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Author Topic: Are some HRT's in short supply??  (Read 799 times)


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Are some HRT's in short supply??
« on: September 02, 2022, 10:01:34 AM »

Does anyone have any idea which HRT's might be more difficult to obtain? 

Long story shorter. Though I'm nearly 68 & been off HRT for about 3 years, low dose which I cut up into 1/3rds for years & had little problem coming off it, insomnia hit me out of the blue Oct/Nov 2021, & it registered that hot flushes had kicked in as well. More ferocious evening/night.

I'm tired of NEVER getting more than 3 hours a night of sleep, the rest of the time lying literally wide awake, like I've had 7-8 hours! I don't nap daytime/evenings, I've tried breathing techniques, CBT, Melatonin (gave me a stonking migraine), Nytol & Phenergan, no effect.

A locum GP did a telephone consult & gave me sleeping pills after I refused anti depressants (I'm not depressed & my mind isn't overactive at night time).  Bit shocked that they were prescribed so willingly but I don't want to get hooked on those, they gave me about an extra 2hrs sleep when I did randomly succumb but they're not stopping the flushes so I don't think this is just about 'insomnia'.

My subsequent research indicates that low levels of oestrogen & progesterone can sometimes be responsible for insomnia, & an article in the newspaper the other day reinforced what I'd found on the internet.  Seems to fit what is happening to me, damned hormones, I don't seem destined to get out the other side of the menopause....ever!  >:(

I'm trying Black Cohosh for a while (jeez, there's nothing I didn't try YEARS ago in my 50s when meno kicked in, only succumbed to HRT once I'd literally tried EVERYTHING else), I can't believe that at 68 I'm back to square ONE. So I'm thinking of forcing a face to face with my own GP & trying to persuade him into prescribing one of the low dose ones again, even at my age.  I can't continue with so little sleep, it's been 10 months now & flushes are doing my head in.

Some celebrities advocating HRT almost like a sort of fashion accessory may have made the lowest dose ones even more difficult to obtain now? Does anyone know? I don't want anything other than low or ultra low, I'd probably cut them up to obtain optimum lowest dose to fix sleep & flushes.


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Re: Are some HRT's in short supply??
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2022, 11:18:38 AM »

Hi Sevenofnine,
So sad that for some of us hot flushes go on and on. I found it difficult to get Estrodot 75 patches but it seems that 25 and 50 are in stock what is a good news for you as you need lower dose. However that might depend on the area to check with your pharmacy.

Mary G

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Re: Are some HRT's in short supply??
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2022, 12:15:40 PM »

For many women there is no end to the menopause as such because their symptoms are for life, like my mother's insomnia an bladder issuez for example.   

I remember my partner's grandmother telling me that she had no menopause symptoms whatsoever and then went on to list a whole swathe of conditions which (years later) I realise were caused by oestrogen deficiency.  The point is, she didn't associate her various and numerous health issues with the menopause.

I would definitely start HRT immediately and only filter in other medication if needed later.   Have you tried Oestrogel?   I think that is easy to got hold of in the UK. 



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Re: Are some HRT's in short supply??
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2022, 10:38:58 PM »

I am 69 and have been on HRT since I was 42. Last year when the shortages cut in I tried very slowly tapering off and quite honestly became so ill I started to up my dose up again only to find my normal HRT became unavailable. Hence over the last year I’ve had to swap through four different types of HRT which has been a nightmare. I’m very relieved to say that I’m now back on my original HRT which is Oestrogel. I am still not right but beginning to feel more human again at long last. The last year has taught me that I personally just cannot do without HRT I just don’t function at all let alone sleep . Everyone is different some people will sail through menopause and other people could come off HRT with no problem but I certainly am not one of those. Good luck I hope things work out for you xx


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Re: Are some HRT's in short supply??
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2022, 07:39:17 AM »

Thank you for replies, & advice is extremely useful. It can be a lonely thing, the menopause, & I remember what a Godsend this site was years ago when I stumbled on it, didn't expect to need it again in what feels like a hundred years later!

I did really well on low dose HRT, though I'd initially resisted taking it for 3 years, shop bought stuff, acupuncture, finally a herbalist (that worked well for 8 months, then flushes kicked back in), I dread to think how much money I wasted.

I went through a urine leaking phase, 6 weeks of becoming a Tena Lady expert, then that changed to bleeding, getting heavier. Benign polyp identified & eventually removed but I decided maybe it was best to come off HRT then.

I was OK for a couple of years, maybe occasional mild flush but nothing to write home about & it hasn't 'stuck' in my memory. Then along comes insomnia bringing flushes with it. They follow an odd monthly pattern, tapering through mild'ish graduating through medium then up to fierce, then slowly back down to mild'ish, never stopping completely - just up down, up down. Lack of sleep remains constant.

I really appreciate the reassurance, there are others who simply don't "get through & out the other side" of the menopause. For sure I'm going to see the GP & insist he put me back on it, I'm sure the insomnia is linked & I'd rather be on HRT than sleeping pills or anti depressants.

I'll take a look at the very helpful list of HRT options on this site, & check with pharmacist (why on earth didn't I think of that). Thank you everyone.   :)


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Re: Are some HRT's in short supply??
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2022, 08:12:30 AM »

Hi Sevenofnine

I am similar age and have been on HRT since almost age 54.

As you've only been off it for 3 years and if you have no other risk factors that might be contraindication to HRT then hopefully GP will agree - and of course you don't need anti-depressants or sleeping pills if you are not depressed and if your sleep issues are due to hormonal imbalance! Let's hope GP sees it this way.

One thing you didn't mention - whether you have a womb still? if not then there should be no problem restarting oestrogen patches and you can cut them up to the smallest amount you need.

If you do have a womb then maybe you were using Evorel or Femseven conti - which can be cut up off licence since you are reducing the amount of progestogen alongside the oestrogen - but may lead to some spotting or bleeding initially?

Mention to the GP that you were OK on very small dose and hopefully this will persuade him - if not maybe see another GP in the practice?

Good luck and do let us know how you get on!

Hurdity x


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Re: Are some HRT's in short supply??
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2022, 04:48:44 PM »

GP did full bloodwork, some issues identified (serves me right for stuffing my face during, & since, covid lockdowns!)

So I've had to promise to lose weight to try to fix those. Though he can't figure out why flushes restarted, joined by insomnia simultaneously, he was open to persuasion regarding my research that oestrogen/progesterone deficiency may be responsible for the insomnia.

So I've got 3 months of Femoston Conti low dose & started it 3 days ago. Black cohosh had toned my flushes down a bit, but the HRT has already stopped them altogether. I slepg for a little longer last night & have got EVERYTHING crossed that sleep might slowly improve.

I have to go back in 6 months to be reassessed.