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Author Topic: Re: Hysteroscopy & biopsy - help! Update  (Read 3582 times)


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Re: Hysteroscopy & biopsy (with local anaesthetic) - help!
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2022, 07:01:22 PM »

I see what you mean, 4-5 pumps is a lot of gel to have to find body parts for, especially if you're a small woman.  I'm sure you must have tried all transdermal HRT types if implant's the next option, but just in case, have you used Sandrena?  More concentrated, so helpful for anyone who can't get what they need from Oestrogel, patches, spray.  My DEXA is overdue nearly a year (osteopenia, sorry if I said that already) but there's been too much else going on to want to chase it.  They don't call me for them, my Endo has to ask GP to arrange each time.   At least your specialist is on the case.  Let's hope you can come up with a good plan B together to get you feeling really well & help your bones.  Bless you.


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Re: Hysteroscopy & biopsy (with local anaesthetic) - help!
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2022, 09:44:46 PM »

Oh laszla, how disappointing about the osteoporosis & how unfair if your oestrogen dose has been enough to thicken your endometrium to that extent yet inadequate to prevent the osteopenia progressing.  Do you know what your oestradiol levels have been on the increased gel dose this year & have you had any advice about next step for your bones?

Great for tomorrow's procedure that you don't have VA.  That you'll be having local anaesthetic I hope will make it comfortable for you, as my 2nd hysteroscopy was.  Sending all good vibes.

Shoppingqueen, at my last scan my lining was 6mm immediately after a withdrawal bleed, yet to my surprise & relief both gynae & GP considered that OK for someone on HRT & I was not required to have another hysteroscopy.  At my scan the previous year my lining was only 1-2mm (also on HRT) but I was told at that one that 4mm was the cut off.  Different hospitals seem to have different guidelines, but if there is any doubt I think it's best to have it sampled for peace of mind.

That’s reassuring Wrensong and I’m glad you got the ‘sign off’! Such good news :-)

I’d googled like mad about the cut off and saw so many different mm mentioned! The nurse had the same view that this was a tiny amount over.
None of this is pleasant for us, is it, but it’s good we are being checked. Fully agree x 


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Re: Hysteroscopy & biopsy (with local anaesthetic) - help!
« Reply #17 on: December 08, 2022, 10:12:58 AM »

None of this is pleasant for us, is it
agreed - HRT can involve commitment & perseverance & all we can do is weigh up whether we feel any negatives are worth it for the benefits for us as individuals.

Thinking of you today laszla & sending all best wishes.


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Re: Hysteroscopy & biopsy (with local anaesthetic) - help!
« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2022, 12:25:15 PM »

Take all teh pain killers and a local.  I wasn't offered a local was to say the least painful and left me feeling shaky. .  I would insist on one next firend had one and said it was a breeze for her!


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Re: Hysteroscopy & biopsy (with local anaesthetic) - help!
« Reply #19 on: December 08, 2022, 01:00:07 PM »

Thank you so much for your further supportive replies which are v helpful on my way to the dreaded appointment. I'll be sure to report back  :o


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Re: Hysteroscopy & biopsy - help! Update
« Reply #20 on: December 11, 2022, 07:42:05 PM »

Well that did not go according to plan but like just about anything was a learning experience so perhaps useful to share.
Got to the hospital, had been expecting that the procedure would be carried out by doctor X who did my scan last week who had told me what hysteroscopy entailed, that local anaesthetic would be given etc.

Instead another doctor I'd never met was there, and when I asked where Doctor X was was told by doctor Y that he does not perform outpatient hysteroscopy. Doc Y phoned Doc X in front of me to ask if he would be coming. When she hung up she said no, he would not and she would carry out the procedure.

This totally threw me because my anxiety needs some degree of certainty and advance warning about what's going to happen and any deviation - when it's something important  - scares me. Doctor X never said anything to suggest that he would not perform the procedure and I think they should make these things clear.
Doctor Y, seeing my anxiety, within about 20 seconds said that I should have a general anaesthetic.
I told her that from what Doctor Y had told me that I assumed local anaesthetic would be similar to a local in any other body part, ie you pretty much don't feel any pain or serious discomfort.

She practically scoffed and said that while a local 'takes the edge of slightly', it can still be very unpleasant for some women. Needless to say Doctor X had said none of this - and although in principle I have nothing against male docs, perhaps some things like this can only be truly comprehended and explained by a female doctor.

Anyway, I took her advice, left the hospital feeling bad that I hadn't gone through with it but also relieved that I had heard Doctor Y's more realistic assessment of a local and so was spared the risk of a very difficult experience.

I'm now due to have it with general anaesthetic within the next couple of weeks, scary in a different way but probably the least bad option.

