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Author Topic: Reassurance and advice needed please 🥰  (Read 894 times)


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Reassurance and advice needed please 🥰
« on: September 07, 2022, 08:21:17 AM »

Hi all, hope you're all good today 🥰

Sorry to sound so dramatic, but i'm terrified tbh.  To cut a long story short, I'm suffering atm with pounding heart, hot pulsating face and anxiety in the morning.   I have nothing to be anxious about! I think I'm anxious because i can't get rid of this particular symptom.  And if I don't have that, I feel a bit low and unmotivated.  I have had this more on than off for months and months 😒.

I was on hrt since March, gel and utrogestan (having previously tried patches last year) and nothing seems to be working, even after increasing.  I was previously on 100mg Sertraline which didn't help at all. 

I could not take it anymore, so came off all hrt and the Sertraline, and my Dr has put me on Fluoxetine 20mg.... back to the drawing board 🙄 she seems to think I wasn't having enough oestrogen gel, but I'm sure it made it worse in the end.

I hate this and trying to alter x y and z and adding this, that and another to feel better.  I have been on the Fluoxetine for 2 weeks now..... do you think this might help? I really don't have a life as much at the moment.... I'm so tired of this .  Also been trying my partner's gabapentin in the morning (I know i shouldn't) which helps, but then I feel horrible and spaced out.  I'm so at a loss.  I can cope with other things, but not this morning pounding heart xxxx by the way, I'm still in peri and 48 xx
« Last Edit: September 07, 2022, 08:26:59 AM by Unicorn »


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Re: Reassurance and advice needed please 🥰
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2022, 08:36:16 AM »

Hello Unicorn. I am sorry to hear you are feeling this way. I can understand why you have decided to stop the HRT.

Fluoxetine can take 6 weeks to work so it may still be early for you to know if it is helping. The only thing is, it is mainly used for depression so it may not help your anxiety but hopefully it will help your low mood.

Having anxiety in the morning, pounding heart etc seems to be a common menopause symptom. It is very distressing and I am sorry you are struggling with it.


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Re: Reassurance and advice needed please 🥰
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2022, 08:50:40 AM »

Thanks Flossie, it's vile ❤ much love to you  and hope you're ok xxx


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Re: Reassurance and advice needed please 🥰
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2022, 06:56:33 PM »

Unicorn when did you stop the Sertraline and did you stop cold turkey or slowly taper to Fluoxitine? I would have horrendous withdrawal if I stopped CT, even when replacing it with another SSRI which is supposedly the same. I know from many past experiences. Many GPs massively underestimate the side effects from changes to ADs

A side effect of stopping / starting/ adjusting antidepressants can also be palpitations. Every time I've made even a relatively small adjustment to mine I get palpitations that eventually settle down.

It may not be that but it does sound like you've had a lot of different things going on that might take time to settle (I know that's annoying to hear when all you want is to feel better!) Xx


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Re: Reassurance and advice needed please 🥰
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2022, 08:20:48 PM »

So sorry you are having such a rotten time. I’ve had a pounding heart and really awful anxiety particularly at night and in the early morning so I really feel for you. I’ve been on several different types of HRT over the last few months due to the shortages but I’m now back on my original gel. It’s certainly not an overnight fix I get good days and also really bad days but I have to say that the pounding heart and anxiety is on the whole improving as I go up on the dosage of the gel. I have been told to work my way up to 3 pumps and I am at the moment on just under 2 1/2. I still get bad days but things are definitely improving albeit very slowly. I hope this helps and I hope so much that you find a way through as well and can start to feel better soon xx


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Re: Reassurance and advice needed please 🥰
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2022, 09:28:41 PM »

Sending hugs Unicorn x


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Re: Reassurance and advice needed please 🥰
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2022, 07:22:45 AM »

Thank you all so much ❤

Gilla, the AD situation was my idea, not the GP's..... I went straight from 100mg Sertraline to 20mg of Fluoxetine 🤦‍♀️ without withdrawal of Sertraline first.... it was a straight swap.  I didn't want to waste any time in withdrawing from one medication and then waiting to add another.  I know it was stupid, but I've never had much problem in doing this before (I don't think!).  I also withdrew at the same time from my hrt so that would probably cock me up for a while..... it's been 2 weeks that I changed all this xxxx I'm preparing myself again for a rough ride and hoping and praying I will feel at least slightly more human for more than a week at a time xx
« Last Edit: September 08, 2022, 08:16:53 AM by Unicorn »


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Re: Reassurance and advice needed please 🥰
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2022, 10:53:08 AM »

Oooh, just to ask Pippa, what gel are you on? I was on Sandrena xxx


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Re: Reassurance and advice needed please 🥰
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2022, 04:15:46 PM »

Unicorn - Hi - I am on Oestrogel x


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Re: Reassurance and advice needed please 🥰
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2022, 04:29:22 PM »

Thank you Pippa 😊  I hope you feel even better xxxx