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Author Topic: Twitching / muscle spasms  (Read 9261 times)


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Twitching / muscle spasms
« on: November 01, 2022, 09:17:33 PM »

Hi, I’m new to this forum so firstly hello and I’m sorry for the long post!! I’m 42 years old and started with random symptoms 2 years ago. A severe headache at one side that lasted weeks kicked everything off, followed by really heavy periods and severe hip pain and it basically progressed from there. There became a pattern were after around a week to 10 days after a period finished I’d start with a symptom - pelvic pain / awful breast pain / floaters for example then on the last day of my next period the symptom would stop. I started with a leaking left nipple and had a mammogram which was clear but I was told my breasts were full of cysts. I’ve not long since had my 2nd mammogram in 6 months due to breast pain. In June my hair started thinning badly on my crown, this has just started to calm thankfully. In July  my left eye started twitching which was awful. This lasted 3.5 weeks and subsided to my relief on the last day of my period. Around 5 days later I started with odd leg twitches - like popcorn popping under my skin. This got progressively worse and it spread all over - arms / lip / face / shoulders / legs / feet. You name it I twitch. Some are small twitches, some are awful spasms. I’m now over 3 months down the line and the twitches are still happening, I get them on / off right throughout the day - some days better than others. I’ve also starting with feelings like my legs are ‘fizzing’ and ‘crawling’ constantly. Drs think it’s down to anxiety and because I’ve no other symptoms as such I’ve not been referred yet to a specialist. I have one Dr saying all the random symptoms I’ve had are due to my age and others saying I’m not in peri as I’m too young. I’m so so fed up with it all. So after all that my question is does anyone else suffer with twitches / spasms which are peri or menopause related? Thank you for reading x


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2022, 07:00:21 AM »

So sorry you’re having such a rough time CatR. All sounds hormonal to me. I got (and still get sometimes) the fizzing sensation - feels like l’m vibrating internally. I’ve had it for years and was told by a GP that it’s the menopause and anxiety. I’ve learned to ignore it now, though it is horrible .


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2022, 08:43:55 PM »

Marge / Jaypo thank you for taking the time to respond, much appreciated.
One of the Dr’s I’ve seen recently recommended I paid private to see a specialist. I saw a specialist Gynae a few weeks ago who did hormone bloods (which were normal), and I’ve had scans on my womb which I’ll receive the results for on Monday (I’ve been suffering very heavy periods). I gave the Gynae a list of my symptoms and he said they were non-specific 🙄 health anxiety is through the roof which isn’t helping. Just caught in a vicious cycle - if I didn’t have these awful spasms I wouldn’t have the bad anxiety (Googling symptoms is the worst thing I could have done). The Drs have refused to give me HRT as my mum had breast cancer, they said only a specialist will prescribe it to me if they think it’s age related symptoms.


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2022, 09:50:08 PM »

Hi CatR
Just a quick one to say I get those same twitching/popping/fizzing sensations. Started age 37 at the same time as having bad anxiety and lasted fully for about 3 years. After that it was extremely mild and occasional. I’ve since started getting it full on again this year (now age 45) without the related anxiety and only since starting HRT. For me it is definitely hormones. I’ve posted on here before about it. Other women get it too and I think it is now recognised as a symptom of low oestrogen. I hope that might reassure you a bit.


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2022, 11:28:05 AM »

Jjumper, thank you for responding, much appreciated. That’s reassuring to know. It really is a horrid symptom and very unsettling, especially when it’s been going on daily for over 3 months now. I generally don’t feel anything when I’m up and about etc, but when I stop and sit down that seems to trigger it - awful ☹️ Fingers crossed they subside soon.


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2022, 09:23:39 PM »

Hello CatR. Can you ask your GP to refer you to a menopause clinic? I have heard members on here take HRT when cancer runs in their family. I wonder if your GP is just not aware of HRT. I wonder if it would help for you to email DR Currie and ask her advice? I think she charges £30.

That is a link to contact her. It is not fair you have to put up with this.


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2022, 08:20:58 PM »

Hi Flossieteacake, thank you for your response, the GP said I’d be better to pay private to see a menopause specialist, and wouldn’t recommend anyone…‘I had to do my own research’ was her words. I paid private to see a Gynae who has assisted but only with a small element of my symptoms. I gave him a lengthy list of my symptoms which he said were ‘non-specific’. The twitches / spasms that I was suffering badly with for months subsided significantly a few weeks ago but now they’re back, I’ve no idea why or what the trigger is. I’ll see how I go. I’ll certainly consider Dr Currie.


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2022, 08:25:17 PM »

I am appalled your GP said you should pay to go private. If possible I would see another GP who can refer you to an NHS menopause clinic because you are entitled to that.

