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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Consdering HRT - advice please  (Read 1164 times)


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Consdering HRT - advice please
« on: November 24, 2022, 01:36:51 PM »

I'm new to the forum, so here' a little intro:
I'm 58 and have been period free for c7 years.  My menopause was seemingly straightforward, with only a few hot flushes and night sweats.  I also developed Female Pattern Hair Loss, but daily use of Minoxodil reduced this, plus I have (or had!) very thick hair, so the visual impact was minimised.  Soon after menopause I was disagnosed with a brain condition called a Cavernoma, which is basically a bunch of abnormal blood vessels that may leak (and re-absorb) blood. Whilst this doesn't need treating (unless I get new symptoms) I think this may have taken my eye off other menopause symptoms that I had  (e.g. low libido, loss of muscle mass)  and pushed them to the back of my mind.  I was diagnosed with osteoporosis 3 years ago, and am on weekly Risedronate, with a review scan in the next few weeks.  Other than this, I'm healthy - good diet, exercise, don't drink much and have a heathy weight.
Fast forward to the past six months, and I now feel like an old woman!!  I have zero libido (it's never been high), I suffer from low moods and lack of interest in the things that I used to love doing and my hair loss has accelerated to a worrying level.  I avoided contactng the Dr as I assumed that I was far too old to consider HRT, but my husband is worried and wants me to 'get better'.  So, I plucked up the courage and contacted my GP surgery.  The Practice nurse has arranged blood tests to rule out any other factors, then suggests I discuss possible treatment.
So, my dilemna is whether to try HRT or not (asssuming the GP will consider it at my age).  Does anyone have experience of it helping with hair loss, as I've heard it can actually cause it!  Also, will it help with my mood and libido?  I've started reading up on it, but none of the things I have read mention hair loss.
Any thoughts or personal experience would be gratefully received, as I want to be prepared for any discussion with the Dr.


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Re: Consdering HRT - advice please
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2022, 02:17:11 PM »

Hello Ruthie and welcome to the forum. You are not to old to start HRT. Being on HRT will help to protect your bones and it is always worth trying. If your low mood and low libido is hormonal then HRT can make such a difference to this. I also want you to be aware or vaginal atrophy. This is were lack of oestrogen causes the vaginal and vulva to have pain, sore skin, UTI type symptoms. It is treated using localised oestrogen and is something that should be treated as soon as possible as it gets very sore. If you are having any of these symptoms then that can also explain low libido because of the pain it causes. It is nothing to worry about as applying a cream such as Ovestin will help. You may want to browse the forum to learn more.  :)

I am not sure about the other questions you have asked but I am sure somebody knowledgeable will post soon.


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Re: Consdering HRT - advice please
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2022, 03:03:32 PM »

Thanks for the reply @Flossieteacake - it's good to know that people are 'listening' (well, reading my post!).  Luckily I don't have VA.  I only know this as I recently had a cervical polyp removed and the Dr noted that I had a 'healthy vagina', although I do have vulva Lichen Schlerosis for which I use an emmolient. 


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Re: Consdering HRT - advice please
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2022, 04:59:41 PM »

Hi Ruthie. Welcome from me too. It's good to hear you have a healthy vagina. During my last examination, while she was rummaging around, my GP sighed and said 'Its very poor down here you know'  ;D

Taz x  :welcomemm:


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Re: Consdering HRT - advice please
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2022, 05:37:43 PM »

Oh Taz2, I'm glad I've been doing my pelvic floor exercises or I may have wet myself reading your response!  I felt weirdly proud when the Dr said that, although I'm sure it's down to luck rather than anything I've done 😀.  It's good that we can laugh about these things!!


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Re: Consdering HRT - advice please
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2022, 06:52:07 PM »

Glad the pelvic floor exercises are working.  ;D

I'm 10 years older than you so if you receive the same comment eventually you'll be prepared. I did tell her I'd not had any complaints  :)

Taz x


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Re: Consdering HRT - advice please
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2022, 10:37:30 PM »

Hair loss on hrt is quite rare so you'd be unlucky if it happened to you. Given your symptoms IIWY I would definitely give it a go, it's changed my life.


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Re: Consdering HRT - advice please
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2022, 12:02:56 PM »

Thanks Sheila99, I'm glad it's had such a positive effect on you.  Fingers crossed that I can get the Dr to pescribe something for me too.