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Author Topic: Periods have restarted. Normal?  (Read 792 times)


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Periods have restarted. Normal?
« on: August 27, 2022, 01:03:49 PM »

So, after not having periods for a couple of years they started again 3 months ago.
Brief history here…peri for about 8 years, no ‘proper’ period for the last 3 years. Heavy bleeding for 3 months last Summer after a failed attempt at HRT. Have continued to have hormonal migraines regularly and a little PMT. Take Vagifem twice weekly for VA.
So for the last 3 months I have had a period, varying in length and heaviness, always accompanied by a migraine of the same length as the bleed. Had a hysteroscopy 3 weeks ago and all clear, showed nothing, no thickening of uterine lining at that point. Couple of fibroids, one particular chonky boi (10cm in diameter) but it’s intramural so gynae doesn’t believe that should cause bleeding. Barrage of blood tests all clear (CA125 of 17)
Anyone any idea what is going on? Consultant just said ‘It’s one of those things’, GP doesn’t want to know (or doesn’t know).
I’m not overly concerned as all tests seem to be clear but it seems really odd.
Anyone else had this happen?


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Re: Periods have restarted. Normal?
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2022, 02:51:15 PM »

Any unexpected bleeding should be investigated by your GP SarahJayne.
I am in a similar boat to you but older at 65, I had a a hysteroscopy 6 weeks ago & have started a bleed 7 days ago so back I am going to the hospital again.
It probably is one of those things as your consultant says but it can't really be ignored.
Cazi xx


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Re: Periods have restarted. Normal?
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2022, 03:14:09 PM »

Hi SarahJayne

If you have been investigated properly as it sounds like you have and nothing abnormal can be found then it sounds like you've not yet reached menopause. I haven't looked at your other posts in detail but in this post here you talk about "proper" periods. The point is that when you're perimenopausal any sort of bleeding can count as a period in terms of where you are in menopause and when you should start counting. You are only considered post-menopausal if you have been 12 months without any (natural) bleeding at all and not on HRT, or POP  or other stuff that stops periods eg Mirena.

Wow 10 cm is pretty massive for a fibroid! I'm surprised that is being allowed to stay but I'm no expert! My friend's aunt had one removed when it was the size of a grapefruit which is about 10 cm I would say.

Have you kept a record of all your bleeds of any sort for the last couple of years? WHen last summer did you stop the HRT, and when was the last bleed following that and have you had anything since then in the way of hormones?

If your gynae is a menopause expert then I would be guided and reassured by them. Does gynae think you are still ovulating and cycle has restarted?

Hurdity x



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Re: Periods have restarted. Normal?
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2022, 03:25:43 PM »

Hi Hurdity,
I have been thoroughly investigated thankfully, 2 hysteroscopy’s this year and both clear. My gynae’s have been pretty good but there’s no continuity and I’ve spoken to or seen 4 different ones this year. Just seems to be the way the NHS works nowadays.
HRT was from May until September last year, bleeding stopped within a week of ripping off the patch. Absolutely nothing since until May this year, when I had a period. Only hormone I take is Vagifem.
It would seem I’m not post menopausal. Over the last 2/3 years all I’ve had has been an odd spot or two of brown every now and again, maybe after exercise or intimacy. But nothing prolonged or regular. And the flooding last year was as a result of the HRT. Time to reset the clock I guess. Just not sure why periods would start up again ‘properly’ as this is now the 3rd one.
As for the fibroid, I’m on the waiting list for embolization but there’s a very long queue and the only machine on the area is broken. Doubt that will get done anytime soon.
Sarah x


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Re: Periods have restarted. Normal?
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2022, 03:29:25 PM »

Hi Cazikins,
I’m going to try to have a chat with a GP next week, I don’t hold out much hope of having anything investigated, it was a fight to get seen by the hospital this time round. The lead GP at the surgery pointed out that I’d had an MRI and hysteroscopy in January so didn’t need another one, so he isn’t going to agree to one so soon after the last one a couple of weeks ago. It would seem I’m not post menopausal so he’ll say that again (I am only 52).


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Re: Periods have restarted. Normal?
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2022, 03:43:41 PM »

It might be worth getting bloods done to see if your FSH is high. That would indicate whether or not you are menopausal.


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Re: Periods have restarted. Normal?
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2022, 03:51:32 PM »

Hi Joziel,
That was discussed but GP and Gynae both said the results are not very reliable as levels can vary a lot from week to week. I have no idea about these things so I’m not in a position to argue with them unfortunately.
Gynae is going with the black and white ‘12 months without a period and you’re post menopausal’ but he couldn’t tell me whether a minute amount of spotting constitutes a period. I’m now classed as a grey area😂 . On a positive note, after all the investigations, there’s nothing sinister going on.


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Re: Periods have restarted. Normal?
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2022, 04:01:48 PM »

You can definitely use FSH levels but you may need to do more than one test:

If 2-3 FSH levels are high and you have no low results, you can be sure you are menopausal.

If your doctor refuses to do them, you can do them yourself at home using Medichecks finger-****ing blood tests.