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Author Topic: Newbie - Muscle Twitching and Internal Vibrations  (Read 1850 times)


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Newbie - Muscle Twitching and Internal Vibrations
« on: December 01, 2022, 05:32:47 PM »

Hello All,

Thank you in advance for your support!  I am 53 and in the deep throes of perimenopause.  I started on HRT earlier this year but never got the dosage right.  My dr. recommended a low does BCP which I started a few months ago.  It seemed to be working until three weeks ago when all heck broke loose.  I had muscle twitches (that are still going on at night), internal vibrations, hot flashes/rushes etc.  My health anxiety is also off the charts!  I did have some muscle twitching earlier this year but went away after a week or two... my symptoms now have been going on for several weeks (mainly at night.)  Also, I have had break through bleeding AGAIN on this pill which is going on now.  I've decided to not take my week break and just go straight to the next pack but honestly want to get off the pill all together.  Looking to see if anyone has had success in relieving some of these worrisome symptoms using HRT and what protocol you followed.

Thank you!!


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Re: Newbie - Muscle Twitching and Internal Vibrations
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2022, 06:20:49 PM »

Hi there and welcome to the forum,internal vibrations are quite common,sometimes in the legs,sometimes in the chest and torso,it could be adrenaline that is the culprit but you should go back to your Dr,is it possible to be referred to a menopause clinic?


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Re: Newbie - Muscle Twitching and Internal Vibrations
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2022, 06:23:42 PM »

Thank you for your response!  I'm actually in the states and I'm not aware of any menopause specific clinics unfortunately.  I have an appt with my Gyn later this month to discuss switching to something other than the pill to help manage symptoms.  I also did go to a neurologist who said nothing to worry about it but that's much easier said than done :(

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Re: Newbie - Muscle Twitching and Internal Vibrations
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2022, 06:32:57 PM »

Hi HannonNY,

I'm a newbie too and my story is quite complicated (I don't know if I'm peri or meno but I'll know next Monday, fingers crossed for the latter). I can't give much advice yet but I was given oestrogen gel a month ago for crippling meno symptoms and within 5 days they were GONE! All I'm saying is that women in peri with difficult symptoms are allowed HRT (I only discovered this recently) - and I'm counting the days until I can get that gel back on my arm!

This forum is amazing and the support here is wonderful - just ask away and you'll get lots of helpful and friendly replies.

All the best.


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Re: Newbie - Muscle Twitching and Internal Vibrations
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2022, 07:09:00 PM »

If you go onto YouTube there is a Dr Newson,she is a top meno Dr over here,lots of advice.
When oestrogen starts to dwindle,it can cause cortisol rushes,which almost feels like butterflies,it does sound all normal for peri,sometimes gynaecologists do know much about menopause either sadly,so have a good look round this forum,you're not alone x


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Re: Newbie - Muscle Twitching and Internal Vibrations
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2022, 07:55:05 PM »

Thank you both so much!  It's so nice to know I'm not alone because it certainly feels that way right now.  Who knew that this process would be so traumatizing?  I never knew anything about these other crazy symptoms and like a lot of women, I was absolutely petrified when everything kicked off.  Appreciate all of the support and hopefully I can do the same for others as I progress on my journey.


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Re: Newbie - Muscle Twitching and Internal Vibrations
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2022, 03:09:59 PM »

Hi, I’ve had awful twitching since July. I have them daily - some days nearly continuous, some not so bad. I have them literally over all and up until recently I’ve got myself into a state over it, convincing myself I had a terminal disease. I still get them daily but no where near as bad. I just ignore them now, hoping one day they’ll disappear. I’ve spoken to Dr’s and a Gynae about them but nothing’s been looked into. The professionals think it’s health anxiety but I beg to differ. I’ve had over 2 years now of random symptoms and reading this forum I mirror many women with the symptoms I’ve had / having. The Dr’s say that at 42 years old I’m too young to be peri etc. I really hope everything settles down for you. Try not to worry x


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Re: Newbie - Muscle Twitching and Internal Vibrations
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2022, 03:28:49 PM »

Thank you for your response and I'm so sorry that you are going through this as I can relate to how scary it is.  Also, you are definitely not too young to start experiencing peri symptoms and it's too bad your Dr. would say that.  What I'm finding out is that most Dr's just don't know much about the process and symptoms and tend to bucket them as anxiety related particularly if they are less common.  This site is a godsend for all of us in terms of getting some comfort and support in those scary moments. 