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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Fed up with constant vulval soreness ****ling itching thrush and UTIs  (Read 1416 times)


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This is a long one, so thanks in advance for reading.

Beginning of July I had Schrodingers UTI - peeing frequently but was different to a normal UTI as I was actually peeing a good amount each time and it wasn't burning - just a constant urge to go. Also had the ****ly papercut feeling on vulva. Negative dip test at GP.

After MacroBid and a single fluconazole neither of which worked, and some very good advice on here, I was examined, diagnosed with VA and given vagifem and ovestin which I used inside and outside respectively every night. Told to stop the MacroBid which I did. The urinary symptoms cleared after a few days but the ****ly feeling didn't.

I experimented with various moisturisers - internally Sylk or Yes VM, externally Yes OB and coconut oil. These didn't help with the ****ly feeling and possibly some or all were making it worse. I really didn't like the OB and only used it once.

I tried to go down to twice weekly vagifem and the UTI like symptoms flared so again after advice on here I went back to nightly and it calmed. I had another flare after having sex which fortunately resolved itself after a couple of days. That was near the end of July and I haven't had sex since.

I started seabuckthorn towards the end of Aug and I seemed to be starting to produce my own moisture - whether it was that or the vagifem finally starting to work I don't know. I stopped using moisturisers.

Towards the end of August I started having one or two good days with no ****ly feeling and thought I might be turning the corner. Then a really bad episode of UTI like symptoms again and at about 2am on a Friday morning I was getting up to pee every ten minutes (and peeing a good amount). I stupidly took one of the leftover macrobid I had and it calmed enough for me to get some sleep. Spoke to a doctor by phone and she switched it to Trimethoprim and told me to phone in on Monday if no better.

It was no better and I now had pain in my urethra too so I went in and was examined and doctor said thrush in the bladder and took a swab, gave me 2 weeks worth of anti histamine and fluconazole. At this point I'd stopped using moisturisers and I also stopped the seabuckthorn, ovestin and the E45 wash cream I'd been washing with (back to plain water) so was only using vagifem. I did try Multigyn Actigel once but it burned for about 12 hours.

The urinary symptoms cleared and the the vulval soreness/itch seemed to get a bit better and then got worse in the second week and I developed a red angry rash on my vulva so went back in again, 2 GPs had a look, took another swab, said it was a fungal infection and prescribed daktacort twice a day. After about 5 days it seemed to start getting better then a few days days ago I noticed it was quite red again and very sore. And I've had UTI like symptoms for a couple of days too.

I have restarted the Ovestin as I thought it best - I stopped because I wasn't sure if it had given me thrush.

I'm also on HRT since May - Evorel 50 with desogestrel as the progesterone part. I've been on the deso for just over 18 months.

I've got a GP appointment tomorrow but I am at a loss here and very fed up. Do I ask to get referred to a vulval dermatologist, a meno clinic, a gynae, a urologist? I don't know what's going on, I don't think the GP does either and I have lost any faith that I am ever going to feel normal again. I am considering trying to finding someone privately which I can't really afford but I just want to get seen quickly by someone who knows what they are doing.



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Re: Fed up with constant vulval soreness ****ling itching thrush and UTIs
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2022, 10:22:30 AM »

I am so sorry to hear of what you are going through. I wonder if you really did have thrush all this time or the GP put it down to that as vaginal atrophy can mimic thrush symptoms.

I can understand why you stopped the vaigfem and ovestin as you were unsure if you were having a bad reaction, but I am wondering if this has made things worse. The reason I say that is, vaginal atrophy can take a long time to improve and (in my opinion) needs daily treatment without breaks.

As you have a rash it may be an idea to ask to see a dermatologist. It could even be you have eczema too. I remember in my early 20s having constant pain, sore skin, itching and it was only when I saw a specialist that I was diagnosed with eczema in that area.

You do not need to go private if you cannot afford to. It will cost you such a lot of money.

It sounds like you had an improvement in your dryness with taking seabuckthorn. I wonder if you stopping this plus the moisturiser could have also had an affect on your skin.

Just to say, I do not know if you have baths but I am unable to have any baths and had to switch to showers. I thought washing in water alone was best but a menopause DR told me I am drying out my skin and best to use E45 cream which I now use to wash my whole body. I know you may already know this but just thought I would say it in case you do not.


