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Author Topic: From patches to Gel  (Read 2002 times)


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From patches to Gel
« on: November 09, 2022, 03:36:51 PM »

Hi everyone,

Decided to move from patches to gel as even from the beginning with the patches, it didn't seem to do anything at all for my sleep. So my gp (who is lovely) has given me oestrogel.

Can you let me know, I was on 50mcg estraderm, so I understand that's two pumps of the gel.

Where is the best place to put it for best absorption? Inside of thighs?

also as I'm using two pumps do I put the two pumps on the same piece of skin or one pump on one inside thigh and the other pump on the other inside thigh.

I'm hoping I will absorp this better.

Any stories about the gel good or bad, I would be most interested to hear xxx


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Re: From patches to Gel
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2022, 03:43:03 PM »

Hi discogirl,

I put one pump on one inner thigh and one pump on the other inner thigh. It usually absorbs within 5 minutes. When I first got it I put it on my upper outer arms but the smell got on my nerves but I don't notice the smell when it's on my thighs. I've had no bad experiences with the gel, I love it! Let us know how you get on. xxxx


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Re: From patches to Gel
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2022, 03:48:16 PM »

Hi discogirl,

I put one pump on one inner thigh and one pump on the other inner thigh. It usually absorbs within 5 minutes. When I first got it I put it on my upper outer arms but the smell got on my nerves but I don't notice the smell when it's on my thighs. I've had no bad experiences with the gel, I love it! Let us know how you get on. xxxx

Thanks so much Katherine,

Has it affected your sleep, good or bad?

I'm planning to put it on first thing in the morning.

also I was on 50 patch started on 22nd Oct, will I be okay doing 2 pumps of the gel or would it be better to use just one pump. I mean is the gel stronger than the patches.


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Re: From patches to Gel
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2022, 03:51:34 PM »

You need 2pumps to equal a 50 patch.

Put on inner thighs or outer arms and shoulders . x


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Re: From patches to Gel
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2022, 03:52:25 PM »

You need 2pumps to equal a 50 patch.

Put on inner thighs or outer arms and shoulders . x

Thanks Dotty.

I hope I'm okay on the gel, I just hope I'm not changing too much too soon.

As least with the gel it's easier to increase dosage should I need to xx


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Re: From patches to Gel
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2022, 04:02:26 PM »

Hi discogirl,

I take the gel in the morning and sometimes a pump in the early evening if I need a boost. I personally find oestrogen to be energising and it just gives me a feeling of well being / less anxiety so I guess yes it does indirectly help me sleep better. I feel like the utrogestan has more of an influence on my sleep than oestrogen but I think they are both important in different ways. When I first tried the gel I used it just before bed and it kept me awake so you are doing the right thing taking it in the morning.

I really think if its your hormones causing you to feel this way then its just a matter of time before you feel better, just finding what works for you best and also it takes time to feel the full benefits of HRT. When I apply the gel I can feel the effects really quick, it's great. xxxx


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Re: From patches to Gel
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2022, 04:21:23 PM »

Hi discogirl,

I take the gel in the morning and sometimes a pump in the early evening if I need a boost. I personally find oestrogen to be energising and it just gives me a feeling of well being / less anxiety so I guess yes it does indirectly help me sleep better. I feel like the utrogestan has more of an influence on my sleep than oestrogen but I think they are both important in different ways. When I first tried the gel I used it just before bed and it kept me awake so you are doing the right thing taking it in the morning.

I really think if its your hormones causing you to feel this way then its just a matter of time before you feel better, just finding what works for you best and also it takes time to feel the full benefits of HRT. When I apply the gel I can feel the effects really quick, it's great. xxxx

Thanks for that Katherine,

That's what I'm worred about, that with estrogen being energizing I hope the gel isn't too energizing and it wears off by bedtime.

Having said that, I wear the patches obviously in bed; but even if it helps the anxiety xx

At least if I try the gel and give it a couple of months things don't work out, then maybe hrt isn't for me xx


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Re: From patches to Gel
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2022, 05:07:57 PM »

Hi discogirl, I don’t think the gel will cause you any further sleep issues if you take it in the morning. As I said I can even get away with a pump in early evening without it affecting my sleep.

It took several months for the oestrogen component to properly work for me, and when I tried to come off HRT recently due to the breathing issues that I felt utrogestan had caused/worsened, I realised just how much the gel had been benefitting me and now I wouldn’t go without it so I think there’s a good chance you will find the right HRT for you. But as you said there is always the option of leaving it behind and trying other things. Xxx


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Re: From patches to Gel
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2022, 05:09:07 PM »

Hi discogirl, I don’t think the gel will cause you any further sleep issues if you take it in the morning. As I said I can even get away with a pump in early evening without it affecting my sleep.

