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Author Topic: Utrogestan dosage  (Read 1299 times)


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Utrogestan dosage
« on: November 09, 2022, 10:40:11 AM »

Hi ladies,

I take Utrogestan orally 100mg every day (I still have regular periods) and found when I initially started taking it I had much improved sleep, felt less anxious and no side effects. However I have realised that after a while I start feeling really tired, low and lacking motivation (sometimes needing 3 cake bars when I wake up to get me moving!!) and also sometimes asthma type symptoms.

I have worked out that it's not the product that's the problem but the dosage/regime; it seems to be accumulating in my body. I asked my GP if I could take it every other day and she said yes but I might get spotting and she said the alternative is to take on days 1 to 25 of my cycle but that would only give me 2 days off a month, if that, (my cycle is 25-28 days long) which would not be enough. My main concerns are avoiding this sedated feeling and avoiding womb cancer so I need to find a regime that is safe and works for me.

I remember someone else saying (Marchlove possibly?) that they take it every other day. I read that spotting can be a symptom of womb cancer so I want to avoid spotting as I wouldn't know whether the Utrogestan regime or womb cancer was causing it. I am contemplating going private so I can get womb scans, but when considering BUPA read that they don't cover 'Menopause' whatever that means.

Can anyone shed any light on any of this please? I just need a balance between safety and not feeling sedated. I really want to find a way of taking Utrogestan that works as it had been a godsend for my sleep issues.


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Re: Utrogestan dosage
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2022, 10:43:27 AM »

Hi if you still have regular periods you’d be better taking 200mg of Utrogestan for 12 days every month. x


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Re: Utrogestan dosage
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2022, 02:14:18 PM »

You should only be taking utrogestan continuously if you are already menopausal - I.e. no periods for a year. I started off taking 100mg utrogestan for days 1 to 25 of my cycle with a 3 day break, but found the side effects too severe - v sore boobs and bad fluid retention in the legs not to mention spotting and short cycles. When I switched to 200mg on days 15 to 26 of my cycle my symptoms stopped and I still retained the sleep benefits.


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Re: Utrogestan dosage
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2022, 02:50:59 PM »

Hi Greyhoundgal,

Thank you for your reply. My GP suggested taking it continuously, for the sleep benefits. I think I would be too scared to take a 200mg capsule. Did it feel any different to the 100mg after you took it?


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Re: Utrogestan dosage
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2022, 11:01:28 AM »

Like you I was apprehensive about doubling the dose and taking it over a shorter 12 day period, but it was so much better than the 25 day option. The sore breasts and fluid retention stopped. You will probably have to take 2 x 100mg capsules rather than a 200mg capsule- I think these are only used as vaginal pessaries in fertility treatment.

My only issue with both dosages has been a return of PMS and mid cycle symptoms, but that's probably just the return of greater hormone levels generally. I may have a tendency towards progesterone intolerance, so have just started taking 100mg as a vaginal pessary for the same 12 day period.


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Re: Utrogestan dosage
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2022, 12:37:53 PM »

Hi greyhoundgal, my main reason for not wanting to take the 200mg is my asthma. I had a really frightening asthma attack a few weeks ago in the night and I couldn't get my breath as I was too sedated and I couldn't have reached for my inhaler either, and that was on 100mg. I am going to try taking the 100mg for a shorter time period and then possibly the mirena if I can't get on with the Utrogestan.
I really appreciate your help though, the more info I can get of different peoples experiences the better! Did your GP recommend taking it vaginally? I hope your new regime works for you xxx


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Re: Utrogestan dosage
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2022, 03:31:45 PM »

According to Newson health but not the manufacturer you can halve the dose if you take it vaginally so 100mg x 12 days. This should be OK on a low/medium dose of oestrogen but if you're on a high dose it may be prudent to arrange a scan after a few months if you don't get a good monthly bleed.


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Re: Utrogestan dosage
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2022, 10:51:28 AM »

Hi Sheila, thank you for the info, that is good to know and I will keep that in mind. I take 2 pumps of gel usually, but 3 pumps in the few days running up to my period and during my period. Do you think this counts as a low/ medium dose? I bleed fairly heavily every month with a 4 day period.Would I ask my gp to refer me for scans on the nhs?


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Re: Utrogestan dosage
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2022, 11:05:45 AM »

I'm sorry to hear about your asthma attack. That sounds very scary. I've yet to speak to my GP about taking utrogestan vaginally, as I'm having to wait 2 weeks for a phone appointment....🙈🙈. But after a lot of research, and seeing that the private meno clinics recommend this approach if you're progesterone intolerant, and that it's licensed in Europe for this use, I'm going for it, and informing him after the fact, though he'll probably object. Too bad!!😉😂. It's only been 7 days but so far the mid cycle PMS is not happening, though I'm not getting the sleep benefits or the mood calming 😉😉. HRT seems to be a trade off generally and about trying to manage the worst symptoms while accepting others will not improve dramatically. Or perhaps I haven't found the magic formula yet... Good luck. I hope you find a regime that works for you.


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Re: Utrogestan dosage
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2022, 03:29:42 PM »

Dotty and Greyhoundgal,

Do you know why you are prescribed 200g Utrogestan for 12 days of the month and not 14? I see that some other ladies are too. My GP has prescribed it for 14 days which is ok but I would prefer to do it for fewer days as long as it is safe.

Any thoughts? 

Sorry to jump in on in thread. I did post one about it but so far no replies.

Thank you  :)


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Re: Utrogestan dosage
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2022, 10:22:26 PM »

Hi greyhoundgal, thank you. I think I will stick to taking it orally then if you don’t get the sleep benefits the other way. I hope you do find the magic formula, there is still hope ! X

Ellie O

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Re: Utrogestan dosage
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2022, 06:38:25 AM »

Hi Katherine. I take Utrogestan 25 days on / 3 days off. I feel that 3 days is good break from Utrogestan.

Dr. Heather Currie

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Re: Utrogestan dosage
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2022, 08:19:29 AM »

"According to Newson health but not the manufacturer you can halve the dose if you take it vaginally so 100mg x 12 days."
Sorry to disagree but this advice does not follow national guidance. If using vaginal progesterone, the dose and frequency is the same as if taking by mouth. There is not enough evidence about the protective effect on the womb lining when using at a lower dose, and there are concerns about using the standard dose if taking higher doses of estrogen. See


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Re: Utrogestan dosage
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2022, 12:32:04 PM »

Thank you Dr. Currie and Ellie for the information. I will take a look at the link.
I have been assuming that 2-3 pumps of oestrogen is not a high dose ( and that 4-6 is classed as a high dose.) Ellie I am hoping that the 25 days will work for me too, time will tell I guess.


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Re: Utrogestan dosage
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2022, 05:33:18 PM »

Having pondered Dr. Currie's post today it has got me worried. I am taking 2 pumps of oestrogel per day with 100mg utrogestan and in the days before my period an extra pump of gel. But I still have regular periods (but many symptoms of declining oestrogen for at least 7 years - I'm 46), so that means I still make my own oestrogen and I am also topping up with 2 pumps of gel.

So my total oestrogen levels might be too high for the utrogestan to protect my womb. Is there a way I can get my overall oestrogen levels measured? At my last smear I had cervical erosion, my GP said probably due to the HRT but it was nothing to worry about. My oestrogel prescription says 2-4 pumps on the bottle. I wonder if you can still have regular periods even if you are only producing a small amount of natural oestrogen. And will my periods still stop while I'm on HRT? I have read that utrogestan makes you bleed monthly but it's not a period. If anyone can answer any of this I would be grateful.
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