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Author Topic: Haven't had a period for 20 years, now started  (Read 1877 times)


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Haven't had a period for 20 years, now started
« on: October 15, 2022, 01:24:11 PM »

As title really.
I was on the Depo contraception injections for a few years before coming off them around 1999, aged 37.
I hadn't had a period post stopping and Dr said periods would probably return but may take time.
In the mean time a few years ago I had tummy pains and Dr sent me for a scan to check out ovaries etc, the nurse did ask when my last period was and I explained all and told her Dr said they'd probably return her reply was " judging by the look of your ovaries you won't be having any more". So I figured that was it.
But all was fine with ovaries and such.

On to recently and I've been having UTI symptoms which I've had a few courses of antibiotics for which seemed to clear up smelly urine and the need to pee through the night.
I then had a flair up of being quite sore, I use vagifem x 2 weekly but was also prescribed Estroil for the outside but very rarely use it. I decided as I felt pretty dry to use the Estroil internally, only the once, as well as externally to see if it would help, so filled the syringe.
A day or so later I had a light bleed for 5 days, more brown than the normal colour blood, it stopped so I put it down to inserting Estriol.
Today however I've started the light bleeding again, no Estriol use this time i still have minor soreness externally, tummy feels like a period pain but after all these years I'm flummoxed.

I do have regular smear tests, although last one 2 years ago so not due until next year.
I will of course contact Dr first thing on Monday but wondered if anyone else has had anything like this happen?


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Re: Haven't had a period for 20 years, now started
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2022, 02:16:45 PM »

Not sure if this helps but I'm on Evorel Conti patches and use Estriol cream as well. I have been period free for 12 years. Earlier on this year I had a period, only short 5 days or so, but a period nevertheless. GP sent me for scan, consultant asked if I'd taken ABs. As it happens I had twice in fact earlier on this year. The consultant put the bleeding down to the ABs interacting with the HRT.


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Re: Haven't had a period for 20 years, now started
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2022, 02:40:38 PM »

Probably more common than we are aware of.

It needs to be checked.  You should be fast tracked for a scan of the uterus within 2 weeks.

When I had break through bleeding in the 1970s, it was due to Beconase nasal spray I was taking The Pill.

Use the VA treatment nightly if required.  Others use 'yes' or 'sylc' products as moisturisers.  Me, I smear a little 'ovestin' round the outer area as well as inserting into the vagina. 


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Re: Haven't had a period for 20 years, now started
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2022, 03:08:36 PM »

Thank you.

I've had 3 lots if Anti bio's in recent months, but in all honesty that's not unusual as I normally have 3/4 UTI's a year....Such a bind as I thought Vagifem would help ease them after being on it for a few years now.
I do use YES products, no penetrative sex for around 6 years, but use OB/WB for other and VM as they're said to be natural ingredients.
Also started taking D MANNOSE recently, only 2 doses but think I'll stop that for now.

Will of course phone the GP on Monday and hopefully get at least a phone consultation.


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Re: Haven't had a period for 20 years, now started
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2022, 08:38:28 AM »

Has a fresh urine sample been sent to a Lab for testing each time?  It is the sure way of finding out which bug is causing 'infections'.  If there hasn't been any growth in the Lab. then the GP should refer you to a urinary consultant - Up the Vagifem to at least nightly, adding a pessary in the afternoon a couple of times a week.  I find that when I get the need2P if I take 'nurofen' 2 capsules 3 times a day, it eases the nip as the spincter shuts off urine flow.

Natural ingredients are unlikely to improve the loss of oestrogen which causes VA.  VA mimics repeated urine infection symptoms really really well.


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Re: Haven't had a period for 20 years, now started
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2022, 11:30:41 PM »

I did have the samples tested and the Dr called to say they'd sent a correct type of antibiotics via the chemist. No UTI now though.
Although there have been times when the sample has shown no growth but the burning and soreness persists.
I was actually in 2 minds today as to whether the bleeding was from my vulva area but can't imagine that would happen for a day or so or even 5 days like last time

I think I'll discuss upping the vagifem as I do sometimes add an extra one or two weekly at times when I'm recovering from a UTI and extra Estroil cream to the external bits.
I was quite sore this morning so put some VM on which seems to have eased the soreness.
I suspect it's going to be a case of keeping to a strict routine in the hope all settles down.


