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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Advice if possible please  (Read 1839 times)


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Re: Advice if possible please
« Reply #15 on: September 02, 2022, 01:06:31 PM »

What dose have you been prescribed?  My GP gave me Propranolol to ease early morning anxiety surges, so I took 40mg at night.  Worked for me, I weaned off at the start of lockdown as I didn't know if the hung-over headaches were the effects of the drug (20mg by then) or Covid.  It was the Betablocka  ::)

Let us know how you get on?


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Re: Advice if possible please
« Reply #16 on: September 02, 2022, 01:20:10 PM »

He's prescribed 10mg propranolol but said I could take 2 if one wasn't enough. I'll see what happens over the weekend and will go back to gp armed with the info next week if no better. Thanks


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Re: Advice if possible please
« Reply #17 on: September 02, 2022, 05:48:13 PM »

Iazla I think there's a couple of new female Gps at my practice. I will ask to see one of those. I hate to diss anyone but one of the other gps told me to pop a hrt patch on one of my boobs. I swear. Luckily I knew not to.

This takes the biscuit - a GP telling a woman to put patch on her boob should literally be struck off.

And yes, HRT gives cardiovascular protection as it decreases cholesterol, not to mention cognitive, bone and mood benefits. Estrogen absolutely helps with anxiety and depression as it works on serotonin receptors such as 5HT-2a.
So while  beta blocker can be helpful as a quick fix, it does not act on the root cause as does estrogen supplementation.
As others have said, complain and take things into your own hands - you've been badly let down.
I had to and still have to have endless struggles/complaints with my GP and even the hospital admin where I now go to a meno clinic but I will do what I have to to get best possible HRT regime.


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Re: Advice if possible please
« Reply #18 on: September 02, 2022, 07:19:57 PM »

Thanks Iazla. I'll just see what happens with the propranolol this weekend but I'm already disheartened as listed as one of the side effects is hair thinning, the very reason I stopped the amitriptyline which suited me well. Come Monday if I've not slept I will take the bull by the horns I promise. Thanks everyone for your help

flossie fiddler

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Re: Advice if possible please
« Reply #19 on: September 17, 2022, 08:59:01 AM »

Thanks Iazla. I'll just see what happens with the propranolol this weekend but I'm already disheartened as listed as one of the side effects is hair thinning, the very reason I stopped the amitriptyline which suited me well. Come Monday if I've not slept I will take the bull by the horns I promise. Thanks everyone for your help

Good morning, was wondering how you’re getting on, and whether you stayed with the beta blockers or went down the HRT route? Hope you’re well


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Re: Advice if possible please
« Reply #20 on: September 18, 2022, 02:34:29 PM »


If your gp won't help, even think about changing doctors to someone that will help.

As other ladies have said low estrogen can cause insomnia and anxiety.

I really do feel for you as badly informed gp's cause menopausal women so much unnecessary grief.

I am on amitrypline just reduced to 10mg for nerve pain to treat tinnitus in one ear, however I am reducing it with a view to coming off it entirely, it's a horrible drug.

All the very best xxxx


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Re: Advice if possible please
« Reply #21 on: September 18, 2022, 02:42:07 PM »

I never had hair thinning with Propranolol, in fact I never read the leaflets in the boxes - they have to cover every possibility in case of litigation.   >:(. I began taking it in 2002 and stopped in March 2020.  Still hair ;-)

Women needing support get so little of it which increases symptoms and worry etc..  GPs/Nurses/Pharmacists should have to go on menopause courses annually!

Amitryptiline was prescribed for trigenimal neuralgia in the 1990s, never made an ounce of difference  >:(.  It's an anti-epilepsy drug.



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Re: Advice if possible please
« Reply #22 on: September 18, 2022, 05:02:20 PM »

Hiya - I had a hysterectomy aged 30 due to severe endometriosis then at age 42 the endo affected my ovaries so they had to be removed too and I was put on HRT straight away and have remained on it ever since.  The last few months had been horrendous due to having to be switched to several medications of HRT due to the shortages.  I have never felt so ill so I have  nothing but admiration for you and how you have managed to cope without HRT.  6 weeks ago the gel became available which I had been on since I was 42 and am now back on it and on the road to feeling well again for the first time in months. If your GP won't prescribe HRT for you and you feel you need it could you ask to be referred to a Menopause Consultant.  It truly was the best thing I ever did for me- for the first time I got informed proper advice on so many aspects of menopause etc.  Hope so much you start to feel better soon x
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