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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Oral HRT  (Read 2065 times)


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Re: Oral HRT
« Reply #15 on: October 25, 2022, 08:03:23 PM »


I loved Femeston 2/10! I had to come off it because it wasn’t working but looking back I should’ve just added gel in - it wasn’t a thing then!
It’s all such a minefield.

Nik xx

It seems that many liked FC, but it didn’t quite do the job. Same for me.

I may take 2 tablets to begin with I think x


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Re: Oral HRT
« Reply #16 on: October 26, 2022, 08:44:25 AM »

Hi Nas

Yes go for it! I am trialling gel again with provera after just not coping with patches. I’m only few days in and not liking provera much so the next plan if this doesn’t work is to throw my hat in and go on Femoston 2/10 and add gel if needed. I might try for 1/5 if the doctor will prescribe and I’ll get a private prescription for extra to double up as I always preferred the prog phase. I can then add a pump of gel if needed. Not sure how I’ll swing getting the gel alongside as there’s no way my doctor will allow that but I’ve not got the money for the private  Endo again. I’ll find a way :-)
Let us know how you get on. I’ve been following you on here and I think we’re both in a similar position just trying to find a prep that works. You’ve done well on it recently so why not give it a try and double up?



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Re: Oral HRT
« Reply #17 on: October 26, 2022, 09:59:22 AM »

Hi shopping,
Yes, it does sound as if we are both trying to find a happy balance with our hormones. It’s very tricky indeed isn’t it?
Hopefully your GP will allow you to have additional gel to top up with, I know mine wouldn’t even entertain the idea. I’ve got some sandrena spare, so will have to use that if two tablets don’t work. 

Must admit, I’m a bit apprehensive re staring the femeston again, not sure why.
I just don’t know if the patches are working any more I guess. My sleep is awful and anxiety and palpitations too, so maybe not. But then my sleep was never good on the patches!

Very best of luck and keep us posted xx
« Last Edit: October 26, 2022, 10:02:08 AM by Nas »


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Re: Oral HRT
« Reply #18 on: October 26, 2022, 10:47:24 AM »

Hi Nas

Yes I know what you mean about feeling nervous about switching. I’m exactly the same at the moment.
Also have the horrendous anxiety, palps and early waking. For me, that’s a marker for meno symptoms as these were always far far worse than flushing for me and also get tingling which doesn’t help anxiety. Let’s hope we find our best prep soon 🤞xx


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Re: Oral HRT
« Reply #19 on: October 26, 2022, 11:00:21 AM »

Yep that’s me also re the palpitations, anxiety etc , I hate it!

Fingers crossed 🤞 xxx


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Re: Oral HRT
« Reply #20 on: October 28, 2022, 08:01:33 PM »

Hi Nas
I read on here a member who took 2 Femoston Conti 1/5- one in morning and one pm.
When I was on Femoston (I loved it once it got on top of my symptoms) my Endo got me to add a pump of gel as Warwick suggests. I have no idea why I changed!! Well, I do as I was put on Levothyroxine, but honestly I wish I’d stayed with it. I didn’t realise then if it impacted Levo absorption you could just increase Levo.
Things haven’t been right since x
Just seen your post and curious: does taking Femoston conti impact on absorption of thyroxine? I take 175mcg of thyroxine, permanently as I had thyroid cancer and full thyroidectomy. Just about to start Femoston conti, so would be good to know of any such impact! Thankyou.


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Re: Oral HRT
« Reply #21 on: October 29, 2022, 01:41:13 PM »

Hi Anma

I believe the oral estrogen increases SHB (?) which binds so it’ll just mean to keep an eye and retest in thyroid in 3 months. You may or may not need an increase in your Levo. I much preferred the ease of tablets and wish I’d stuck to that regime. I was early days after Hashis diagnosis so panicked a bit but I don’t think it made any difference to my levels when taking both. I just made sure I took my HRT tablet at least 4 hours after Levo. I did Levo morning and HRT late afternoon.
I hope you are doing ok post the cancer and thyroidectomy? Xx


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Re: Oral HRT
« Reply #22 on: October 30, 2022, 04:36:16 AM »

Thanks for your reply shoppingqueen,
The thyroidectomy was way back in 2001 and I was discharged from annual checks about 2 years ago so all is well thanks. The GP will be doing blood tests in 3 months to check, so we'll see. I also take the levothyroxine in the morning, and hrt in evening.

