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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: On HRT but feeling so low!  (Read 9222 times)


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Re: On HRT but feeling so low!
« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2019, 04:03:04 PM »

Hi Birdy and Perinowpost

Thank you for your replies and advice, i have had a look at the reviews and information regarding mood and mirena, it makes me wonder if this has been a big part of my depression and anxiety over the years, this is my second mirena had this one last february and the previous one had been in situ for 7 years, although I was over the moon not to have a period as I had heavy periods and awful PMS I never really didn't have depression although I managed it very well back then, now I am post meno I wonder if the mirena is not right for me, I know we can't blame anxiety and depression on meno alone and can't expect a miracle with HRT but I do think I should try alternatives, as so many ladies on here say some have to try different forms of HRT until you find one that helps.

So the Ultragestin can be used vagilly ? as I have a weak stomach so it might make me feel sick if I swallow it, also, would I be right in thinking that taking it for a few days a months would be better than continuous? I know post meno you can take progesterone continuous but I feel that maybe the body should have a break? if I take it for a few days a month will I have a bleed? not sure if either of you or anyone else reading this is post meno and I don't know if us old birds would still get a bleed  ;D >

I have made some notes and will take them to the Consultant on Wednesday, he is sharp but he is very nice and I will be careful how I ask him this stuff, don't want him thinking i know more than him because i certainly don't.

Obviously this diazepam taper I am currently doing isn't helping my mood I am crying a lot and feel a bit helpless but I still feel that the current HRT needs tweaking.

Thank you both for your help  :)


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Re: On HRT but feeling so low!
« Reply #16 on: February 04, 2019, 04:06:25 PM »

Oh nearly forgot

So Perinowpost, my husband wouldnt know where to start if i got my libido back   ;D


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Re: On HRT but feeling so low!
« Reply #17 on: February 06, 2019, 02:36:35 PM »

Hi Ladies

Well just back from the Consultant, don't know why I feel intimidated by him but I do but I did ask all the questions I wanted to even though he looked bored! To be honest what he has said makes sense for now, he said that the Utrogestan would cause PMS symptoms ( I had terrible PMS when I was having periods , post meno now and nearly 54) and the Mirena was better in that respect, he also said that it wouldn't be a good time to change anything due to the Diazepam taper I am doing because that obviously is affecting my mood (anxiety and very low mood) and that as I was doing better before the Diazepam taper we should wait and see how I am in 3 months which is my next appointment.

Again I asked him about T for libido, energy etc (sex life non existent) he said there is no evidence that it helps with these things and that I am in range anyway but he has prescribed me Testim to try, how long should it take to show any effect, I am assuming at least 3 months the same as HRT? He said a tube should last 5-7 days, where do I put it? and am I right in thinking just a pea sized amount?

I suppose I will have to wait and see how I am after the Diazepam taper, total nightmare medication wish I had never been given it 15 months ago, evil drug and very very difficult to get off but I will  ;)

So continue with 4 pumps of gel plus the T

Anyway, thanks for reading and any advice regarding the above would be greatly appreciated.




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Re: On HRT but feeling so low!
« Reply #18 on: February 06, 2019, 06:18:06 PM »

Jeana . Hi. Sorry you are feeling so low. Just a thought. I have had big ups and downs anxiety wise in the last few Peri years. The only thing which has made a significant difference for me at all  is the CBT courses I was offered by a GP ( Course of 6 on the NHS). They have got to the route of the anxiety and given me ways of managing it through my ' up' and ' down' times. I was near to taking ADs  but have found the CBT really and controls it (so far!) without the need for them. I was quite sceptical before I tried it. The HRT made my anxiety go off the map which is why I tried something different. We each have our own route through this I think.


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Re: On HRT but feeling so low!
« Reply #19 on: February 07, 2019, 12:56:10 PM »

Hi Roseneath

Thank you for your message. I am doing CBT and was finding it very helpful, i think the main issue for me at present is getting off this Diazepam, it's very distressing and I have at least another 6-10 weeks until I am off then some time after that to heel fro this evil med.

 agree about CBT it was really working for me, I spoke to my therapist today and have agreed a break and will start again after this medication is out of my system.

So glad you are feeling better.



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Re: On HRT but feeling so low!
« Reply #20 on: November 21, 2022, 08:14:03 AM »

How are u now Jeanna


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Re: On HRT but feeling so low!
« Reply #21 on: November 21, 2022, 10:30:02 AM »

This is an old post from Jeanna and she’s no longer on the forum unfortunately x
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