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Author Topic: Utrogestan intolerance. I need help  (Read 4572 times)

Anne G

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Re: Utrogestan intolerance. I need help
« Reply #30 on: November 17, 2022, 10:33:22 AM »

I'm really sorry to read your post and I can empathise with the anxiety and depression issues totally.  I've had enormous struggles over the years.  I "found" HRT May 21 and it has made a huge difference to me Oestrogel and Utrogestan vaginally.  However, in the last month or so I've started to struggle again mentally and having done a lot of reading I think there is a link to my gut health, so this might be another piece of the jigsaw worth exploring?  In my case, I think my gut health is usually okay to good, but I've been struggling with hip pain (I suspect i need a replacement at the grand old age of 53!).  The nurse practitioner at my local practice put me on really strong pain killers and omeprazole to "protect" my stomach from the painkillers.  I had been taking a low dose of ibuprofen daily for months before that.  I'll not go on, but essentially I got a bad stomach as soon as I started the regime.  I stop one painkiller, kept going with the other and the omeprazole - and my mental health took a dive.  On reading up both the painkillers and omeprazole reduce the good bacteria in your gut and increase the bad stuff.  There is a suspected link between gut health and mental health.  One fact i learned was that 80-95% of your serotonin is produced in your gut!!  I've stopped all the new meds so not taking any painkillers at all now and I'm eating stuff that will improve my gut health.  The biggest boost i get if drinking natural Kefir - not the flavoured stuff as that has added sugar.  The effect is not quite instant, but I do definitely pick up after drinking it.  I'm at least temporarily cutting out any white sugar and getting sweetness from fruit - bananas, papaya and pineapple all good for feeding your good gut bacteria.

It's not terribly onerous to give it a go and it might help.
Take care and I hope you find the right balance of hormones for you.


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Re: Utrogestan intolerance. I need help
« Reply #31 on: November 17, 2022, 11:58:02 AM »

Hi Anne G, following on from what you say about the gut's relationship with mental health, just a quick mention of some interesting books for anyone who might want to explore this further:-

Gut - Guilia Enders
The clever guts diet - Dr Michael Mosley.

Kathryn Marsden also has a couple of good reads on gut health.
Currently reading What Every Woman Needs to Know About her Gut - Prof Barbara Ryan (Gastroenterologist) & Elaine McGowan (Dietitian) which covers the interaction between sex hormones & gut health.
Won't say more here for fear of derailing the thread.


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Re: Utrogestan intolerance. I need help
« Reply #32 on: November 17, 2022, 01:10:02 PM »

Thank you Anne

I believe gut health definitely plays a part. Sorry you are struggling more again. I have had Kefir before but I know it had sugar in it. I will look for a plain version. I am also trying to eat more protein.  I know I don’t get enough. I’ve also been trying to lengthen my eating window after doing intermittent fasting for years. This year I have been fasting 20 hours a day and from what I’ve read, it’s not recommended to fast so long when you are peri or menopausal.

The trouble is, when I’m down or anxious, I can’t eat. I’m still overweight but have lost weight these past few months simply because I have to force myself to eat. I used to love food. But now I don’t get excited about anything.

Wren, I will look at the books. My husband has gut issues and I would like to try to help him. He has been so supportive to me. He has been reading everything he can about peri and mood issues and keeps reassuring me I will get better.

I was so low Tuesday night. Had a breakdown after reading a story about a woman who committed suicide not long ago because of peri menopause and mood issues. She tried so much to get better and couldn’t. I worry I won’t figure this out either


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Re: Utrogestan intolerance. I need help
« Reply #33 on: November 17, 2022, 02:19:01 PM »

Thank you Anne

I believe gut health definitely plays a part. Sorry you are struggling more again. I have had Kefir before but I know it had sugar in it. I will look for a plain version. I am also trying to eat more protein.  I know I don’t get enough. I’ve also been trying to lengthen my eating window after doing intermittent fasting for years. This year I have been fasting 20 hours a day and from what I’ve read, it’s not recommended to fast so long when you are peri or menopausal.

The trouble is, when I’m down or anxious, I can’t eat. I’m still overweight but have lost weight these past few months simply because I have to force myself to eat. I used to love food. But now I don’t get excited about anything.