It took several months for the oestrogen component to properly work for me, and when I tried to come off HRT recently due to the breathing issues that I felt utrogestan had caused/worsened, I realised just how much the gel had been benefitting me and now I wouldn’t go without it so I think there’s a good chance you will find the right HRT for you. But as you said there is always the option of leaving it behind and trying other things. Xxx

Can I ask katherine, I've noticed some women say when they use estrogel, that it causes their estrogen to spike and then plummet, have you noticed this and how do you get around it xx


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Re: From patches to Gel
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2022, 06:15:03 PM »

Hi discogirl, I haven’t had that problem with the gel. I usually take it in the morning and it sets me up for the day. It gives me a little boost of energy that lasts. The following morning I can feel I need my next dose but no, Between doses I’m fine. I’ve never had any issues with the gel. X


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Re: From patches to Gel
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2022, 06:21:01 PM »

Hi discogirl, I haven’t had that problem with the gel. I usually take it in the morning and it sets me up for the day. It gives me a little boost of energy that lasts. The following morning I can feel I need my next dose but no, Between doses I’m fine. I’ve never had any issues with the gel. X

Hi Katherine,

Thanks for that.

Forgive me for asking but did you have sleep issues before using the gel xxx


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Re: From patches to Gel
« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2022, 07:32:53 PM »

Hi Discogirl
Please can you let us know how you get on with the gel. Xx.

I will, I'm starting tomorrow and of course I'll keep you updated.

This has all been helped enourmously by my gp (male) who is lovely and a huge supporter of hrt.

I'm also tapering off amitrypline as I'm sure that stimulates nervous system and has affected my sleep.

I will keep you posted, I will message you so that i have your user name in case I can't find the post later on xx


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Re: From patches to Gel
« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2022, 09:44:28 PM »

Hi discogirl, yes, before going on HRT I had sleep problems, I felt like I was just closing my eyes like I wasn’t sleeping deeply then didn’t feel rested when I woke up. Also I was overheating in bed. Then when I was taking the gel and utrogestan before bed I was feeling wired and found it hard to fall asleep which I realise was due to the gel. So I switched to taking the gel in the morning and the utrogestan at night and I started sleeping deeply and waking up rested, it was amazing. But after a while I got that morning sedated feeling , finding it hard to get my day started and I’ve worked out it’s the utrogestan dose/ regime which I need to sort out. So if I can just do that I will be sorted. I did post about this earlier today but I only got one reply, I will have to see my GP.  Sorry that’s a long answer! I hope it’s encouraging for you though to see that it just takes time to work out what works for you. It’s taken me since February to figure this out. Xxx


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Re: From patches to Gel
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2022, 12:28:24 PM »

Hi Mollydolly,

Thank you so much for telling me that. I'm sorry you went through all of that but glad that you are now alright with no after effects. I must be amazing to not have those issues any more and get on with your life.

In my case I seem to be able to take Utrogestan for about 16 days at 100mg until I get side effects, it's a shame there isn't a lower dosage but then I would be worried about my womb lining. My GP recommends the gel / mirena combination as the best but she said I wouldn't get the sleep benefits from the Mirena and also I would be concerned about getting side effects from a mirena and not being able to take it out immediately like you can just stop taking a pill.

On the Utrogestan leaflet it says take on days 1 to 25 of your therapeutic cycle - do you or anyone know if this means your menstrual cycle and is day 1 the day after your period ends? I have never had to think about all this before and realise how little I know!

I think I will try different Utrogestan regimes and maybe the mirena and if all fails I might end up doing what you've done mollydolly.  Did your gynaecologist say your womb would still be protected on 5 nights of Utrogestan and did you have scans to check, were they on the Nhs? Sorry for all the questions, as you say the Utrogestan can really affect your quality of life and I need this sorted soon. I am so thankful for all you ladies. xxx


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Re: From patches to Gel
« Reply #14 on: November 10, 2022, 02:22:52 PM »

Hi Katherine
Although it took time for me to get my oestrogen dose right over the years, for me the absolute killer was the Utrogestan.  It was so bad that my Gynaecologist ok'd for me to take for just 7 days of the month.  In the end I could only bear it for 5 nights.  I know it makes a lot of ladies sleep but for me it was the opposite.  I was so agitated throughout the night, tossing and turning.  If I took it in the morning I just felt so low.  I took it vaginally as well.
I didn't want to try a progesterone that wasn't bioidentical and my gynaecologist said I am severely progesterone intolerant.  I hated everything about it. So I took the plunge and had a keyhole hysterectomy.  Apart from the Utro I really had had enough of monthly periods that were heavy and as I am 53 I thought I am still young enough to get over the operation and the upside of no more periods and progesterone tablets made my mind up. 
It was the best thing I ever did.  I had no pain after the op, not even enough to take a paracetamol, no bleeding at all (I still keep checking just in case!) It really was like I had not had anything done. Everything is exactly the same in that area.  I do not even have a scar.  I know it sounds drastic but I spent most of my life being progesterone intolerant and it was definitely getting worse.  Life is too short to suffer if you don't have to but I know its not a decision to be taken lightly.

Hi Mollydolly,

Hope you don't mind me cutting.

Well done though at least you managed to find out that you were prog intolerant.

I'm so glad your hysterectomy went well.

I take the utro vaginally and in the mornings as it doesn't sedate me either and (touch wood) I'm okay on it at the moment.

I hope you're okay today xxx
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