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Author Topic: weird heart sensations  (Read 6489 times)


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Re: weird heart sensations
« Reply #15 on: November 02, 2022, 05:03:00 PM »


Thank you for the replies.

Well, I've had my blood results from the clinic, and my oestrogen is low I'm told. So my theory is wrong! Can't believe it's low when I am on such a huge dose, I feel like crying. Maybe all my oestrogen receptors have died.

Amyway, today I've been feeling thos sensations again, after they had diminished a lot over the weekend. And that's with me lowering too.

Not sure where to go with this next.

I'm trying to take solace from your post karashannon, and tell myself that it's nothing to be alarmed about.

I have also noticed that my heart rate is low when they happen, always in the fifties. (My resting BPM has been 53 to 59 for at least 5 years now)

Thanks all

Rumbaba xx



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Re: weird heart sensations
« Reply #16 on: November 02, 2022, 06:50:01 PM »

I think it is helpful to know this as now you understand why you have been feeling so unwell. It also means you must not decrease your oestrogen. I understand you feel upset. I read a member on here struggled to absorb oestrogen and had an implant. That helped them so much.

Has your DR suggested anything to help you with increasing your oestrogen? It would be helpful if they could talk to a menopause specialist to help them advise you.

I know you do a lot of exercise and your low heart rate indicates that.


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Re: weird heart sensations
« Reply #17 on: November 02, 2022, 08:40:15 PM »

Hi Flossie

Thanks for replying, it's nice not to feel so alone with this, you are very kind .

I am under a specialist Meno Dr (newsons), and it was she that put my dose up. I'm actually ashamed to admit the actual dose, it's  so high. I'm sure a lot of ladies on here would be horrified.

I did on fact ask about an implant at the last consultation, but was told that it's not a good idea, as it can't easily be tweaked.

Now of course I'm scared to go back up to the prescribed dose, even though my levels are low (300).

Thank you so much again

Rumbaba xx



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Re: weird heart sensations
« Reply #18 on: November 02, 2022, 10:00:47 PM »

I am so sorry the dose makes you feel ashamed. You never have to tell anybody if you prefer not to. You are under the care of specialists and if they feel you need more then I assume they know best.

Maybe it would help to send an email to Dr Currie on here? She charges £30 per question.

I understand the implant can be difficult to tweak. It is a shame it is not an option for you.


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Re: weird heart sensations
« Reply #19 on: November 02, 2022, 11:36:37 PM »

I have also noticed that my heart rate is low when they happen, always in the fifties. (My resting BPM has been 53 to 59 for at least 5 years now)

Thanks all

Rumbaba xx

I'm not a medical professional so it's important to be aware of that, but a cardiologist did also tell me that strange heart sensations and skips during rest are more likely to be benign than during exercise (but even then most are benign, they just like to make sure as the heart is having to work harder then)

A lot of what you describe I've had.  I can relate.  Interesting they are saying your oestrogen is low.  I always imagine high oestrogen would do it, but then I am on 100 evorel patches now.  I am still waiting to get my blood test results (it's been months, my surgery is struggling).  It will be strange if my oestrogen is low, I'd be reluctant to increase it, but who knows.  I know at the start of the HRT I couldn't believe it, I was cured for a time.  I was dreading HRT making things worse but it stopped all heart sensations for 2 years.  Now we are back at it again  ::)

(edited because I posted your quote and nowt else first time  ;D)
« Last Edit: November 02, 2022, 11:43:37 PM by KaraShannon »


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Re: weird heart sensations
« Reply #20 on: November 03, 2022, 06:54:39 PM »


Thanks for the replies.

Mabel, you have described the sensation so well, better than I could, but it’s spot on.

Interesting that you are on week 9. How long have you had your symptoms? I increased my oestrogen about 5-6 weeks ago. I asked the gap whether it could be a cause but she said no, because it was 5 weeks ago😒. That said, we all know that gps are not experts in hrt/menopause.

Thank you again

Rumbaba xx

I'd only noticed it in the last 10 days or so since I replied. Here we are a week later and I've noticed that it has stopped now. I also had my first bleed since starting HRT, which looking back was around the same time. I think it must all be connected somehow.
I don't think GP's know the half of what some ladies go through or care quite frankly. ::)


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Re: weird heart sensations
« Reply #21 on: November 04, 2022, 12:17:36 AM »

I've just put new patches on and heart is feeling a bit fluttery.  It's not fluttering but it feels like it is. 

It feels off if I am late putting on the new patches, but tonight I wasn't late, and it's feeling different just because of the new patches (therefore the estradiol I'm imagining, I'm also on the combined patch at the moment but that alone makes me feel better. I think I'm on too much estradiol perhaps)

Or it might be that I was a bit late in renewing the estradiol as it's thursday and they were last put on on Sunday.  But I was having a good day today, plenty of energy.  Confusing.  Will see how I am tomorrow.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2022, 12:20:31 AM by KaraShannon »


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Re: weird heart sensations
« Reply #22 on: November 04, 2022, 05:01:58 PM »

Hello ladies.

