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Author Topic: Persistent diarrhea  (Read 7270 times)


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Persistent diarrhea
« on: November 02, 2022, 07:51:05 PM »

Hi, I've looked through threads for my issue and can't find anything similar so here goes....sorry if TMI.....

I have had diarrhea for 6 days, the only other symptoms are a bit of bloating and slight discomfort, relieved when I 'go'.  There are no abdominal cramps, little urgency and it's frequent, alot, and horrible, just really liquid, I  daren't fart.  It's been 5 or 6 times for 2 days, then 10 times on day 3 then 7 times the other days, at anytime (not overnight) and usually 30 - 60 minutes after eating.  I saw the GP yesterday who, quite impatiently, said it was nothing to worry about, likely be my IBS flaring up and they wouldn't do anything until 14 days had passed.  My IBS is usually mild.  I'm thinking of going to another GP.

For context, I've been on the AD Sertraline for 9 weeks following a bit of a breakdown.  I'm miles better mentally but I wonder if physical symptoms could still manifest (there was a family death recently plus I'm due to return to work, I'm not aware of either particularly bothering me though).  I asked the GP if the meds could cause this, his sarcastic response was no. I'm not so sure.

I wondered if anyone else had a similar experience either on sertraline (SSRI) or with IBS before I make another GP appointment.  I'm 5 years post menopause, HRT isn't a problem and I recently had a negative bowel cancer test.

I'd be grateful for any comments/advice, ty



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Re: Persistent diarrhea
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2022, 08:05:00 PM »

I am so sorry to hear how dismissive the GP is. Is it possible you have a stomach bug? I do not think watery diarrhoea that has gone on for 6 days should be put down to IBS. I have IBS and have found taking a probiotic really helpful. I take Opticbac Everyday. Just thought I would mention that as it helps me a lot.

I think if it was the serataline causing this then it would have happened sooner. You say you were on it for 8 weeks before this happened so I would not think that was the cause.


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Re: Persistent diarrhea
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2022, 08:21:17 PM »

Hi Lanie66

Sorry to hear about your tummy problems and your Dr’s response!

It’s probably not this but - your symptoms reminded me of when I had campylobacter some years back, a stool sample confirmed that. Personally I wonder why your GP didn’t arrange that just to rule things like that out.

I hope you soon feel better.


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Re: Persistent diarrhea
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2022, 08:25:39 PM »

I was going to suggest it could be a side effect from the Sertraline, but usually side effects show up in the initial stages so that's unlikely, but you might want to check in case it could be that.

Also it absolutely could be a reaction to the recent events. It sounds like you have a lot going on and I'm very sorry about the bereavement. I know of people who have suffered a variety of illnesses, including stomach upsets, in similar circumstances.

Otherwise as Flossieteacake suggested it could be a stomach bug, or possibly a food allergy / intolerance. If it's a stomach bug / virus it can take at least 7 days to get it out of your system. I went to the doctors with something very similar a number of years ago. I had horrible cramps and after 4 days I really couldn't cope, and he was very similar to your doctor in terms of dismissing it. He basically said it was a virus and I just had to let it run it's course.

You also say you have IBS - are there any particular trigger foods that you may have eaten recently? could ingredients in a favourite food have changed? is there a new product you've started eating? or have you had a lot more of a gluten or dairy product than usual?

When I've had similar happen I usually try fasting for at least 24 hours (so nothing except lots and lots of water), then gradually introduce bland food using the Banana Rice Applesauce and Toast diet.

I hope you feel better soon  :foryou:
« Last Edit: November 02, 2022, 08:34:06 PM by getting_old »


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Re: Persistent diarrhea
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2022, 09:02:58 PM »

Hi Lanie66
Thought I would let you know what happened to me with sertraline. After maybe being on it for about 2 weeks, I started having diarrhoea (and it lasted 7 weeks!) I nearly gave up on it and, all of a sudden, it stopped.
I've been on it for quite a while now and I have to say that sertraline, along with HRT, has completely settled my anxiety.. :foryou:


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Re: Persistent diarrhea
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2022, 09:24:55 PM »

Thank you everyone for your replies,  I really appreciate it.  I'm going to look into campylobacter Lynda07.  I did have a supermarket pizza (unusual for me) the night before it started.  I added extra cheese  and I'm thinking I've been eating ALOT of chocolate lately, symptomatic of how I was feeling, so perhaps there is an excess of dairy as you suggest, Getting_old.  Your experience on sertraline Songbird is interesting, I've had gastric side effects since the beginning, but these were only tummy upsets and wind.  Flossieteacake, I'm going to start taking kefir as a probiotic and see if it makes a difference, meanwhile make another appointment if I have another awful bout like I did earlier this evening.