Wren, I will look at the books. My husband has gut issues and I would like to try to help him. He has been so supportive to me. He has been reading everything he can about peri and mood issues and keeps reassuring me I will get better.

I was so low Tuesday night. Had a breakdown after reading a story about a woman who committed suicide not long ago because of peri menopause and mood issues. She tried so much to get better and couldn’t. I worry I won’t figure this out either

I can understand how distressing it must have been for you to read something so sad. Although this was so very sad this does not mean something similar will happen to you. If you are having thoughts of ending your life then please share them. We will all support you on here. I think often when having such thoughts people withdraw and this is one of the worst responses as nobody can reach them. You are going through such a difficult time but it will not always be this way.


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Re: Utrogestan intolerance. I need help
« Reply #34 on: November 17, 2022, 02:40:50 PM »

Hi Lisa, I'm so glad to know your husband is so supportive. 

I wonder whether you feel you could raise the lack of appetite & fasting history with your doctors if you haven't already.  If you could get some support with this, to be sure you are getting all the nourishment you need, it should help you feel better both physically & mentally.  Apart from anything else, I'm sure you know that blood sugar peaks & troughs can play havoc with our bodies & minds & for that reason many of us find we have to change the way we eat at this time of our lives.   There are lots of threads on here discussing the importance of blood sugar stability if you feel this is something it might help you to look into further.

You will get through it, there are many lovely postmeno women here who have found that life gets easier when the chaos of fluctuating hormones in peri ends & we have more background stability to help us adjust to the new normal.


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Re: Utrogestan intolerance. I need help
« Reply #35 on: November 17, 2022, 04:03:41 PM »

Flossie I was thinking of posting to hear from people who got through this. I just feel like with my history of MH issues just complicates it. I will though. I do need hope. I am not thinking of ending my life but do also struggle with the thought that I will never get better.  I remember how I used to be happy and look forward to things. I miss that.

Wren, yes I definitely need to eat more regularly.  It’s been almost 24 hours since I ate but my stomach is in a knot and I just can’t make myself eat. I may take a diazepam to see if it helps. I try to avoid using them. I was on Xanax for years when I lived in the US and I’ve done well with getting myself off taking them regularly, but am still prescribed diazepam as needed.


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Re: Utrogestan intolerance. I need help
« Reply #36 on: November 17, 2022, 04:32:52 PM »

Flossie I was thinking of posting to hear from people who got through this. I just feel like with my history of MH issues just complicates it. I will though. I do need hope. I am not thinking of ending my life but do also struggle with the thought that I will never get better.  I remember how I used to be happy and look forward to things. I miss that.

Wren, yes I definitely need to eat more regularly.  It’s been almost 24 hours since I ate but my stomach is in a knot and I just can’t make myself eat. I may take a diazepam to see if it helps. I try to avoid using them. I was on Xanax for years when I lived in the US and I’ve done well with getting myself off taking them regularly, but am still prescribed diazepam as needed.

There are a few of us on here who have MH issues including me. I understand how that just complicates and makes it all seem so much harder. I think it can help to take each day as it comes. I know if I think of the future I just feel overwhelmed.


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Re: Utrogestan intolerance. I need help
« Reply #37 on: November 17, 2022, 05:45:07 PM »

Lisa, I hear you on the knotted stomach - worry has so often done that to me, as it does to many, many people.  But postmenopause I find I cope better, so that situations that had an extreme effect in the past are now easier to take in my stride. 

I had no access to MM during peri & didn't know anyone else going through menopause, which I found a very difficult, isolating & frightening time.  Things that helped me most were the support of my partner, learning how & setting aside a little time to meditate daily, a few months of counselling with a mindfulness oriented counsellor, getting out for walks & cycling when energy allowed, resting when I could to compensate a little for the relentless insomnia, learning as much as I could about what happens to us in menopause for reassurance & changing the way I ate to stabilise blood sugar.  I found I could no longer get by on a predominantly vegetarian diet as I had for some years & had to ensure I ate a good portion of protein with every meal, together with the complex carbs & wide range of fruit & veg I'd already habitually eaten.  I also found I couldn't go more than 4 hours without eating & exercising on empty became an absolute no-no.