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Re: Fed up with constant vulval soreness ****ling itching thrush and UTIs
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2022, 11:38:48 AM »

I think you have not given it enough time for the Vagifem and Ovestin to take effect, too much experimenting with too many products. It’s vitally important to keep to a regime when treating VA and not to keep changing treatments when you think they are not working.  It can take months for the treatment to work, and you really have to be patient, any diverting using other products will bring on a flare up, believe me I know!

But I agree with Flossieteacake, you could also be suffering with eczema, always worth getting that checked out. 


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Re: Fed up with constant vulval soreness ****ling itching thrush and UTIs
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2022, 08:49:31 PM »

Hi,  for four I  years I struggled with very similar symptoms .
I kept on treating myself for thrush and took D -Mannose daily to keep urine e coli free.
After one bad attack of unbearable soreness which didn't get better after another thrush treatment  I went to my GP who diagnosed Lichen sclerosus and referred me to a dermatologist.
I now have to use steroid creams when it flares but  it never completely goes.
The problem is Thrush and LS  share symptoms so I suppose some GP s aren't sure.
If you can see if your GP can refer you  to Dermatology - it's worth asking.
These conditions cause misery and I hope you can find help x


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Re: Fed up with constant vulval soreness ****ling itching thrush and UTIs
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2022, 08:57:30 PM »

Those ****ly sensations are your nerves starting to be replenished with estrogen.  My NP, after going through exactly your situation and after trying EVERYTHING, told me it is your vulva starting to be reestronized (maybe new word😉) and there are many nerve endings in that area.  Once you plump up, those sensations should start to leave.  Doesn't happen all at once.  You'll have a good day, then 3 bad. then eventually a full week and EVENTUALLY Yahoo!  As other ladies mentioned, it takes a long time to work.  As was told to me, "you didn't get this way overnight so it won't happen overnight".  Patience.  Do take BOTH vagifem and ovestin as much as needed.  Vagifem does work (eventually) for bladder, urethra etc. but doesn't hit the vulva area which will be treated by Ovestin.  It is a horrible side of menopause but at least we have a multitude of different products to ease many of the symtoms. 

Good luck and BE PATIENT.  You will get there


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Re: Fed up with constant vulval soreness ****ling itching thrush and UTIs
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2022, 08:30:30 AM »


I have had a similar experience to you and it’s hard to determine what is thrush and what is lack of oestrogen!!!

When I get the ****ly sensation I find treating it with an internal thrush pessary works better than the capsules you swallow.

I found putting estriol cream on the outside gave me thrush and made me sore (even though at the time I continued to put it on believing it to be lack of oestrogen) the dakacort cream sorted it that time.

It’s a case of trial and error and managing the situation to suit your own body. It then needs constant maintenance with local oestrogen but you have to see how much and which type suits you best.

I seen a vulva dermatologist privately, (told me to put a cold teabag on it 🙄) a gynaecologist and a menopause specialist to get rid of this horrible condition. Didn’t find any of them any help, just worked it out for myself by trial and error!!

Good luck hope some of this helps!


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Re: Fed up with constant vulval soreness ****ling itching thrush and UTIs
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2022, 09:03:12 AM »

A cold teabag!  😂😂
If you get recurring thrush the only way to be sure is have swabs taken. Once thrush is established or ruled out then you can treat properly.
I had thrush for 3 weeks a while ago thinking it was a VA flare up, finally took an oral thrush tablet and I was ok after a couple of days. Its difficult to get into the doctors so it was quicker to just get OTC tablet, not ideal but this is the NHS situation at the moment.


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Re: Fed up with constant vulval soreness ****ling itching thrush and UTIs
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2022, 10:38:39 AM »

Thanks all. Just to be clear I didn't stop the vagifem and only stopped the ovestin for a few days.

The appointment that I thought I had this morning does not exist. I made it with the doctor himself at a previous appointment but he obviously either didn't book it in properly or later cancelled it - he is on call and not seeing patients today. One of the other doctors will call me later and I will ask about the second swab that was done.

Dierdre that's the crux of it - how do you know when it's a VA flare up or when it's thrush or a UTI? All three of them can cause the constant peeing and the ****ly vulval feeling. It does seem on here and on the facebook VA group that many women don't go to the doctor because they think it's their VA.