women with problems come on here but I think there's more to it than that.   What percentage of women in the UK take HRT?   How many women in the UK that take HRT just shut up and put up with side effects?   How many find that HRT isn't cutting it and just give up?   These women are not necessarily going to be on here either.

Progesterone is the weak, problematic part of HRT and more products need to be made available.  At the right dose with the right delivery method, progesterone has many positive effects.


Mary G

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Re: Why are there so many comments on here about Uterogestan?
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2022, 03:41:33 PM »

Further to my previous post, I thought this might be of interest:,of%20menopausal%20women%20take%20HRT.

It was written a few years ago but even allowing for uptake in HRT doubling in the UK since 2016, surprisingly few women take HRT.


Keep On Swimming

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Re: Why are there so many comments on here about Uterogestan?
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2022, 05:17:49 PM »

Mary G!

Where did you get the Utro 50mg? I just tried Utro 100mg for the first time last night and it's 6pm here and I STILL feel rotten... I think it's way too strong for me.

Many thanks!

Keep On Swimming

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Re: Why are there so many comments on here about Uterogestan?
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2022, 05:23:41 PM »

Oooops, I got a wee bit excited there... I thought you were talking about Utro. Still, I think I need a much lower dose of P. (I'm ultra sensitive to medicines, when I get an injection at the dentist's the anaesthesia in my gum lasts 8 hours instead of 2 - the dentist can't get over it  ::)).

Or, can you take Utro 100mg vaginally every other day? Just wondering if anyone has tried that.


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Re: Why are there so many comments on here about Uterogestan?
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2022, 05:40:15 PM »

I found it too much at first but I was still breastfeeding. I took it vaginally sequentially and had no issues at all.

I’ve now begun to think it’s the Utrogestan I need as equally as oestrogen. On a completely different regime to a year ago. More oestrogen and Gp switched me to x1 continuous orally (my choice to try orally) but I’ve recently started adding an extra vaginal tablet till I can see her (she’s now the only meno Gp at the practice and part time  :()
This was on advice of a Gp friend who’d done Dr Currie’s training and also seems to be what the BMS suggest.


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Re: Why are there so many comments on here about Uterogestan?
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2022, 05:48:41 PM »

Just a word of warning - you are at increased risk of cancer if your lining is too thick and the manufacturer's recommended dose is based on testing done to satisfy the licensing authority. If you take less than you should please make sure you have regular scans to check the lining isn't building up, I think you can get it for around £80 privately if you can't get it on the nhs.


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Re: Why are there so many comments on here about Uterogestan?
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2022, 06:13:03 PM »

I just started on Utrogestan 100 mg nightly...(with Estradot 25 mcg)...I had no trouble with provera, so I'm really hoping this works OK for me. I, too, have been a bit weirded out by the negative reports on here, so am trying not to catch hypochondria. :-)

Mary G

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Re: Why are there so many comments on here about Uterogestan?
« Reply #14 on: December 20, 2022, 06:32:23 PM »

Keep on Swimming, I use 50mg progesterone gel every day which I buy in Spain with one (generous) measure of Oestrogel (Oestraclin)  which I also buy in Spain.  I don't think you can buy either of these products in France but you could do what the Newson clinic sometimes suggests and take 100mg Utrogestan vaginally every other day.

It does mean regular transvaginal scans to make sure your womb lining is below the danger line which is 5mm maximum on continuous combined HRT and below 5mm immediately post bleed on a cyclical regime.  You have a gynaecologist so I don't imagine regular scans will be a problem for you.