Not happy with this experience and it comes on the back of my having had a first TV scan in August where the sonographer wrote that I should have a 2 week urgent referral because of the endometrial thickness; four months later I still hadn't heard a word from the hospital and had to chase it up with the managers to finally go in again for a follow-up.


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Re: Hysteroscopy & biopsy - help! Update
« Reply #21 on: December 11, 2022, 09:28:06 PM »

Poor you!  I can really relate about your anxiety and how a level of certainty is essential.   I always wondered how a local anaesthetic would work with the procedure and suspected it would have minimal effect.  I hope things work out and maybe a general anaesthetic is best for you, but understand the anxiety with that, which I experienced also.  Keep us posted x


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Re: Hysteroscopy & biopsy - help! Update
« Reply #22 on: December 12, 2022, 07:14:30 AM »

I’ve had a hysteroscopy with general anaesthetic… it all went fine and I was fine after it. x


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Re: Hysteroscopy & biopsy - help! Update
« Reply #23 on: December 12, 2022, 11:00:24 AM »

Oh laszla, I'm so sorry it didn't go to plan & was such an unnerving experience.  I didn't have pain with my hysteroscopy carried out under local anaesthetic despite what your doctor said last week, except of course, for the initial sting of the injection.  But as I said earlier I was a lot younger then & you are now the age I was when I had my last, without anaesthetic or sedation, which was indeed uncomfortable.  So this Dr's advice to have GA may be the best course of action for you & I'm impressed she took that decision for your wellbeing rather than try to push ahead as scheduled.  It is such a quick procedure you should not be under for long & before you know it it will all be behind you.
 :hug: Wx


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Re: Hysteroscopy & biopsy - help! Update
« Reply #24 on: December 12, 2022, 04:07:37 PM »

Thanks ladies. Suzy, the consultant said that a local anaesthetic is pretty limited but she was of the idea that one's mental state is a strong contributor to the individual perception of pain or discomfort and I think there is some truth to this.
Dotty I think a general is my best option, thanks for the reassurance.

Wrensong thanks, I think this doctor rightly gave a lot of importance to how one's mental state affects one's reaction and on that made basis a good choice for me.

There is a video on youtube on the outpatient experience of hysteroscopy (on the NHS) and I think the comments rather than the video itself are useful for anyone in a similar situation wanting feedback from other women.
Will keep you posted x


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Re: Hysteroscopy & biopsy - help! Update
« Reply #25 on: December 12, 2022, 07:48:21 PM »

Hi laszla

I’m so sorry you got thrown by the change in doctor on the day and agree that you should (we should) be aware of who is doing it and have continuity. Also, thank goodness doctor Y had the empathy to suggest the general immediately. It makes a lot of sense about our mental state and how we then perceive pain. If we’re already in a state of trauma, it’s going to be harder. I was beside myself when I went in, too, so much so that the nurse commented on it. Likely my tears that gave it away!!
The next day was fine (although I only agreed to the biopsy) as said here so a general is a good plan and it’ll all be done. If I need the hysteroscopy, I’ll be requesting a GA too.
Best wishes xx


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Re: Hysteroscopy & biopsy - help! Update
« Reply #26 on: December 14, 2022, 11:39:31 AM »

Hi, I have to have this done on Monday for polyp removal/biopsy. Can't say I was looking forward to it but to be honest had come to the conclusion that since my period pains each month are the same as being in labour (and I can only take paracetamol due to kidney disease), for me I don't think the procedure could be more painful than that. I'll ask about local pain relief and I will do what I do each month and close my eyes and breathe through it. I figure that if I'm still and calm, it will be done quicker. Fingers crossed!


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Re: Hysteroscopy & biopsy - help! Update
« Reply #27 on: December 14, 2022, 06:49:52 PM »

Thanks shoppingqueen, the tears do give it away and I was the same which probably prompted Doc Y to suggest the general!

IceLolly, I would at least ask for local pain relief. I too have very painful monthly cramps with the bleed but I somehow feel that being in pain when you're in a clinical setting, in about the most vulnerable physical position there is, seems worse. All the best with it.


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Re: Hysteroscopy & biopsy - help! Update
« Reply #28 on: December 18, 2022, 07:15:32 AM »

I'm under gynae for endometrial hyperplasia and have had 2 under general with my third and hopefully last the same. I absolutely refused to have it in clinic. In theatre mid morning and home mid afternoon.


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Re: Hysteroscopy & biopsy - help! Update
« Reply #29 on: December 18, 2022, 03:27:33 PM »

It's good to hear your endorsement of the general anaesthetic option Jorainbow, thanks
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