Rumba - please don't be embarrassed about how much Oestrogen you are taking, it is nothing to be ashamed of especially as you are following the advice of your Meno clinic.
I am also with Newson Health and when I was on almost six pumps of gel my levels were 600 and I still had mood swings etc. The doctor told me that I should have been feeling really good which I suppose I was but  only for a while before feeling rubbish again lol.

It also seems bizarre that a level of 300 can be described as low when presumably many women who are not on HRT are happily functioning on an even lower amount.

It's is all very confusing and frustrating!

Take care and wishing you well.




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Re: weird heart sensations
« Reply #23 on: November 10, 2022, 06:20:36 PM »

I’ve just been reading this thread - I’m so relieved but sorry you are all suffering too.

I’m waking up during the night with this feeling and can also feel it during the day! Interesting my levels are also around the 300 mark.

The worst attacks are the ones which wake me up during the night. Then I’m not able to get back off the sleep!  Going to start a magnesium supplement to see if it helps.

Take care ladies.


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Re: weird heart sensations
« Reply #24 on: November 13, 2022, 11:15:32 PM »

Hi all

I just thought I'd update this thread. Those strange feelings seem to be less frequent, but not completely gone way.

In the meantime, I decided to get a private echo done. I was relieved to be told that everything was normal.  I am also doing a 24 hour monitor this week, so hoping for a similar result.

I've been easing my hrt back up to the insane level it was at before all of this, as I don't wanty levels to slip further.   

Mis72mum, I'm sorry to hear you are suffering too, the night time ones are the scariest and loneliest . Please let me know of the magnesium helps.

Rumbaba xx


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Re: weird heart sensations
« Reply #25 on: November 14, 2022, 11:55:24 AM »

Thank you for the update. I hope having the echo has helped to reassure you.


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Re: weird heart sensations
« Reply #26 on: November 15, 2022, 12:59:16 AM »


Glad the echo was normal, this is really good news.  When I got my normal result the cardiologist said this means something is making my heart have issues, but we know it's not disease that's doing it.  Therefore he was not worried.

I've just been told my estradiol level is way too high.  Higher than an ovulating 30 year old I was told.  But as the doctor was quite patronising and spoke over me the whole time and I've still not been given my oestrogen numbers, I'm not sure what to make of it yet.  I'm withdrawing down to Estradiol 75 (and she said I can go down to 50, but I want to see my numbers first)
« Last Edit: November 15, 2022, 01:52:38 AM by KaraShannon »


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Re: weird heart sensations
« Reply #27 on: November 19, 2022, 05:03:57 PM »

Thank you.  I feel like I spoke too soon! The heart sensations are back, not quite as bad and often as before. They started on Monday.  Annoyingly, I had a 24 hour monitor on weds, and guess what? Yep, not a palpitation in sight. Of course they started up again as soon as I removed it.

I had a telephone consultation with Newson health on Friday, and my meno dr said, it could be histamine.  So she gave me some advice on keeping histamine levels lower. 

We shall see.  Health anxiety is rubbish. All the tests I’ve had on my heart, and I’m still freaking out over it!

Karashannon, it’s good that your consultant is not worried.



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Re: weird heart sensations
« Reply #28 on: November 19, 2022, 07:24:42 PM »

Health anxiety is such a miserable condition. I really sympathise. It is a good idea to try lower histamine foods to see if that makes any difference. I have been doing that and notice a massive improvement with my itchy skin.


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Re: weird heart sensations
« Reply #29 on: December 12, 2022, 05:02:51 PM »

Hi all

Sorry for the silence, just thought I'd update this thread, in case it helps anyone else.  After getting my echo, I was sent a 24 hour monitor, which I had to wear for guess what? 24 hours :-D

Waited a couple of weeks for the report, which came back as Amber . That freked me out again.. the comments were:

Significant ECG abnormality observed. Action may be  required if underlying heart disease is known or suspected.
Nocturnal sinus bradycardia is detected
There are rare atrial ectopics (PSVCs) (burden = 0.14 %) presenting as 110 isolated beats and 4 salvos.
There are rare bifocal ventricular ectopics (PVCs) (burden = 0.35 %) presenting as 328 isolated beats.

I then got a message from cardiologist saying I should get in touch to discuss results.

Talking to the cardio, it turned out that all of the above is compleletly benign, and even the bradycardia is normal for me.  He said that I could consider Beta Blockers if I found the palps troublesome, but I dont really need anything at all. The amber rating is because the monitor co dont have any background on me.  The fact that the echo was good means I dont have any heart disease, so the warning was not really needed.

So, I am really happy and feel reassured.

Hope you are all well

Rumbaba x
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