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Re: Persistent diarrhea
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2022, 09:56:58 PM »

I really hope it goes soon. Your GP is very uncaring. I hope you can see a different one next time. Stress is so bad for IBS and you have been through a lot so that could also explain things.


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Re: Persistent diarrhea
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2022, 08:22:31 AM »

Hi Lanie. I've had campylobacter and it caused severe pain before each episode of diarrhoea. You also have slight fever and flu type symptoms before the diarrhoea begins usually. I had antibiotics for mine as it was considered severe (traced back to a chicken salad being prepared by someone who'd been handling raw mussels) but it is self limiting.

With diarrhoea an important symptom is whether you are woken during the night. With food poisoning and stomach bugs day and night are the same according to my G IBS on the other hand shouldn't cause night time bowel movements. Have you tried a dose of imodium to try to 'reset' things and give you a rest?  Buscopan is also good to help calm the bowel down.

Taz x  :hug:


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Re: Persistent diarrhea
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2022, 12:55:40 PM »

That was my thought too Taz about not having to rush during the night.  Anyway I have been back to a really nice GP today who actively listed to my symptoms and opinions.  She examined me and took BP & temperature, none of these were carried out by the first GP!  She said it could well be side effects of the sertraline and to be on the safe side has taken samples to identify infection or IBD.  We're going to look at reducing/weaning off sertraline as I'm feeling well improved mentally if the samples come back clear.

Thanks all. Lx


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Re: Persistent diarrhea
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2022, 01:24:02 PM »

That was my thought too Taz about not having to rush during the night.  Anyway I have been back to a really nice GP today who actively listed to my symptoms and opinions.  She examined me and took BP & temperature, none of these were carried out by the first GP!  She said it could well be side effects of the sertraline and to be on the safe side has taken samples to identify infection or IBD.  We're going to look at reducing/weaning off sertraline as I'm feeling well improved mentally if the samples come back clear.

Thanks all. Lx

I am so pleased you spoke to a nicer GP who has taken some samples. It really helps to me listened to and have concerns acknowledged.


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Re: Persistent diarrhea
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2022, 03:59:38 PM »

I'm pleased for you too.

Taz x  :)


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Re: Persistent diarrhea
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2022, 04:58:05 PM »

Really glad you're getting properly helped now Lanie66  :)


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Re: Persistent diarrhea
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2022, 05:10:12 PM »

Hi Lanie66, I'm glad things are being investigated properly at last.  I just wanted to mention that I've recently been put on a low dose of amitriptyline for IBS-D - apparently one of it's side effects is constipation, so it is sometimes used in this way.  I recently went up to 20mg before bed and it finally seems to be helping a lot.  Earlier in the year my IBS-D was horrid and I lost a lot of weight quickly - I'm quite sure it was due to anxiety and stress (also had a family bereavement recently).  Maybe some relaxation techiniques, or meditation might help?  The free app 'Insight Timer' has some good guided meditations - using this before bed has really helped with my anxiety too.  I hope you get things back to normal soon, it is awful having to rush to the loo so quickly.  I've even invested in some period pants in case I don't make it in time - they help stop me worrying about the embarassment of accidents.


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Re: Persistent diarrhea
« Reply #13 on: November 11, 2022, 10:43:14 PM »


I've seen a 3rd GP as the 2nd one wanted me reviewed in a week.  This new GP thinks the Sertraline is not the issue. She thinks I may have Diverticulosis as my faecal calprotectin level was high (250).  She's referring me for a colonoscopy! GREAT, can't wait.  I'm dreading it.  The culture results weren't back.

So the diarrhea stopped for 3 days then returned.  I'm now getting it between 2 and 4 times per day. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried.

I've not googled Diverticulosis much but what I have read is contradictory.   Some sites say reduce fibre others say increase your fibre intake.  Its confusing.   I have no idea how long a referral takes so therefore how long I'm left feeling like this, it's embarrassing tbh.  I'm at the point of avoiding situations.



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Re: Persistent diarrhea
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2022, 12:18:41 PM »

I am sorry you still have diarrhoea. I can understand your anxiety. You must be exhausted with it too. I looked it up too and saw some say to increase fibre and others say not to. Hopefully if you do have it you will be given some good advice.

Do not worry about the colonoscopy. The sedative will mean you will not feel anything.

I would try to drink some electrolytes while you have this. If you like Lucozade that would be great.
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