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Author Topic: Biopsy with mirena in place, please advise.  (Read 732 times)


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Biopsy with mirena in place, please advise.
« on: November 05, 2022, 09:46:30 PM »

Hi ladies, I'm having a late menopause (58  in January) 18 months ago I had a hysteroscopy due to prolonged heavy bleeds. They found a benign polyp and said I had disordered proliferative endometrium (I was later told this is common in peri). A biopsy 6 months later was "improved" and I was fitted with a mirena. I thought this might be the end of it. I have had no heavy bleeds since the coil. In fact all bleeding stopped. I went back on low dose HRT and soon started continuously spotting again. I tried it for 4 months then decided to quit. In the meantime I was recalled for a biopsy.  I had just changed jobs and moved house and also wanted to give my hormones chance to settle again..I find the waiting after the procedure agonising and have been suffering from anxiety as it is. My hormones appear to have settled.  I had one light period after coming off HRT,preceded by flushes stopping, headaches and very tender breasts. My rearranged biopsy date was then cancelled. It's now scheduled for next week, a year after the last one rather than the planned 6-7 months. I finally feel like things have settled and I'm dreading what will happen if they mess around with things again. I also feel frustrated because I've been told a disordered endometrial lining is common in peri. The nurse hysteroscopist said they were mainly being cautious because of my age. I don't want to take risks but I also feel my issues have prerry much resolved and I just want to be left alone. I'm so down about this. Also will they need to fit a new coil - which could affect me differently? I'm frustrated too as I've never seen a gynaecologist.

Can anyone advise me? X


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Re: Biopsy with mirena in place, please advise.
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2022, 05:02:28 AM »

Hi I'm in a similar situation. How did things go? I was diagnosed with simple endometrial hyperplasia  with no atypia and then last biopsy showed  just disordered proliferative endometrium but they are still pushing for mirena. Bleeding has stopped other than light period.