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Author Topic: Hot flushes/sweats-Is there a medical difference?  (Read 566 times)


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Hot flushes/sweats-Is there a medical difference?
« on: November 13, 2022, 12:33:28 PM »

Hello ladies, I’m a long time member but haven’t posted for a long time now. Mainly because everything was going good guns!
However, maybe 2 and a half years back back my original HRT Prempak C (back then I was still using sequential) was discontinued, and my doc said actually it was probs my time I moved to non-sequential anyway as I was by then around 56.
He put me on Femiston 2/10 and all went fine for about the next year and a half it was all still going pretty good. My only reason for ever being on HRT was hot flushes and night sweats anyway, I’ve never suffered from any other menopausal symptom so I’ve always counted myself very lucky and sympathised with those with much more severe and varied symptoms.

Anyway to get to the point, in March this year I started having periods again every 2 to 3 weeks for no apparent reason, and the flushes and sweats came back with a vengeance!

I have private medical insurance and very quickly got ultrasound and internal scans as well as a smear test that had become overdue because of covid. And everything that was has shown to be all clear. Nothing remotely unusual to report according to my consultant.

So back to my GP as consultant suggested it was likely hormonal. He changed my HRT to Indivina (orally just like all my previous ones) and the flushes and night sweats got worse (tho the bleeding mostly stopped except for occasionally).

The flushes and sweats tho… wow… twice as bad as I’d ever experienced since I first had them many years ago (my reason for being on Prempak C). They’ve suddenly been truly vicious since March.

So to another change as advised by GP and I’ve been on Everel CONTI patches for 3 months. But it’s not really alleviating this damnable overheating issue 🥵

Only thing that’s changed is that at night, instead of mostly being literally dripping in sweat half the time I’m in bed - and I mean dripping so that if I put my hand between my breasts or on my belly it would come away as wet as running it under a tap - it’s now mostly radiation type roasting alive, but a dry heat.  And daytime which used to be dry hot is now hot but very clammy.

In other words it’s sort of switched?!

I would like to know at this point, is there a medical difference between dry hot burning flushes and wet hot sweating?

Are there other reasons besides hormonal imbalance that cause these things?

Why would the dry radiating hot, and the sweaty sticky hot symptoms have switched (day to night and vice versa)?

And why the sudden re-onset?

If you’ve got this far, thank you soooo much just for sticking with my post and reading to the end!  :-*


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Re: Hot flushes/sweats-Is there a medical difference?
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2022, 12:38:38 PM »

Hi when symptoms come back it’s usually because you need more oestrogen.

Just a question … you went onto Femoston 2/10…this is a sequential hrt and so would give you periods. Was it Femoston 2/10 or Femoston Conti ?
If the Evorel Conti isn’t helping then you could go onto an oestrogen patch and a separate progesterone. This would mean you could have more oestrogen in a 75 or 100 patch.


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Re: Hot flushes/sweats-Is there a medical difference?
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2022, 12:51:56 PM »

Ah thanks for that question, you’re totally right, I’d forgotten what was what with my various changes of HRT.

I did go on Femiston 2/10 for about 6 months after Prempak C was discontinued, so yes still sequential at that point, but I started to get very uncomfortable cramps/abdominal pain along with the bleeding. It was then that my GP said I should probably by now be switching to non-sequential.

I think I missed out my next HRT which was Premique if I recall correctly? Except that after just 3 weeks I was back at the doctor saying no no no this is horrid! I’m back to square one (ie back to before Prempak C days hot hot hot).

The rest I think is correct, he changed my medication to the Everel CONTI patches I’m on now, and 3 months in (I’m nearly 59) this is where I’m at.

Thank you for the separate oestrogen patch + progesterone suggestion, my doc said to give it 6 months on the Everel and I’m over three months in now. If nothing improves I will speak to him about that option.


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Re: Hot flushes/sweats-Is there a medical difference?
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2022, 12:59:02 PM »

Don’t want to bother you too much, Dotty, you’ve been very kind to give me your time with previous reply, but re my concluding questions… do you know if there is a medical difference between the roast hot burning-up sort of flushes?

I ask because these things I’m getting during the night are not like when I used to get them in daytime in one sense, because instead of lasting about 3/4 mins, now that it’s those I’m getting during the night - but no longer sweating - it seems to last just about all night long.

What I mean is, sweating is the body’s way of cooling down, but that’s not usually happening any more. And now, ANY time I wake up (anything from 5 to 10 times a night, I’m ALWAYS on fire with this f”dry burning heat)?


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Re: Hot flushes/sweats-Is there a medical difference?
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2022, 01:04:33 PM »

Hi I don’t know if there’s a difference unfortunately. I know that I used to get very hot and then progressed to terrible sweats at night. I think it’s all part of the wonderful mystery of menopause . x


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Re: Hot flushes/sweats-Is there a medical difference?
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2022, 01:52:06 PM »

Lol Yep!

I’ve read that flushes are caused by construction of blood vessels, I’m just really puzzled by why, if one is feeling that roasting hot right from the core, sweating doesn’t instantly occur, like it would after say, overheating from say, physical exercise 🤔


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Re: Hot flushes/sweats-Is there a medical difference?
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2022, 02:24:43 PM »

I didn't get flushes during the day for a long time after I'd been getting sweats at night.  The daily ones just made me go all hot , but eventually caused sweating . x