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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Can these be because of menopause  (Read 1136 times)


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Can these be because of menopause
« on: September 23, 2022, 08:42:56 PM »

This is my first comment on this forum, even though I have read many of the posts. In March 2021, I seem to loose my appetite and had, what I believe now, was a blood sugar spike/crash and called 999 as I felt like I was going to die, that literally scared the life out of me, since then, I have had about 4/5 more. Fast forward to September 2022 and I am still struggling with appetite as well as nausea, especially in the morning. I have had numerous blood tests, a mammogram, colonoscopy, full CT scan, ultrasound, 24 hour blood pressure monitor and all kinds of blood tests, all have returned normal. I get the cortisol rushes in the morning and hate mornings, I used to have so much energy in the morning, it was my favourite time of the day, now I can just about get out of bed. I do not have trouble sleeping and don’t really have hot flushes, only every now and again. I am 52 so at prime menopause age but I don’t know if what I am feeling is because of menopause. My Dr has pulled more blood, and I’ve done a 24 urine test and a stool sample which I am currently awaiting the results of. I haven’t had a period since January 2021 and that was virtually nothing. I feel like there is something terribly wrong with me but the Dr cannot seem to find anything. I may have a hiatus hernia but would that make me feel this bad?  Thanks in advance for any replies.


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Re: Can these be because of menopause
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2022, 09:17:35 PM »

Hi! The Change - does what it says on the tin  >:(  ::)

Peri menopause - the 10+ years prior to our final period, although we can't be sure for at least 12-14 months as Nature can play tricks! We tend to think that after 12 months without a bleed that we have reached menopause proper.

How is your diet over all?  Nausea in the mornings can be due to the body having been starved overnight.  Anxiety can also cause nausea.  MayB go over your entire diet for the next 3 days/nights - write it all down to see if there is a pattern.  Are you drinking enough, how is your execise regime?

I was advised to eat every 3 hours to stop that awful energy drop = nausea and anxiety.  That is every 3 hours, 24/7.  Even in the night.  Slow release foods help.

Has your GP included thyroid function and VitaminD levels in the blood tests?  If so I would suspect that it is a drop in oestrogen.  As levels drop the body may become dry: inside and out as well as muscles may become lax = aches and pains. 

Which symptom would you like to ease first?


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Re: Can these be because of menopause
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2022, 09:22:48 PM »

Big welcome to the forum Joadsame  :)

From what you have described it certainly sounds like menopause.
It’s reassuring that so far your various tests have not shown up anything ominous, so I think you are quite correct in thinking this must be hormonal.

It’s encouraging to hear that your Gp has organised a 24 hour urine test and stool sample. That might reveal something, but nether the less I would encourage you to consider hrt going forward.

Are you experiencing any other ongoing symptoms other than the appetite and nausea?
If you are, this might be more indicative of menopause so would be helpful to hear if you are.

Big welcome once again, it takes courage to do your first post 8)


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Re: Can these be because of menopause
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2022, 07:04:36 AM »


I do struggle with anxiety, more so since March 2022, really bad in the mornings as well as health anxiety. Before all of this started, I used to eat like a horse because I had to, if I went too long without eating, I used to get shaky and weak and feel like is was going to pass out. I don’t get that felling any longer but I can definitely tell when I need to eat even though my body is not telling me I’m hungry. I get a good bit of exercise as I have a young dog with lots of energy.

My diet has always been pretty good, lots of fruits and vegetables and we cook all our food at home, most of the time from scratch, minimal junk food. I drink a lots of water, not as much as I used to though.

My thyroid has been tested and is fine although I was once told it was borderline and was given the option of meds, which at the time I declined.

I would love for the nausea to stop so I could enjoy my food.


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Re: Can these be because of menopause
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2022, 07:18:31 AM »

Hello Marchlove,

My mother had ovarian cancer, she had a hysterectomy and lived for 5 years after diagnosis, both my sister and my cousin, on my mums side, have both had ovarian cysts, due to this fact, I have always been told that I cannot go on HRT, although I haven’t discussed this with my Dr, any thoughts?

