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Author Topic: Sandrena anxiety  (Read 2594 times)


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Sandrena anxiety
« on: October 25, 2022, 12:22:46 PM »

Hi all

I’ve been on cyclical HRT for a couple of years but post covid it seems to have been rendered ineffective and my blood Estradiol levels have been very low (140 p/mol)

I’ve changed over to sandrena (after trying but getting no joy from lenzetto - 5 sprays, and then 100 Estradot) to see if that is more effective than my previous oestrogel. I’ve started on 2mg of sandrena and for a few days felt pretty great but now seem to have awful anxiety and feel really keyed up.

Could this be the sudden increase in dose do you think?

Does anyone have any advice? Shall I stick with it or drop down?

Any advice very welcome TIA


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Re: Sandrena anxiety
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2022, 02:24:39 PM »

Hi Madge79

I'm fairly new to hrt myself having only started in august, but I wanted to try and help as best I can.

I believe sandrena gel can cause anxiety, however that I probably the case whenever you change over to a new hrt regime.
I would give the new regime time to settle down and then assess how your anxiety levels are.

I too have anxiety and it's awful, so I do sympathise with you.

I've never used the gel, however you say you're on 2mg so forgive me, but could you split the dose up of the gel, say take a bit in the morning and a bit at night so it's not too much and a bit easier on your system.

Also I do find eating little and often can help me with my anxiety levels.

You're not alone with the anxiety, I do wish you well and hopefully some more ladies will be along with some better advice xxxxx


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Re: Sandrena anxiety
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2022, 07:45:51 PM »


I find Sandrena very strong. I feel like a junkie must getting a quick fix when I use it!
It was really affecting my anxiety. I’ve gone back to oestrogel now. It’s early days but it feels much better.

Nik xx


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Re: Sandrena anxiety
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2022, 08:42:57 PM »

Yep Nik

I remember that junkie feeling!
Low and slow and I ended up staying low.
Not easy but very much getting there anxiety wise.

M x



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Re: Sandrena anxiety
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2022, 10:27:39 AM »

Hey everyone

Well I decided to drop to 1.5 for a week or so and then went up to 2.0 again this week.

I have been splitting the dose one 1mg morning and 1mg evening.

The going lower definitely settled my anxiety and then when I increased to 2mg again a few days ago I did feel keyed up an edgy (slightly upset stomach too) but I think it’s starting to settle.

I was on the oestrogel for years with no issues then in the last 6 months it seemed to lose its efficacy and my blood Estradiol was quite low. We tried lenzetto (made me feel sick and levels went even lower) and then tried estradot 100 but that wasn’t absorbed and I was allergic to it! So here we are trying the last hope that’s sandrena!

I really hope it works, my baseline anxiety is very high now even though the keyed up feeling has dialled down a bit.

Funnily enough my HRT seemed to stop working after I got covid which I’m sure has affected it.

Thanks everyone xx


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Re: Sandrena anxiety
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2022, 10:51:10 AM »

Hi Madge
Glad you are feeling better.
How many pumps were you on of oestrogel? I’m seriously thinking of trying Sandrena as am getting nowhere with 5 pump of gel, split am and pm.
Interestingly, I caught Covid too and things have gone down hill since then.


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Re: Sandrena anxiety
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2022, 02:55:39 PM »

Hi ladies,
Sorry to jump in but I can relate to everything you all say with regards to sandrena and increasing dose at anytime, I found sandrena much stronger than oestrdiol gel pump, I too felt like a junkie, awful feelings! I went back to estradiol gel and have recently increased to four pumps but haven't felt any difference with regards to low mood and anxiety, I was also wondering if there is a link between the covid vaccine as last two years I have felt awful, also does anyone know if a  steroid inhaler and prednisone has any counteractions when it comes to hrt?
Just to add I've come across megs menopause on YouTube and there's a video she has done on anxiety and how she felt, just wondering if anyone else has seen it, she also talks about her hrt with regards to the gel..


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Re: Sandrena anxiety
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2022, 07:04:41 PM »

Hey there both of you!!

Epona I would say after vaccine number 2 is when my HRT really stopped working. Then I got hit with covid, twice; and now I have long covid (10 months) and very low estrogen. The sandrena made me feel all keyed up but seemed to settle after a week or so, I hope it doesn’t come back! I still have the meno anxiety but the sandrena anxiety was different.

It really has been a rubbish couple of years!!!! I just want to get back to having some energy!

I don’t know about steroid intersections, I wouldn’t think there would be any issues as long as you are on body identical HRT. If anything estrogen should help as it’s a natural anti inflammatory so less need for the steroids.

It’s all so complicated isn’t it? I’ve found it such an exact sciences I think my dr thinks I’m a tricky case as it hasn’t been as easy as the average dose etc.


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Re: Sandrena anxiety
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2022, 08:26:56 PM »

Hi madge
Thank you for your kind reply, I think some of us ladies are really sensitive to any sort of change in hrt and the dosage, I have to go really slowly with increasing by using half or less of a pump, I'm on 4 pumps now but had to do that gradually, whereas some ladies can go straight onto a 100mg patch and feel totally fine, I'm yet to find the exact right balance but I'm worried that I never will as some say too high or too low can cause the same symptoms, I get what you mean about meno anxiety like its something that just comes with menopause!
I hope you have some success in finding the best dose for you and you will feel better soon


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Re: Sandrena anxiety
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2022, 11:31:49 AM »

Yes I feel the same I can never tell if it’s too low or too high! I was convinced it was too high so cut it back then bloods revealed it was too low.
It’s like I can’t trust my own body anymore!
I look and feel like a totally different person to a few years ago!
Hope you are doing ok? Xx


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Re: Sandrena anxiety
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2022, 04:32:39 PM »

Hello ladies.
I can totally relate to the problem of never knowing if your symptoms are from a too high or too low amount of Oestrogen. I am still battling to get the balance right.

I haven't needed steroid medication for years but all the sex hormones are steroidal so adding these would likely impact any steroid meds. I also understand that steroids of any type have an anti-inflammatory effect and I wonder if we become more susceptible to inflammatory illnesses during the menopause as our natural supply of Oestrogen declines.

Take care ladies.



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Re: Sandrena anxiety
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2022, 05:39:39 PM »

Hi ladies and thank you both for your kind replies,
It's so confusing to get the balance right, I remember in the beginning five years ago now, I felt so much better on hrt and now not so much, so I have convinced myself it stops working or that something has changed it working, I'm still on the same medication the only thing that's been different is the covid vaccine!! Just had my fourth booster 🤔
Take care ladies


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Re: Sandrena anxiety
« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2022, 11:12:34 AM »

Hi Madge & ladies, I’m in same boat post jab and then covid, my tablet Estrogen just not working, Iv tried increasing & decreasing but no good.
I am thinking of changing to new product. I can’t live like this.  Madge I know exactly how you feel and it’s awful.  Give sandrena time, perhaps stay on smaller dose for a while until it builds up. Good luck 🌷


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Re: Sandrena anxiety
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2022, 08:10:28 AM »

Isn’t it interesting that the jab and/or covid is the factor that changed it all!!
My estrogen bloods were stable at around 500 then a week after jab number two plummeted to 150 and not been able to get it any higher since!
I guess the positive of sandrena anxiety is at least I’m absorbing it!!!
The anxiety has settled a bit actually, hopefully it will stay that way!!