It needed a multi-pronged approach, but all those strategies helped me get through the worst & I've mentioned them not to be prescriptive, but because sometimes a tiny snippet of info or detail from someone else's experience can help turn a life around.  With the support of your doctors, your partner & if you want it, the forum, you will get there too.

Try to be as kind to yourself as you would to a friend & remember that none of what happens to us at this life stage is our fault.   


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Re: Utrogestan intolerance. I need help
« Reply #38 on: November 17, 2022, 06:15:55 PM »

Thank you ladies.

Your kind words help so much. This forum is amazing.  I don’t know where I’d be without it. xx

I am going to try eating at regular times. Husband took over making dinner for me tonight. Salmon and rice with veggies. But I forgot to tell him rice had to be covered so he’s trying to fix it right now!


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Re: Utrogestan intolerance. I need help
« Reply #39 on: November 17, 2022, 07:08:06 PM »

Thank you ladies.

Your kind words help so much. This forum is amazing.  I don’t know where I’d be without it. xx

I am going to try eating at regular times. Husband took over making dinner for me tonight. Salmon and rice with veggies. But I forgot to tell him rice had to be covered so he’s trying to fix it right now!

Eating at regular times, even if it is a small bit, is such a good idea. I hope you enjoy your meal.  :)

Mary G

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Re: Utrogestan intolerance. I need help
« Reply #40 on: November 17, 2022, 07:30:42 PM »

discogirl, I used to get my 50mg progesterone from a compounding pharmacy but now I'm using Darstin progesterone gel which I buy in Spain.   

If you can get hold of Cyclogest vaginal vax pessaries, you could easily cut them into 50mg doses.


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Re: Utrogestan intolerance. I need help
« Reply #41 on: November 17, 2022, 09:22:28 PM »

Thanks Flossie. I managed to eat some.  Hubby did a great job.  Normally, I would feel guilty since he works all the time and cooking is my thing (used to really love doing it, too) but I’m taking advise from everyone on here and going to be as kind to myself as I can.


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Re: Utrogestan intolerance. I need help
« Reply #42 on: November 17, 2022, 09:28:15 PM »

You’re doing great Lisa and so is your great hubby.
Hope the rice wasn’t too stodgy  ;D


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Re: Utrogestan intolerance. I need help
« Reply #43 on: November 18, 2022, 12:57:29 PM »

Hi Lisa_Oz, you're definitely not alone, I also had an awful reaction to Utrogestan and took myself off it as I was terrified of the places it was taking my head to, it was giving me very strong suicidal thoughts. I'd had very low mood before starting HRT and on Evorel conti patches previously, but nothing compared to the horror show of the Utrogestan. I was then put on Tridestra - where you only have to tolerate the progesterone once every three months - and eventually ended up with a Mirena coil which I've had for a year now and on balance is by far the best option I've tried. Mood overall is a lot better and I feel better cos I'm not exhausted from the extreme mood swings - it's more constant most of the time.

Like you, I made the Menopause Clinic where I had mine fitted promise me they would remove the Mirena immediately it I had another bad reaction. A Sexual Health Clinic would also do this, I think. If the worst had happened I was prepared to take myself to a&e or an urgent care walk-in centre to ask them to remove it as an emergency.

Utrogestan - maybe generic progesterone prescription in general - is good for some but like others have said, it does seem to cause huge problems for a lot of us - something is very wrong with that, IMO. Would love to see some research into this. My other question into the ether is, if a low, constant dose of vaginal progesterone via a Mirena coil is acceptable for keeping the womb lining healthy, why do we get prescribed much higher doses to be taken orally as the so-called gold standard? I don't understand it.


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Re: Utrogestan intolerance. I need help
« Reply #44 on: November 18, 2022, 02:02:50 PM »

March…thank you. Rice was better than I thought it would be!

Peri…Thank you. I feel better knowing I’m not alone. This board has helped so much. Not that I’m happy others are going through this hell! I will give Mirena a chance if my new creams don’t work. It will equate to 50mg per day. I know they are not what the NHS recommends but I am prepared to get frequent scans if I can start to feel better. As for your question (can’t figure out how to only quote part of post)

“My other question into the ether is, if a low, constant dose of vaginal progesterone via a Mirena coil is acceptable for keeping the womb lining healthy, why do we get prescribed much higher doses to be taken orally as the so-called gold standard? I don't understand it.”

Agree 💯
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