I am struggling with my tummy, bloating and gurgling a lot. I was having indigestion a couple of weeks back, this is when the Dr mentioned a hiatus hernia and acid build up, she gave me some pills which has taken the acid away.

I have been told by my dad that my mother went through 3 years of menopause and she thought there was something wrong medically with her as did my sister. My dad says my mum went DOO LALLY for a few years, I lived away and missed all of this.

The only other thing that I had back in March of 2021 is the covid jab. I’m not a conspiracy theorist and it could be a coincidence but I felt fine up to that point.


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Re: Can these be because of menopause
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2022, 08:18:44 AM »

Hello Joadsame. Welcome to the forum. I also have a hiatal hernia and this causes gurgling and acid. I take lanzaprazole every day and cannot manage without it or the acid becomes so much worse. I also notice I have to eat regularly or I start feeling sick. If you are struggling to eat then you may find shakes and smoothies helpful.

Many members who have cancer in the family are able to take HRT so you can discuss this with your GP.


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Re: Can these be because of menopause
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2022, 08:33:19 AM »

Hi Joadsame

I’m sorry to hear about your Mum. I also lost my mum when I was very young to ovarian cancer, she was only 36 at the time.
I made the decision to take hrt as my symptoms were so bad I decided that I wanted a better quality of life and I have not regretted that decision.
This of course is a very personal and individual thing, so I sympathise with your reluctance.

There are some  women on this forum who have had cancer and are taking hrt, so it might be helpful if you search some older threads or start a new one called say-Risk of Ovarian cancer with Hrt.

Unfortunately GI issues are extremely common during menopause. Have you been referred to a specialist to investigate the possibility of you having a hiatus hernia?

Also, if you were told previously that your thyroid status was borderline it might be worth you getting tested again. A dysfunctional thyroid can cause many symptoms, fatigue being one of them.
 The nhs test for thyroid function is not really fit for purpose as they only test your TSH, so it would be a good idea if you’re able to get a Full Thyroid Panel done privately.
There is a company called Medichecks who do this test and many women on this forum have used them.

The vaccine it appears has caused some difficulty for a number of women, which has not really been truly appreciated and acknowledged.
I do hope though that as you move forward in your journey to better health, that any effect it had on you will diminish.



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Re: Can these be because of menopause
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2022, 11:58:23 AM »

Hi Flossieteacake,

Thank you for your reply. I have been put on the same medication as yourself and it made a difference pretty much straight away. When all of tests are back and if nothing shows up, my Dr is going to do an endoscopy to see about the hernia. I believe it might be a hernia as I have never suffered with acid before and the pains were in my chest as well as in the middle. I do drink at least 1 fresh smoothie a day and have done for several years, I also try to eat little and often after I read up about the hernia.

I will speak with my Dr about the HRT as he is testing my hormones with this set of bloods.


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Re: Can these be because of menopause
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2022, 12:05:42 PM »

Thanks again Marchlove,

I’m so sorry you lost you mum when she was so young. My mum was 72 when she died, unfortunately she left it along time before she went to the Dr and I believe she was lucky to have lived as long as she did after diagnosis, I go to the Dr at the drop of a hat as I want to catch what ever is going on early.

I haven’t talked to my Dr about HRT yet but hopefully if the tests show hormone imbalance we can get it sorted. A endoscopy will be done if the tests all come back okay to see if it is a hernia, since the medcation worked pretty quick for the acid, I believe it maybe what I have as well.

I will speak with my Dr about the full thyroid panel and see what he says.


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Re: Can these be because of menopause
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2022, 12:07:44 PM »

Have a lookC at the Overcome web-site. Which is how I arrived here  ::) - you could find out if there's a specific blood test to check if you are at risk of ovarian cancer.  There are genetic studies as well as options to avoid risks.

Do U want an endoscopy?  Symptoms should be enough at our age, if appropriate meds don't help - I take omepraolol in the morning - then opt for further investigations after 4-6 months.

I agree with the comment about thyroid function test, GPs seem reluctant to proceed with further tests if the first returns 'within normal limits', even when patients continue to complain of feeling ill.
