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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Ache/strange feeling after those bloomin heart flutters  (Read 693 times)


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Ache/strange feeling after those bloomin heart flutters
« on: September 30, 2022, 06:14:57 PM »

Hi, I’ve read that lots of ladies on here experience the terrifying heart flutters/skipped beats/racing heart that haunt me frequently. I’ve had a good few months of these happening almost daily with only a few days respite when I’ve had none. They come at times when: I’ve just eaten, had a drink, lie down to try to sleep, and other random times sometimes after exercise. At other times it can be random. I had various heart tests years ago which just diagnosed ectopics, (they started at 40 and I’m now 49). They cause me a lot of anxiety but the annoying thing is that, after some frequent flutters or big beats, I often get an ache in my back between shoulder blades, often a lump in my throat, and (sounds strange) but often can feel my oesophagus for hours and hours after. Does anyone get the horrible after effect? I guess it could be tension/me looking for feelings (health anxiety is my middle name). I also get more burps! Any ideas????


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Re: Ache/strange feeling after those bloomin heart flutters
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2022, 05:34:23 AM »

Hi, I really sympathise.I too have terrible health anxiety that circles around different symptoms (currently muscle twitches) and creates a vicious cycle. I have had awful bouts with heart palpitations over the years, sometimes resulting in trips to A&E and many checks where I’m told all is fine (ha! It doesn’t feel fine does it?). I currently take a low dose beta blocker for anxiety and this helps keep the palps at bay, but I have often noticed a link with stomach issues-indigestion and bloating can trigger the palps or make them worse, and vice versa.
I am wondering if you have indigestion which could be making them worse and also causing the ache between your shoulder blades ( I have had this before). It could also be tension from the stress of it all which can make the stomach issues worse. I also burp a lot when I have palps and gaviscon helps.
Hope you get some relief soon x


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Re: Ache/strange feeling after those bloomin heart flutters
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2022, 08:23:30 AM »

Feebs- thanks for replying - funnily enough I’ve just been given some omeprazole by the doctor and started taking it 2 days ago. Yesterday we went out for dinner and for the first time in years I had no bloating pains etc in my stomach. I’m so hopeful this might help. I never had any of this before I turned 40 which is all very odd. Sorry you’ve felt much the same - it is the pits. Xx


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Re: Ache/strange feeling after those bloomin heart flutters
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2022, 12:59:11 PM »

I hope it helps! X