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Author Topic: Perimenopause  (Read 2995 times)


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Re: Perimenopause
« Reply #15 on: November 11, 2022, 03:51:09 PM »

Hello everyone,
Thank you all so very much.  This is really helping and to know that it is normal feels such a relief. Reading the stories I feel like that anxiety is all part of it and I am not going crazy.  That is so reassuring because it really does feel like I am a different person at the moment.  The stress of my job is intense as well. Not having the confidence to do things I have do ne automatically before has been upsetting and bursting into tears when things dont go quite right is weird. They can't possibly understand at work because they are younger. We have a very young staff, mostly in their 20's but my boss is in her 40's.

They have left me alone for the last few weeks which I am grateful for. I haven't wanted to see or speak to anyone and have only been out of the house to get medication. When I was last at work I told my manager that the only way I could describe how I felt was that I felt broken.At this point I could have quite happily just walked away from my job. I don;t feel like that now ~feel tired through all the anxiety. I still don't know if I want to be there though but my lovely friend said I am not well enough to make that decision yet. Like everyone I need the money. My husband died many years ago so I am the sole wage earner and don't have family to turn to.

Today I tidied a cupboard which is more me but I am not there yet. I have to make a decision about work next week but for now am trying to focus on today and me.  This is not usual for me because I usually spend my time helping others.

I am so sorry to keep droning on as I know you are all in the same position but I feel that this forum is one of the few places I cn talk about how I feel and not be judged.


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Re: Perimenopause
« Reply #16 on: November 11, 2022, 04:49:28 PM »

I am so sorry you lost your husband. My heart goes out to you.🤗

Your friend is right. You are not well enough to make any decisions just yet. Sorting out the cupboard is brilliant! I bet you feel pleased it is nice and organised now.

I think taking each day as it comes is the best way. You need to be kind to yourself.

Please do not apologise and you are not going on. We are here to support you.


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Re: Perimenopause
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2022, 01:41:59 PM »

So got up this morning and feeling more like me.  I can't say I am ready to rush back to work but I can actually think and I don't feel so sad. I don't know if it is psychosomatic or whether the Everel is working but I will take it. One day at a time I guess.

People do not realise the journey that women go through.  I remember a menopause nurse saying to me many years ago women were given Vallium to try to combat these symptoms. Looking back one of which may have been my mum.  I am so thankful that we know more now and it breaks my heart to think so many suffered in silence.

Thank you to everyone who has replied or simple read my posts. I don't know where I would be if I couldn't talk about it.


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Re: Perimenopause
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2022, 01:49:42 PM »

I am so happy today is a better day for you. :)

That is so true. Thing of how many women were put in aslyums for menopausal symptoms. :o


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Re: Perimenopause
« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2022, 02:14:05 PM »

Yes she mentioned the asylums as well but the thought of it was too upsetting to type. I wish that there was more we could do to raise awareness. Davina Mccall has been amazing and her book is brilliant. Lots of tips and advice.


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Re: Perimenopause
« Reply #20 on: November 12, 2022, 02:43:04 PM »

I can understand that. It is so positive people are more aware now.


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Re: Perimenopause
« Reply #21 on: November 12, 2022, 03:15:54 PM »

Jay- so glad you are feeling a bit better ...its horrible all this...and I'm so sorry to hear about your husband,.
I'm no expert here on this site, but all I can say is the ladies here are so knowledgeable....please keep posting and lots of love,
Vicky xxxx


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Re: Perimenopause
« Reply #22 on: November 12, 2022, 03:30:17 PM »

Tis site has been a god send for me and everyone is so knowledgeable. I seem to be bumbling through it. I think I have been perimenopausal for quite a few years but not realised it. It took its toll recently. I think i had convinced myself I was just generally struggling.


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Re: Perimenopause
« Reply #23 on: November 12, 2022, 04:46:55 PM »

Tis site has been a god send for me and everyone is so knowledgeable. I seem to be bumbling through it. I think I have been perimenopausal for quite a few years but not realised it. It took its toll recently. I think i had convinced myself I was just generally struggling.

You are not alone there. I had never heard of perimenopause before finding this forum. I had no idea what vaginal atrophy was and realised I had been suffering with it for a few years. I thought menopause meant a few hot flushes and feeling grumpy which would soon pass. That is what I saw watching TV programmes and were I based all my knowledge on!


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Re: Perimenopause
« Reply #24 on: November 12, 2022, 04:55:34 PM »

Its amazing how little we all have known as it is something that s not talked about or hasnt been in the past. I a making sure my daughter has all the information she needs now even though I hope that it will be many years before she needs it.

Talking about it is so important and I am finding out more from reading posts on this every day.  I must admit the Everel conti bits have scared me a little because I have to start using those patches next fri for 2 weeks. Sounds like they come with a variety of side affects that are not pleasant.

Flossie you are a god send too as I think you were the first person to contact me and have been there since I set up the membership. Thank you x


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Re: Perimenopause
« Reply #25 on: November 12, 2022, 04:59:15 PM »

Its amazing how little we all have known as it is something that s not talked about or hasnt been in the past. I a making sure my daughter has all the information she needs now even though I hope that it will be many years before she needs it.

Talking about it is so important and I am finding out more from reading posts on this every day.  I must admit the Everel conti bits have scared me a little because I have to start using those patches next fri for 2 weeks. Sounds like they come with a variety of side affects that are not pleasant.

Flossie you are a god send too as I think you were the first person to contact me and have been there since I set up the membership. Thank you x

I think it is lovely you are going to teach your daughter all about menopause and what to expect. It will make it much easier for her when the time comes.

Although some do not like Evorel Conti, other members do like it and if you did not get on with it there are many other options you can try. Please do not worry about that. Do not forget, people are more likely to post when they are struggling and this does not mean members are not using this happily.

My pleasure.  :)


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Re: Perimenopause
« Reply #26 on: November 12, 2022, 05:03:52 PM »

Thanks Flossie. I will remember that. It is a very good point and one I had not thought of. I am really hoping all will go well so I can get back to being me. I don;t like the person that I am at the moment. I do not recognise the person that looks back at me in the mirror; if that makes sense.


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Re: Perimenopause
« Reply #27 on: November 12, 2022, 05:06:42 PM »

Thanks Flossie. I will remember that. It is a very good point and one I had not thought of. I am really hoping all will go well so I can get back to being me. I don;t like the person that I am at the moment. I do not recognise the person that looks back at me in the mirror; if that makes sense.

I think the person in the mirror could do with some kindness. It is not her fault she is feeling the way she does and from the posts on here she sounds warm and caring.


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Re: Perimenopause
« Reply #28 on: November 12, 2022, 05:08:25 PM »

Bless you Flossie x


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Re: Perimenopause
« Reply #29 on: November 12, 2022, 08:32:08 PM »

I will try and be a little kinder but the anxiety about going back keeps enveloping me. I can not be thinking about anything in particular but it will pop into my mind and I get an extremely anxious feeling wash over me and my heart starts to race. Anyone else get this?
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