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Author Topic: Advice Needed Please  (Read 1583 times)


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Advice Needed Please
« on: September 28, 2022, 07:03:26 AM »

I started HRT 25th August. 100g utrogestan vaginally and started on 25 mcg estraderm patches.

I initially went on hrt as I started having horrific insomnia and terrible anxiety. (Sleep was initially affected by me developing tinnitus, prior to that I always slept well) I had anxiety prior to that.

I do get a couple of good nights sleep a week, but my sleep pattern is far from where is was before february, however my anxiety seems to be going in the right direction.

When I got my blood estrogen checked at the end of June it was <19 which I understand is very low. I would be interested to know what it is now.

On 13th September I increased my patch by a half as my sleep wasn't getting any better. Since then to be fair my sleep does seem to have improved.

What I wanted to know was should I increase my patch now to 2 full patches so 50mcg or should I just be patient and wait until November when I will have been on hrt 3 months.

also, how do I know the difference between needing to increase my patches and if I'm not absorbing the patches? I know we should go off symptoms but I feel my sleep, although it has improved a bit can still be a bit like a rollercoaster.

all seems a bit of a minefield.

Any help or advice would be very grateful, thanks so much xxx


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Re: Advice Needed Please
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2022, 07:55:43 AM »

I would wait a bit longer until you increase your patch to the full 50 because you have only just increased it. You may be like me in the sense you need to increase very gradually to avoid side effects.

I would say you will know if you need an increase when the menopause symptoms come back. Bare in mind, you may not even need an increase. We are all different and some people are happy on lower doses.

It is wonderful to hear your anxiety is decreasing as that is an awful thing to have to endure.

I would not worry about not absorbing the patches because you have already felt improvements. I would say that is a very good sign. :)


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Re: Advice Needed Please
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2022, 07:58:48 AM »

Thanks so much once again flossieteacake.

I suppose for me the main issue is sleep!!! and whilst it has improved I still have nights in the week, where it is taking 3 hours for me to drop off, which I have read is associated with anxiety as opposed to waking in the middle of the night.

Very wise advice though, thank you xx


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Re: Advice Needed Please
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2022, 08:04:59 AM »

I understand how horrid it is not to sleep. If you are anxious then it will stop you sleeping too. I know you have tried audiobooks and similar. Perhaps your body just needs to adapt to the changes and then your sleep will improve again.


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Re: Advice Needed Please
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2022, 08:07:02 AM »

Hi 25mg is a very low starting dose. Most ladies start on 50, so I would say increase it. Sleep, for me , was the last thing to improve and it did take a while.

You know if you’re not absorbing if you’re on a high dose and symptoms aren’t improving. A 25 or even 50 patch will only give you a small amount of oestrogen every day. Think of it as filling a glass with water….if you put in 25ml of water every day, but you need to reach 75ml then you will never get there , as fast as you’re filling it up it’s being used .

Also try not to overthink things. Try keeping a diary of symptoms. One day you’ll look back and realise that things have got better. x


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Re: Advice Needed Please
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2022, 08:11:11 AM »

Thank you both so much flossieteacake and dotty.

Don't know what I'd do without this forum xxx


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Re: Advice Needed Please
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2022, 09:18:42 AM »

Hi 25mg is a very low starting dose. Most ladies start on 50, so I would say increase it. Sleep, for me , was the last thing to improve and it did take a while.

You know if you’re not absorbing if you’re on a high dose and symptoms aren’t improving. A 25 or even 50 patch will only give you a small amount of oestrogen every day. Think of it as filling a glass with water….if you put in 25ml of water every day, but you need to reach 75ml then you will never get there , as fast as you’re filling it up it’s being used .

Also try not to overthink things. Try keeping a diary of symptoms. One day you’ll look back and realise that things have got better. x

Hi Dotty,

Just wondered, with your sleep was it hot flushes that were waking you in the middle of the night.

With me it's actually falling asleep that's the issue.

I'd been sleeping fine over the last few nights then last night I felt I was back to square one.

I mean, I have no sleeping pattern anymore.

 I can sleep fine for a few nights then bad for a few nights etc. If I knew that every night I was only going to get say 5 hrs, I could adjust to that but it's the having no sleeping pattern anymore.


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Re: Advice Needed Please
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2022, 09:21:58 AM »

No it wasn’t hot flushes that were waking me.

At my worst I was exhausted but couldn’t go to sleep or I would wake up every half hour or wake up and not be able to go back to sleep.


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Re: Advice Needed Please
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2022, 09:35:27 AM »

i see thats very helpful.

and i know you said your sleep was the last issue to get resolved' did your sleep finally improve with time and your hrt regime?  i know we are all different xxx


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Re: Advice Needed Please
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2022, 09:43:00 AM »

Yes, it finally got better once I was on the right type and dose of hrt.


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Re: Advice Needed Please
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2022, 11:34:05 AM »

Thanks so much dotty.

Just curious dotty, what was the right type and dose of hrt for you xxx


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Re: Advice Needed Please
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2022, 12:23:09 PM »

Oestrogel 4 pumps and Utrogestan every day and Testosterone. x