It's 5am (actually 4am, haven't put my clock back!) and the usual wakefulness...I'm feeling a bit anxious about staring the Femoston conti (1/5) and as you have been discussing it here I thought I'd ask about this. Here's quick summary: was on Femoston sequential till last December. Weaned off it as was fed up of the monthly bleeds, and I'm 57 so figured I must be safely post menopausal now.....
Fast forward to June: got a period! Then two more, aug and Sept. GP sent me for ultrasounds etc, all came back normal, just two very small fibroids.
Have been in full crazy woman mode so asked to go back on HRT. That's when FC was suggested (I know I won't be good with patches or mirena coil type things),
But if I have had three recent periods, should I be on FC? I thought you should only taki it if you've been period-free for 12 months?
I'm guessing the GP reckons these were not 'real periods' due to my age perhaps...but they sure felt real to me!
Am taking the FC as am at end of my tether - horrendous mood swings/sleep probs/etc  that are impacting on work and home life..
Any insights you have about FC would be fab thankyou! Xx


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Re: Oral HRT
« Reply #23 on: October 30, 2022, 08:12:22 AM »

Hi AnMa

We must both have been up padding about at 5 (4) this morning 🙄! I’m only 2 weeks on my switch back to gel so hoping the early waking stops soon and yours too!

I’m so glad to hear your thyroid hormones are well managed and that you’ve been good after the thyroidectomy! I’ve asked several times to have mine out (too many rollercoaster Hashis flares) but they’ve said no. It’s great to hear you have found a stable dose and doing well 🙌

I was very much post meno and had more than 12 months no bleed before starting HRT 8 years ago (now 54) but I had been on the prog only pill four years so who knows if I actually was. After a very bumpy 2 years trialling patches and various tablets, I ended up on Femoston 2/10 Sequi. Maybe a doctor’s error or I’d needed the 2mg of estrogen. It suited me perfectly. It took a while to kick in, maybe through the second month before I really saw a difference, but by month 3 I was cooking on gas and back to being me. It was literally a miracle. I was great on it for 2.5 years (and trust me, I had off the scale meno issues prior such as terrible insomnia, anxiety, panic, tingling, tremor, flushing, dizziness etc) then an Endo (post hypo diagnosis) suggested adding in a pump of gel to top up and I then (regrettably) switched over to gel entirely and utro, which I hated. The gel did the job though so had a coil to get prog. That didn’t suit and after 18 months had it removed and now I’m trialling provera with the gel before heading back to Femoston.

What I was going yo say in a round about way is that whilst I’d been period free pre HRT, I had some sporadic withdrawal bleeds on the 2/10 sequi and subsequently after my coil was removed. I don’t think it matters (I could be wrong) as to whether you have a bleed post meno as withdrawal and as long as your scans are fine, then all is good.

I actually preferred the prog phase on the tablets so have thought about doing Conti 1/5 and doubling up as I know the 1mg won’t be enough for me. I know my GP won’t double up so may need to source the extra privately if the current regime doesn’t work for me.

I really rate Femoston. I know I was struggling after the first month and saw my GP and a private gynaecologist who both told me to stick to them for 3 full months and wouldn’t let me change. I was so glad I did. I hope it works well for you as it suits so many 🤞 xx



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Re: Oral HRT
« Reply #24 on: October 30, 2022, 09:39:47 AM »

Hi shoppingqueen

Ah those early dawn awakenings eh? I went back to sleep for an hour at around 7 and dreamt of wasps nests..?!

Thanks so much for your response, it's really helpful to get someone else's insights based on experience. Good and encouraging  to hear your positive thoughts about Femoston.

And the sun is shining this morning, so it's time to feel hopeful :) Thankyou and I hope you also find the right combo for you.

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