I wonder if it could help to keep a diary then you may see if anything is triggering the spasms. On the other hand, it could be one of those off meno symptoms that come and go for no reason.

You are very welcome. :)


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2022, 09:18:46 PM »

You seem to have a ton of stuff going on. I'm sorry about that.

I hesitate to suggest this because I agree with the others that you need to see a proper doctor.

However, as long as you take this idea as a mere suggestion from some random idiot, and as long as you make sure to see a doctor as well:

Muscle twitches are the kind of thing that's supposed to be helped by magnesium.

I didn't have twitches, but I had stiffness.

I wasn't looking for help with the muscle stiffness, but it does in fact help with that.

I bought the first magnesium I saw, and it turns out the most common kind of magnesium isn't very good. It also gave me diarrhea.

So I went out of my way to order some magnesium glycinate. For me, it is awesome, and does not give me diarrhea. I take it daily.

But really, I think you should see the doctor *first* and maybe ask them if it's OK to take magnesium. You don't sound like you're in any condition to be swallowing random new supplements, even if most people can take them without any issue.

Hope you feel better very soon.


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2022, 05:05:04 PM »

@ TheMidnightS, thank you for taking time to comment, much appreciated. I started taking Magnesium as I’d heard that it helped with muscle spasms etc but it really didn’t help. I took other supplements such as Evening Primrose, Agnus Cantus (did help massively with breast pain), however when my thyroid specialist found out I was taking them she asked me to stop taking them all as she said they could contain Iodine…so I stopped! Up to around 2 - 3 weeks ago the twitches etc had subsided greatly (relief). I had the coil fitted mid Nov and since then they’ve started again 🙄 just hoping they’ll calm down again soon. Its all good fun…not!!!


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2022, 05:48:39 PM »

Sorry you're having such a hard time. I hope you find a solution soon.


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #11 on: December 27, 2022, 11:31:46 AM »

Hi, I’m new to this forum and wanted to join this chat as I’ve also been having this issues with twitching/popping sensation all over body. Seems to be escalated by a vicious cycle of anxiety. I’ve never been an anxious person but suddenly I’m feeling panic out of nowhere. My other main symptom is walking up between 4-5am every morning with a feeling of dread and like I’m in fight or flight mode. I can get back to sleep after this. I’m 42 and my periods are still regular. Because I googled and it said twitches are a symptom of mnd im now obsessed with checking my strength all of the time. Feel like I’m going mad.


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #12 on: December 27, 2022, 11:49:27 AM »

Hi, I’m new to this forum and wanted to join this chat as I’ve also been having this issues with twitching/popping sensation all over body. Seems to be escalated by a vicious cycle of anxiety. I’ve never been an anxious person but suddenly I’m feeling panic out of nowhere. My other main symptom is walking up between 4-5am every morning with a feeling of dread and like I’m in fight or flight mode. I can get back to sleep after this. I’m 42 and my periods are still regular. Because I googled and it said twitches are a symptom of mnd im now obsessed with checking my strength all of the time. Feel like I’m going mad.

Hello ymalcolm. Welcome to the forum. I am sorry to hear of what you are going through. Anxiety and the waking early are very common peri symptoms. Have you spoken to your GP about what is going on?


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #13 on: December 27, 2022, 02:33:59 PM »

Hi ymalcolm,
Sorry to hear about your symptoms. It's sounds like peri-menopause to me. I am 54 and was still having periods when I started HRT 18 months ago. In hindsight I started with many different symptoms in my mid 40s but didn't have a clue that they were peri-menopausal at the time. Muscle twitching and anxiety are definitely amongst them and I still have phases when they rear their head.
My advice would be to keep a log/diary of your symptoms and try and speak to your GP as soon as possible just for reassurance if nothing else, as anxiety feeds anxiety and it's a horrible circle to be trapped in. Once you feel happy it's nothing sinister it is easier to live with.
Try Epsom salts in your bath and magnesium oil spray which help relax your muscles. You can take magnesium supplements but probably best speak to a GP first.
Sending very best wishes x


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Re: Twitching / muscle spasms
« Reply #14 on: December 27, 2022, 04:06:02 PM »

Thank you for the replies. I think I will try to get a GP appointment although that is easier said than done. I find the feelings of panic quite overwhelming as I’ve never experienced anything like that before.
I can’t say I’ve had any of the more classic symptoms of peri menopause. Whilst waiting for the GP I will try to keep a diary. Other unusual symptoms I’ve been having are palpitations and acid reflux. I got the copper coil inserted in July and have been having very heavy periods since. Hard to know if it’s this that’s causing it or a natural change in my cycle. I’m thinking of asking for it to be changed to a mirena.
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