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Re: Haven't had a period for 20 years, now started
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2022, 02:50:39 PM »

Just back from seeing the Dr. She had a look in and around the vaginal/vulva area and said bar the normal menopause dryness all looks ok, no tears.
She has referred me to have an ultrasound which should hopefully be within 2 weeks.

She's also recommended that I stop using the vagifem and Estriol cream until I've had the scan, does anyone know if this is this normal practice?

I can carry on using the YES VM for any soreness externally though.


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Re: Haven't had a period for 20 years, now started
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2022, 03:42:51 PM »

Another GP who has no idea the effects of VA  >:( I would ring the Dept and ask the question.  Why is she suggesting a scan?


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Re: Haven't had a period for 20 years, now started
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2022, 04:04:14 PM »

Why is she suggesting a scan?

It needs to be checked.  You should be fast tracked for a scan of the uterus within 2 weeks.

I think you've answered your own question there CLKD.

I had very slight brown discharge several years ago and my GP sent me for a transvaginal scan to be on the safe side.


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Re: Haven't had a period for 20 years, now started
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2022, 07:53:17 PM »

 Why is she suggesting a scan?

She said it was to check out the ovaries and other bits she can't see.

I think once I've had that done my mind will be a bit more settled.

I don't really want to be off of the vaginal HRT for to long incase the soreness sets in and causes problems again.


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Re: Haven't had a period for 20 years, now started
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2022, 09:32:04 PM »

Just a quick update.

Had the scan today.

Dr called this evening and said while the results show some thickening of the womb it's nothing to be overly concerned about but they're referring me to a gynecologist.
Seems very fast moving for something to not be concerned about.
Anyone else been in the same situation?



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Re: Haven't had a period for 20 years, now started
« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2022, 10:09:37 PM »

Although it sounds alarming it's the usual guidelines for post menopausal bleeding. The gynaecologist may wish to do a hysteroscopy. It's good to get it thoroughly checked and then any appropriate treatment which may be needed to thin the lining can be sorted out.  Let us know how you get on.

Taz x


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Re: Haven't had a period for 20 years, now started
« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2022, 09:31:13 PM »

Quick update...

I had a hysteroscopy on November 11th and had a mirena coil fitted there and then as a precautionary measure due to results of the previous scan.

Today I returned for the results and while they didn't find any sign of cancer there's a chance that if the womb lining doesn't thin, 22.9cm at present which Gynecologist said was quite thick, it could turn cancerous.

Options are continue with the mirena coil and monitor or, which the Gynecologist recommend, have a hysterectomy in which they would look at removing the womb, ovaries and the cervix, which does sound a bit scary.

Gynecologist was really good and chatted about the why's and wherefore's, explained that it would hopefully be done via keyhole surgery, but equally if I wanted we could try treating with progesterone the decision was wholly mine.

While I do realise having a hysterectomy is quite an operation bar 3 days since having had the mirena fitted I have had gripping stomach cramps and have been bleeding with no let up and after 20 odd years of not having periods it's a bit of a shock.

With all the information given I've decided to have the hysterectomy as I really don't want the worry in the back of my mind that things could, and I know it's a could, turn cancerous in the future.



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Re: Haven't had a period for 20 years, now started
« Reply #13 on: December 08, 2022, 08:09:39 PM »

Big hugs to you, it sounds like a highly stressful time. I don't envy you that decision, even though I often think I'd like to get rid of all my bits in the hope it all settles down!

Thanks for posting your update, it is so helpful for others like me to be aware of these scenarios 
Take care ❤


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Re: Haven't had a period for 20 years, now started
« Reply #14 on: December 09, 2022, 02:05:21 AM »

Sounds like your medical team has given you prompt and expert service.  Good luck with your decision, it’s definitely a big decision.  It’s great that you are in top of everything and getting good help.