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Author Topic: Power Surges Anyone?  (Read 712 times)


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Power Surges Anyone?
« on: October 02, 2022, 10:53:36 AM »

Hello ladies

As I have often mentioned on this forum ( so sorry ladies for repeating myself) I am experimenting with reducing my Oestrogen dose.

For the last week I have been using half a 1mg sachet of Sandrena gel which I think equates to 50mcg of gel or patch which I believe is also the standard  prescribed dose.

This morning I had a sort of panic attack/ power surge and I realise that I have experienced these before even when on much higher doses of HRT.

I want to carry on with my experiment and I'm waiting for an appointment with the NHS consultant who first advised me to lower by my dose.

Can I ask ladies if any of you have had 'power surges' while trying to get your HRT right?
If so how do you cope with them as they feel a bit fierce at the moment lol.

Wishing everyone well and take care.




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Re: Power Surges Anyone?
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2022, 01:41:42 PM »

Hi Kathleen

Yes I did have the same power surges /anxiety attacks.

I was on 3 pumps of oestrogel and reduced down to one.
I’m now on compounded estrogen equivalent to 25mcg of gel or patch.

I noticed over the months these got less and less and now I only have occasional anxiety which is very mild.

I don’t take AD’s.

I was getting irritable still though. This I now control with lithium orotate, 5mg with breakfast and 5mg with lunch.

So all in all my mood is the best it’s ever been.

My remaining symptoms are aches which come and go and testosterone doesn’t seem to help and also tinnitus.

I’ve been researching aches as regards to thyroid so am going to speak to my specialist about trialing some T3.

I hope this helps.

M x


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Re: Power Surges Anyone?
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2022, 01:48:22 PM »

Hi Kathleen

I think it’s quite a common symptom of menopause - the joys!
I sometimes have a fizzy brain and a surge like feeling. It usually happens when I either increase or decrease my oestrogen.
I try and distract myself with something and it usually passes

Nik xx


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Re: Power Surges Anyone?
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2022, 03:17:08 PM »

Hello ladies.

Marchlove - I truly hate these surges and typically after having a hum dinger this morning I feel fine this afternoon. I am hoping that once my body gets used to the half a patch that they will fade away  I would consider lowering even further to the equivalent of 25 mcg but measuring that with a gel would be tricky lol. It is interesting that you are doing better on a lower dose and I hope that continues for you.
In addition I am taking 75 mcg of Levothyroxine but fortunately I have escaped muscle aches so far.

Nik2502 - It does seem a coincidence that they struck again soon after I changed my dose. I assumed it was because I'd decreased but perhaps any changes cause them.

Many thanks to you both for taking the time to respond. You have helped a lot and I am truly grateful.

Take care.
