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Author Topic: testosterone and insomnia  (Read 1145 times)


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testosterone and insomnia
« on: October 16, 2022, 08:34:55 PM »


Just wondered if anyone has experienced insomnia due to too much testosterone?
I've read  that it can be a side affect, but haven't been able to find any more info.
I've been analyzing what's causing my insomnia for months now (too high estrogen, too low, not enough progesterone, histamine intolerance etc!)
 It's a long shot regarding the testim that I take, but I was taking it over 10 days and then my bloods showed that I was on the low side and so I now take it over 7 days - my insomnia started about 6 weeks after this......
Any thoughts appreciated, Thanks, Samantha x


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Re: testosterone and insomnia
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2022, 09:39:31 PM »

Hi Samsz

I am on Tostran and not at sure how my levels are now, but I too have very poor sleep but always have done.

I'd be keen to follow to see if you get some answers.

Take care and hope the sleep improves!
Cookie x



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Re: testosterone and insomnia
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2022, 09:43:00 PM »

Hi Cookie,

Sorry you have poor sleep as well - it's a nightmare isn't it! I've actually always slept great - until the past 4 months.
Hope your sleep improves too x


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Re: testosterone and insomnia
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2022, 06:13:34 AM »

How would you describe your insomnia? Also how much oestrogen are you taking now? It's such a fine balance - I too take testim over 7 days for the same reason as you but I have now slightly lowered how much oestrogel I use, so 3 and a half pumps now. Touch wood and my sleep is ok at the moment. Not perfect but if I wake I find I can get back to sleep quite well. I do wonder if once we get our testosterone levels up we then don't need quite so much oestrogen. It's just one long experiment isn't it?


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Re: testosterone and insomnia
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2022, 06:36:40 AM »

Hi Samz,
I use Tostran. I started on 3-4 pumps p/wk (every other day), then got moved to 5- which was too high, now I'm back to 4.
When my dose was increased to 5, I started sleeping like a log.
I have no idea if it was the cause or just coincidence. My sleep in peri hasn't been disastrous in general, but is more fragile than it used to be. I'm more susceptible to poor sleep if there are stressful events going on.


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Re: testosterone and insomnia
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2022, 06:41:39 AM »

Hi Samz,

You have my sympathy. Insomnia is awful.

I too used to always sleep well, until feb or this year, when I got really bad anxiety, insomnia, tinnitus!!!!

I realised that they were all symptoms of menopause.

I'm post meno by about 4hrs never ever been on hrt, started hrt in august of this year, estraderm patches (37.5mcg) and 100g utrogestan PV.

My anxiety is still bad, tinnitus is improving and sleep is too (touch wood)

However I do know it does take time, to get settled on an estrogen dose (your body likes stability and consistency)

I'm not on testosterone, so I cannot comment on that.

I also take magnesium bisglycinate before bed, they help to calm and relax.

I really hope you managed to get some balance, but take comfort from the fact that you are not alone xxxxx



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Re: testosterone and insomnia
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2022, 09:40:36 AM »

Hi Gnatty,

Sorry for the delayed response...
I would say my sleep is extremely broken - half hour to get to sleep and then sleep for an hour, wake up and then half hour/hour to get to sleep again etc!
I was on a 75 patch for 8 months with no problems (until the insomnia started slightly again), but between then and now I have gone up to 125 (caused anxiety) Then to 2 x 1mg Sandrena gel to absorb better (caused anxiety) Then last week after an appointment at Menopause Care with a doctor who has an interest in histamine intolerance, I've gone back to the 75 patch as she thinks it could be histamine causing anxiety and insomnia whereas I have been thinking I need more estrogen to sleep! I am wondering if I should have just originally stayed on the 75 and maybe I have made things worse by chopping and changing my dosage around.
So I need to give it at least 4 weeks to see how I go.
Within that time I have also had the coil fitted (so no utrogestan or mini pill) and am higher on testosterone so these could also be affecting my sleep I'm thinking...
Maybe your theory with testosterone is right? Anyway, I'm glad it seems to be working for you at the moment.
Thanks, Sam x


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Re: testosterone and insomnia
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2022, 09:45:33 AM »

Thank you discogirl for your reply.
Well I'm glad that your sleep and tinnitus is improving.
I've had anxiety on and off for a long time now, but can cope as I use the techniques of Claire Weekes (If you haven't read her books you should - they are the best in my opinion) but to now have insomnia on top of anxiety is a different situation - it makes everything harder doesn't it.
Well I wish you luck with the anxiety - try the book  :)


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Re: testosterone and insomnia
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2022, 09:52:53 AM »

I think there's every chance you will start to improve now you have lowered back down to 75 mg patch, just give it time to settle in. Maybe try some valerian root before bedtime to help in the interim.


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Re: testosterone and insomnia
« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2022, 08:01:28 PM »

I'll give that a try - thank you x