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Author Topic: Postmeno tibolone  (Read 990 times)


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Postmeno tibolone
« on: October 06, 2022, 11:41:37 AM »

Hi guys your posts have been very helpful to me but as i am in oz i was just wondering why tibolone has been discontinued over there.. from what ive read with my research as my dr is thinking about prescribing  it for me but wants me to reasearch it first ..all i can find is you Carn't get it in the Uk id just like to know why they have taken it off the market.I know it has risks but it sounds like what i need im post meno 5yrs now ovestin has been terrific for me but i think i need a little something  something without doingthe whole Hrt thing as im 59 and the reviews i have read were mostly postive...I know in oz we are very stringent with our medical stuff just trying to work out what my next move is and be informed as i do have minor medical issues but i think my dr wants me to be sure of my choices..Id like to know the pros and cons so to i can make a informed choice for me. Thanks for any help


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Re: Postmeno tibolone
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2022, 12:37:08 PM »

As far as I’m aware Tibolone is still available in UK. It’s on the list of hRT availability as being available. x


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Re: Postmeno tibolone
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2022, 04:50:06 AM »

Ok ty dotty for reply it was just  during reaserach i had read it had been pulled didnt think my dr would prescribe something for me to consider if it was harmful..its always gd to ask i think


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Re: Postmeno tibolone
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2022, 10:12:46 AM »

As far as I know it's still available in the UK.   I think it's not allowed in some countries due to breast cancer concerns .  I was on it a few years ago and it was good for stopping hot flushes and upping libido.  I came off it because it caused post meno bleeding , but my GP would have let me carry on with it after I was checked out, but I got a bi wary.  I just use ovestin now.  I think the two combined would be a good regime for post meno.


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Re: Postmeno tibolone
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2022, 11:51:12 AM »

Thankyou suzysunday for the reply still finding my feet whith this shit..even tho ovestin is working for me..not sure what to do...


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Re: Postmeno tibolone
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2022, 07:55:01 PM »

I know, it's hard to know what to do. I just use ovestin as I said, but feel as though I could do with something else but haven't the energy to sort something else out which sounds really pathetic! I'm 64 now and don't feel old at all and still want a sex life which ovestin allows me too.  Just feel as though things should be better!