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Author Topic: 6 pumps of Estrogel & 7 days of Utrogestan  (Read 1020 times)


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6 pumps of Estrogel & 7 days of Utrogestan
« on: October 24, 2022, 12:06:16 PM »

Hi everyone,
Please can I get your thoughts on this? I have been prescribed six pumps of Estrogel and seven days of utrogestan 100 mg because I cannot cope with the usual dose of utrogestan.

I am postmenopausal, I struggle just with the seven tablets of utro  and at times I have had to drop back to 5. However despite this really high dose of Estrogel and low dose of utro I do not experience any bleeding whatsoever!
Can anybody give me their thoughts on any similar experience, I am under one of the doctors from the Louise Newson clinic so feel I am in good hands.

The absence of any bleeding at all seems really odd to me considering the high levels of Estrogel.
I have also noticed that since taking such a high dose of Estrogel after week three in this weird and wonderful cycle I feel depressed, things that would normally perhaps make me feel low make me feel depressed! I am at a loss as to what an earth is going on with me.

I cannot keep paying for private advice on this, I just feel like there is no hope because for awhile I felt like I was making progress, and now I feel like I’m just in the spiral of going nowhere.

Any thoughts as always are gratefully received x


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Re: 6 pumps of Estrogel & 7 days of Utrogestan
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2022, 01:00:45 PM »

Hello Tiredlady.i am sorry that I can't help you with your question but I am sure that more knowledgeable ladies will be along soon.

I do however have some experience of Newson Health.

I have been a patient of theirs  since December 2019 and during that time my Oestrogel was gradually increased. I have been post meno for a long time so my levels were very low to begin with. I eventually faced the prospect of using six pumps of gel and I was wondering where to put it all lol. The doctor then switched me to Sandrena sachets and the gel within them is more concentrated and easier to deal with.

Mood swings were my main meno symptom throughout this time and I didn't notice any real improvement. Eventually I was forced to rethink the regime when I experienced very tender breasts and heavy bleeding. I am now experimenting with a reduced Oestrogen dose.

I never had problems with mood until becoming post meno and this remains the most worrisome of symptoms for me.  I have learned that mood swings can occur when Oestrogen is too high as well as too low and I am awaiting an appointment with an NHS consultant to explore this further.

Although you are with NH there is nothing to stop you contacting your GP and asking for a referral via the NHS. This is what I did and I now have access to a second opinion and potentially a different treatment.

Take care and wishing you well.



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Re: 6 pumps of Estrogel & 7 days of Utrogestan
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2022, 01:50:02 PM »

Thank you Kathleen ☺️ I really hope you find a good solution! I haven’t had much luck with the NHS I asked for a blood test and my gp just texted me saying your post menopausal no offer of help or hrt!!!
Please do let me know if you find a good solution!! Thank you for sharing that high estrogen can also cause low mood I didn’t know that. Take care


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Re: 6 pumps of Estrogel & 7 days of Utrogestan
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2022, 02:38:17 PM »

It does sound like you have low Estrogen symtoms at times.  We all absorb differently and I am a poor absorber.  I think we are all different and low mood is when Estrogen is low for me, I certainly don’t experience it when in a high fluctuation quite the opposite.  It is trial and error trying to find a routine that helps and you may have to try many different types and doses.  It’s not about the dose because even if you are on a high dose you may not be getting the high dose if that makes sense.


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Re: 6 pumps of Estrogel & 7 days of Utrogestan
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2022, 04:18:56 PM »

Hello again ladies.

Just to clarify I always believed that low mood etc was a sign of low Oestrogen, it is certainly mentioned as a typical Meno symptom.  However I have been reading that this can also occur when Oestrogen is too high and my Consultant mentioned that too much Oestrogen can be as problematic as too little.

I Googled 'symptoms of high Oestrogen' and moods swings/low mood/ PMS symptoms were included. Perhaps these problems result more  from a lack of  balance between the hormones than absolute numbers?

One thing is certain this whole business is very frustrating and annoying!

Take care ladies and wishing you all well.



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Re: 6 pumps of Estrogel & 7 days of Utrogestan
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2022, 10:22:48 AM »

It does sound like you have low Estrogen symtoms at times.  We all absorb differently and I am a poor absorber.  I think we are all different and low mood is when Estrogen is low for me, I certainly don’t experience it when in a high fluctuation quite the opposite.  It is trial and error trying to find a routine that helps and you may have to try many different types and doses.  It’s not about the dose because even if you are on a high dose you may not be getting the high dose if that makes sense.

Thanks for this yes I suppose I thought that as Louise N talks about Estrogel on her podcasts it would be good for me but maybe I’m not absorbing enough! I watched Davina’s podcast she uses estrodot I may look at that too. I’m also thinking about bio identical hormones. Good luck with your journey it’s awful we have to experience these health issues and that most gp’s have less knowledge than us!